What is the best phone for $200 or less?

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I'm looking for a good cheap phone that's $200 or under, I currently have a Microsoft Lumia 640 which is pretty bad.


  • +1

    Xiaomi is the best you can get for sub 200$

    • +1

      Yes Redmi Note 3 Pro have been quite popular here where you get a mid-range package for under $200 — if you are willing to wait a month for delivery from China/Hong Kong.

      • This. In that price range the RN3 is superb for the money.

    • Agree, been very happy with mine

  • forum post

  • +1

    Microsoft Lumia 640 which is pretty bad.

    What now?

    • +1

      In my opinion it's bad, But for other people it would be a good phone

  • +1

    What don't you like about the Lumia? Screen size, screen brightness, body shape, lack of apps, camera quality, supported bands/3G/4G? For <$200 you aren't going to get all of them.

    • Screen brightness and lack of apps

  • Just out of curiosity for myself, if you were to up the budget to say $300ish what good phones would you be able to get at that or lower price point? I currently have a HTC m7 that works fine for now but i may look at upgrading in a few months. Its just getting a little rough around the edges as they say

    edit: also a similar size to the one i have now (or similar size to the iphone 7 - not plus)

  • +1

    Motorola G4 plus for sure.

    BTW, nothing wrong with the Lumia 640. I miss my Windows phone actually. There are quite a few things I liked over the Android OS. I'm not a big app person though.

    • I don't mind the phone just that it's geting slow and I dislike the screen brightness.

      • You can do a soft reset which doesn't wipe your data. That would freshen it up. Yeah, the brightness is not great outdoors in bright sunlight but I haven't seen too many phones that are brilliant in that respect.

    • G4 Plus is $399 RRP, where are you getting them under $200?

      • Has been around $275-300 lately with all the deals gong on - if their budget can stretch that far.

        Otherwise I think the standard G4 or the G4 Play is about $200.

        • G4 Play is $279. Might be able to find one on sale under $200 I spose. No such thing as a standard G4, only the Plus and Play.

  • Hi Lockster, my first smart? phone and for last 6 months, has been the $169 Kogan Agora. I am not up on all the latest mod cons of the over rated flash stuff costing buckets more, I am just not that interested. This (work requirement)phone is Android, has 2 sim slots, plus so far so good - lots of memory, (I have video & photos. I ticks all the boxes for me, as I want a phone at the least, the rest is just something to go wrong for the most part. Very old school, I still miss my 15yo 3310. Answering a call on this thing is actually the most difficult operation I have found.

    My boy Just grabbed a HTC under the $200 mark, and says he is good with it after dropping and killing his expensive Samsung.

    My workmate has had his Samsung JI same time as me, $199, and he is happy also.

    I suppose it is really up to you as there are many options and all things today are built to a price, but retailed for a price the market can bare.


  • go on eBay and you can find very good second-hand bargains with Samsung S5 sometimes, under AU$ 200.

    then, if you're a game, install a custom firmware / ROM, and you will get very good performance (because of the ROM)

    the good thing of the Samsung Galaxy S4, S5 phones are:
    - they have removable battery case
    - Infra-red port (so you can use your phone as a TV remote control)
    - lots of community support

    new phones that are sub-$200 are usually the Chinese ones, like Xiaomi but check the 4G bands that they operate on, and if they will be compatible with your network.

  • Be cautious when using any China phone, especially ones designed for their domestic market. Xiaomi are known to install software that sends user personal data without permission to China. This software is part of the firmware and will automatically re-install if deleted.

    Re the Lumia 640. have you checked all the settings that may affect screen brightness, including:
    Settings -extras -display: Battery saver brightness. Brightness profile
    Settings -system: Brightness

    • Yeah checked that, It's all good I'm just very picky

    • +1

      That's why you install Cyanogenmod on these phones

  • Anyone recommend The asus zenfone 2? It's a bit out of my price range but I can wait a bit for it

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