This was posted 8 years 3 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Blizzard Games and Digital Goods Black Friday Sales - 75% off WoW


Prepare for the holidays with an entire week of savings on digital downloads of select Blizzard products, including deals from 33–87% off. From now through November 28, 2016, you can save big on the following digital purchases from Blizzard Entertainment.


Save 40% on Overwatch: Origins Edition!

World of Warcraft

Save 75% on World of Warcraft, which includes all expansions through Warlords of Draenor and lets you play up to level 100! World of Warcraft: Legion expansion sold separately.
Regular price: $19.99 USD
Black Friday price: $4.99 USD

Starcraft II

Save 33% on StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void, the standalone third chapter in the StarCraft II saga, and join the battle to reclaim Aiur.
Regular price: $29.99 USD
Black Friday price: $19.99 USD

Save 50% on StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, also available as a standalone experience.
Regular price: $19.99 USD
Black Friday price: $9.99 USD

Save 50% on StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and find out where the story of StarCraft II began.
Regular price: $19.99 USD
Black Friday price: $9.99 USD

Heroes of the Storm

Save big on select Heroes of the Storm bundles, available in-game:

Get the Legends of the Nexus Bundle and Save 53% on a combined purchase of Kerrigan, Tassadar, and Leoric heroes; the Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan, Mecha Tassadar, and Space Lord Leoric legendary skins; and the Space Lord’s Starbreaker and Ghost Speeder mounts.
Regular Price: $86.42 USD
Black Friday price: $39.99 USD

Get the Altered War Bundle and Save 87% on the combined purchase of Sonya, Arthas, Illidan, Tyrande, and Sylvanas heroes, along with the Wrath Sonya, Crown Prince Arthas, Shan’do Illidan, Blood Elf Tyrande, and Ranger General Sylvanas skins.
Regular Price: $82.90 USD
Black Friday price: $9.99 USD

Save 50% on Azmodunk and Infested Tychus legendary skins, along with Azmodan and Tychus heroes.

The 360-day Stimpack is back for a limited time! Get boosted with 360 days of +100% bonus XP and +150% bonus gold!

(Note: All prices shown in USD but are available in AUD when seen in shop)

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2016

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closed Comments

  • +8

    My wallet was not prepared

  • Legion doesn't seem to be on sale

  • +7

    I've been waiting for Legion to drop in price, it's ridiculous that an expansion costs that much on an old game that already charges a subscription fee. The other expansions at $30-$40 were priced OK. $70 is far too much to bring me back to the game!

    Other deals are good though

    • I've been playing Legion since it launched and would definitely say it's worth it, although I've been a fan of WoW since 2005 so it could be more and I'd still buy it

      I think the reason why it's priced so high is due to the 'free' level 100 boost (normally $66 AUD)

      • +1

        The last expansion wasn't anywhere near that expensive and it had a boost to 90. And a level boost doesn't attract a casual gamer, to whom the endgame means nothing

        • WoD Cost on relaease (in AUD) $59.95
          Legion Cost on Release (in AUD) $69.95

          Given the AUD was much stronger when WoD came out prices seem on par

        • +1

          @jimbobaus: My mistake, I'm sure I bought it for $40, but that wasn't on release. Legion's been out for quite a while, no price drop yet!

        • @Wampus:
          Yeah i would reckon Legion will have a sale next Black Friday.. by then a new expansion will have been announced

    • I used to play on the oceania server and was always annoyed how blizzard charged us so much for the expansions each time one is released. Then we have to pay a sub each month on top of that price. Moved to the taiwan server which for some reason Blizzard doesnt charge a cent for the expansions. They get the game for free. Only need to pay for a monthly sub.

      • Including Legion??

        • +1

          yes, so does the Korean region. But the server access relatively slow though.

    • SCDKey is selling at $38ish at the moment…

      • +1

        Those are EU keys, to play on Australian server you'll need a US licence key, cheapest i've found is around $56 AUD.

        • -1

          I don't think there's a difference. Australia = EU region in most of the cases.

        • I might be wrong and thanks for point it out.

        • +2

          @allenhori: Oceanic falls under The American version.

        • +2

          @jordan23140: yes Jordan, I've just learnt about that. It was my mistake and I couldn't edit my reply any more. Thanks

        • @allenhori: All good! Like you said, usually that's the case with games, but not for WoW. :)

    • only if you are interested in, I've found a local shop from Bayswater VIC selling it for $59, and I used today's 10% off eBay deal to get it down by $5.9, not ideal price but cheaper than official price and many other overseas online sellers. They sell both the key or the physical game in box.

      Ebay item, choose free pick up for the CD-Key though:

      CD-Key: 322339220957
      Boxed: 322313412535

  • Excellent! I was hoping for the 360 day stimpack again.

    Thankfully dynamic pricing makes both of those bundles super cheap too!

  • Diablo 3 the same price???

    I'd recommend SC2 to anyone who wants to try something new, it's really intense and different!

    • I think I'll finally give in, big fan of the first part!
      Weird that the trilogy is shown for $59.95, while individually they are $26.63 + 2 x $12.47?
      Think I'll get the two $12.47 ones as of now.

      • you get the full game with any of them, you pay for the campaign mode, which has a decent story line.

  • why do they exclude Diablo III…

    • They probably excluded D3 because they only just introduced the battle chest just before Blizzcon ($50 for both games, instead of $30 each)

  • +1

    Hearthstone is excluded too :(

    • Isnt hearthstone free to play?

      • Heroes of the Storm is free to play but in the list :)

  • Diablo 2?!?!?

  • Nova Ops?

  • +1

    Pity SC2 is dead..

    • is it really?

      i was thinking about getting legacy of the void, it still seems like a good standalone single player RTS

  • Warcraft Brood War???¿

  • Cheers mate. Unfortunately, these deals aren't so brilliant for me this year…

    Got Overwatch OE and hardly player it.

    Don't want to start with WoW.

    Already have the SC2 trilogy.

    And the HOTS bundles could have been better. The Legends of the Nexus one is over priced for the one hero I don't have ($33 for a 4000g hero plus 3 skins and 2x mounts is a rip off especially since I have two of these speeder mounts already).

    The Altered War Bundle would have been better if they had more 10k gold heroes that are new. The only 10k gold one is Sylvanas which so many of us have gotten via the recruit a friend scheme already. Would have like to see one with the likes of Gul'dan, Medivh, Dehaka, and Kharazim in it.

    Lets hope Blizzard try harder next year… though, I'll have most of the older heroes by then.

    • How much would be considered cheap for the Sc2 expansions? I've only got the original.

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