This was posted 8 years 3 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dyson Supersonic Hairdryer $534 (Normally $599) @ Myer Pickup/Delivered


As part of Myer's Christmas shopping event, the Dyson Supersonic is reduced to $549.

Apply code TECH15 for a further $15 off, bringing it down to $534.

At the moment, it seems that only David Jones and Myer stock this hairdryer, so unfortunately it's not on any of the regular Good Guys or Bing Lee eBay sales.

Like almost everything Dyson not everyone's going to see the value in such a hairdryer, but for those of you with significant others this might help get Christmas sorted this year!

I suspect this sale may finish today.

Silver -…
Fuchsia -…

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Why is it so expensive?

    • +3

      It's a Dyson! Dyson tend to reinvent the wheel and doing so has massive R&D costs associated. Sometimes the reinvented wheel is a hit even if it isn't superior to existing products. Other times the masses really don't care and the product gets canned. Dyson has had a history of successes AND complete flops.

      • +1

        What are the flops?

        • +4

          Quite a few over the last 20+ years. Here's a fun read:…

          Don't get me wrong, I now own a Dyson but have resisted the hype for many years. The only reason I forked out the OTT asking price was because the V8 series has only just started providing the ability (run-times mainly) I expect from a product with such a high price tag. We can now pack the 20+ year old Nilfisk King away and finally enjoy vacuuming without a cord for more than 20-30 minutes at a time.

          Each to their own. If you can justify the cost for the actual benefits of a Dyson product then great but if not there are many other products available that will do the job for far, far less money.

        • +1

          Thanks - enjoyed the humorous & interesting read😯

    • +3

      If you believe the hype/reviews, it dries hair faster and better. If you have a lot of hair, the benefit could potentially be quite real. For example, drying my wife's hair takes a good 30 minutes using a 2000W hair dryer. If this Dyson can cut that time in half for example, then that's 15 minutes of her time that she gets back every few days.

      • +2

        That alone will be a huge saving on electricity bills!

      • +2

        Im sure she'll just spend the extra 15 minutes on more time on picking her outfit/makeup instead

        • +2

          mine will spend the extra 15mins with the dishes hahaha (finges crossed she doesnt see this… lol)

      • +1

        drying my wife's hair takes a good 30 minutes

        That sounds ridiculous.

        • +4

          30mins, sure maybe a wookie

        • Probably trying to dry it in the shower

        • Well I am guessing your wife (if you have one) doesn't have long thick hair, so I wouldn't expect you to understand.

          Why do you think there are blow-dry bars popping up all over the place?

      • +4

        There are some extremely good hairdryers out there for a fraction of the price of this.


        Also "cuts hair drying time in half". And is 1/5th the cost of this Dyson.

      • +1

        Unfortunately, this wasn't the case in the Buzzfeed review.

        But I do agree, the better the hair dryer the faster the drying, save more time and time = money. But this one just isn't worth it.

        I purchased a $50 hairdryer for COTD, it's a discontinued salon hair dryer that RRPs at $250 and it outperforms the Dyson. Bit noisier but whatever.

        • +1

          save more time and time = money

          It doesn't literally. This is only true if that time you saved was spent earning money, and not lounging around.

          Most people have jobs at set hours, so finishing tasks earlier doesn't allow you to start work sooner and earn more money.

          Some self-important people like to say, this movie was a total waste of 2 hours of my time. My time is worth $50 an hour, so I just lost $100 seeing this movie. Umm, no you didn't. Unless you took the day off work to see it, your leisure time is worth nothing.

        • AvE reviewed it to:

          Also put it up against a vitamix blender:

    • +6

      It's (the brand) a status symbol because it's overpriced, much like Apple.

      • Yes, there was an interesting correlation someone researched several years ago on consumers who purchased Apple, Dyson & VWs. It was just something I found online but can't find it anymore and probably wouldn't stack up these days but very interesting nevertheless. Marketing is an interesting beast and has a lot to answer for :)

    • +3

      Dyson they are the Apple of the vacuum world, :)

      • Apple are a rip off, but they don't sell a product 10 times more expensive than other comparable products.

        • +1

          If you compare Xiaomi to and iPhone 7 it's a good 5 times and as far as half the populations would be concerned they are compareable

  • +5

    I am wondering anybody will pay $500 for a hairdryer .. lol …

    • +3

      It's not a hair dryer - it's a Dyson! :)

      • Just like it is not coffee it is Nespresso …..

    • It uses the same Air Multiplier tech as their bladeless fans. Which are also expensive if you hadn't noticed.

      • Also a massive waste of money

    • The same people that thibk it's justified to pay 500 for a fan

  • Fuchsia

    isnt it pink?

    • Rose gold m8

      • m7+1 you are right

  • I've played with this at Myer, it's actually legit, not $600 legit but it's quality.

    • +1

      Considering that you can get a hair dryer for $20, it better be!

      • -1

        You could buy yourself 2 hard dryers, and 10 for people in the third world… Or maybe just buy them something they would appreciate like food

        • +1

          Or you could get 10 people in the 3rd world to dry your hair for $600

  • +13

    The one from Myer is missing the fan and element in the middle, make sure to check the one you get before leaving the store.

    • +1

      What do you mean by fan and element? Are these attachments or are you referring to the actual inner components? Were you looking at a display model?

      • +4

        He is just joking … all Dyson products are missing the fan ….. :p

        • +4

          Well no, they just move the fan elsewhere then charge heaps more :)

      • It was a tongue in cheek comment sorry Atlas.

        • +1

          Lol no worries. Normally I'm the one making these jokes - I must be out of it today!

        • @atlas: Apologies, I couldn't resist, the temptation was too much.

        • @malouphix: given what I see at Myer, I wouldn't have been surprised to see the display models missing the motors.

  • +1

    I swear the silver one was $499 last night and was talking with the missus what's the difference between the 2 colours…

    • +1

      Yep I bought it at 499 yesterday. It was only the silver one though. I rang some stores to see if they'd price match but they wouldn't. I also tried tech15 code yesterday and it was invalid.

      • +1

        Oh no, we found someone who actually bought it! Can you explain to us what was going through your head at the time? :)

        • +2

          Lmao. Wife wanted one and it's cheaper than a divorce.

        • +1

          @Enzalicious: possibly the only good reason that I could expect to hear, alongside the director of the latest Bond movie needed something ridiculously expensive for the heroine to smash over a henchman's head

  • +3

    It was $499 before any code yesterday in Myer online.

    • You mean they jacked up the price before introducing a promo? No way.

  • +11

    Head out of the car window. $0

    • Genius, but you need a car first.. :P

      • +1

        If you haven't got a car, your hair is much less of a priority.

  • I know this might be the wrong place to ask this but has anyone bought this? and it is worth it?

    • I watched reviews.

      TLDR: Great product, but not worth the price.

  • To Everyone criticising the price…

    This is no different from an expensive handbag/shoes etc

    • And those yellow capsicums!!! Why are they so expensive compared to their red / green brethren!?

    • +2

      To Everyone criticising the price…

      This is no different from an expensive handbag/shoes etc

      Yes it is, who's going to take their hair dryer out to lunch or dinner to show it off?

      • Pretty much this. If a LV handbag was only meant to be kept at home, its sales would drop dramatically.

  • Everything you wanted to know and everything else you didn't. ;)

  • I'll consider once my hair reach 10 meters long

  • +1

    Save $534. Don't wash your hair.

  • False advertising. No part of this hair dryer is supersonic. Neither the motor blades nor the air are moving in supersonic speed.

  • It would want a lifetime warranty at that price.

    • At that price they could afford to give you one

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