Lots of expensive beer in the bargain trolley at Boronia DM. Also Dundee IPA & Mountain Goat Steam Ales, & heaps of Cider.
Just putting it out there for people to check before closing time or tomorrow morning. Check your local as a lot of "discontinued lines" are being placed in there.
I just got home with 6 x Ballast Point sculpins, 4 Mountain Goat Steam Ales, Matso's Pearlers PA & Feral Hop Hog Sly fox, Cricketers IPA x 12 & Americano Imperial Stout x4 all $2 each.
Bit of a hacked together submission, apologies. Not sure if other stores besides Boronia are doing it so drop in or give your local a call.
Pretty excited to come home with 40 or so nice beers.
Ha! I just picked up a mixed dozen of these from that store. Some really nice beers there at amazing prices. All up spent $23 for 13 really good beers :D