This was posted 8 years 3 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

HTC Vive from Microsoft Store for $1329.05 with Free Shipping till 30/11/16


Thanks to the original poster from for the discount code.

I thought this deal might be worth mentioning in a separate post.

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closed Comments

    • are you alright there, bud?

    • -5

      You will soon be neg by those telling there is no proof cigarette is bad for health. Although I agree with you, but it is personal choice if they want to take the risk.

      • +1

        Look at #4.

        It happened a few years ago, figuratively literally means literally.

        • For all those people who literally said literally every other word

    • focus distance is about 3m

      • And what about damage from blue light (there are 4K VR sets from China that offer reduced blue light) and what about PWM?

        • Almost as bad as daylight without sunglasses. And when I say almost, I mean glare is far far worse.

        • @OnlinePred:
          Can you link to some evidence on this comparison? Also is the comparison on potential damage from blue light alone, or total including UV?

        • +1

          @chyawala: Blue light has been linked to eye strain, which increases the risk of degenerative eye conditions. Eye strain can come from many things, such as glare, computer screens, phone screens, reading books, looking long distance, etc etc. All of this is extended, long term stuff though. You would have to be causing yourself great discomfort for long periods of time over and over again for a long time before you cause yourself damage.
          I would be more concerned about looking at white backgrounds on a computer screen that using VR for a few hours.

          It's all in the same boat of going to concerts ruins your hearing, using headphones/earbuds at loud volume damages your hearing etc etc. Just don't go to concerts every day, and don't use VR 24/7.

  • Microsoft Store in Sydney has one in demo, I recommend going there to try it out. It was fun playing with it (they allow you to use it with 3 games, for limited amount of time).

  • Hm. Seen them as low as 700-800 second hand. Wouldn't buy one new.

    • +4

      Yeah but I wouldn't want literal eyeball glue residue touching my eyeballs.

      • You could clean it

      • Not as bad as a male's second hand keyboard/mouse.

        • That's sexist!

    • +2

      watch out those lens though, it's literally impossible to tell if there's a scratch on the lens unless the screen is on.

      • Fair point. Test first.

    • where have you seen them at that price?

      • OCAU. Three month waiting period before you can access the sale portion of the forums IIRC.

        • Just had a look to see if I could pick up a used one from OCAU.

          Last one sold was on the 4th November but I couldn't find one sold for $800 and found the one for $800 sold on the 28th October. I guess there will be plenty of used Vives on the market when Gen 2 comes out though so might be worth waiting till then for those who don't mind buying a used one.

          They seem to be averaging over $1000 atm rather than $700-$800.

  • How much would a decent gaming PC cost to play the VR games?

    • +1

      I reckon 1.3-1.6k for a pretty good VR ready pc

      • -2

        So that's almost $3K for a 1st gen VR set up? Wow….I'll think I'll wait and in the meantime carry on with my Samsung Gear VR!

        • +1

          Except that a Samsung Gear VR is nothing like real VR.

        • @samfisher5986:

          It's not that bad. Of course it's not a patch on the HTC and Oculus Rift headsets but it's a good, cheap starter point.

        • +2


          I'm not saying its bad, I'm saying someone who is using a Samsung Gear VR doesn't really understand what real VR is like, they are very different.

          I have both…

        • @samfisher5986:

          'doesn't really understand what 'real VR' is like' :D

        • @gasman70:
          Real VR.
          As compared to virtual VR.

        • @theguyrules:

          we call it VVR you stupid casual

  • LOL. I never knew this thing was this expensive brand new. #HugspsVR

  • Knew this would happen as soon as I got mine

  • Oh man I really want this, but I know my gf will kill me if I get it.

    • That's fine. She already bought one for herself.

  • +2

    How much are they usually?

    Edit: Oh $1399. Not a big enough discount to motivate me buying it before im ready.

    • Did you factor in postage?

      • MS always has free postand and almost always runs free express postage

        • I see. I did not know this. thank you and Kind Regards.

  • +1

    i probably should've waited for Australia to stock them, but I purchased a Rift from Amazon for $800aud delivered and Touch controllers should be coming soon for under $300aud. Still saving ~$230 over the vive I guess

    • +4

      Yeah but then you have a Facebook device that requires at least 3 webcams wired around your room for decent tracking.

      Also you can't play any of the decent games until likely early next year when all the great games start having Oculus Touch support.

      • +2

        thats wrong though, the oculus can play all the steamvr games that work on the vive? it's just up to the devs whether or not they want to add the touch controller models in the game. Also there are a few titles that are releasing the day touch comes out, some of them being free

        see some of the launch titles here:

        VR Sports Challenge - Free with preorders
        The Unspoken - Free with preorders
        Dead and Buried - Free with preorders
        Medium - Free
        Quill - Free
        Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope - $39.99
        I Expect You to Die
        Giant Cop
        Fantastic Contraption - $29.99
        Job Simulator - $29.99
        Arizona Sunshine - $39.99
        Space Pirate Trainer - $14.99
        ZR: Zombie Riot
        Final Approach -$24.99
        Surgeon Simulator
        Viral EX
        Cosmic Trip - $19.99
        Sportsbar VR
        The Gallery
        VR Funhouse - Free
        The Climb: Touch Update - Free

        • -1

          Actually no, for example just recently google earth was released for VR and it does not support Oculus, people have tried.

          Yes some games will have support on release day as shown in your list, but many will not, the Vive has a huge amount of VR games.

        • +2

          @samfisher5986: Google Earth devs said they will release touch support when touch is available, also it does work on Oculus right now as I have been using it lol.

          Don't think either of us can say what will or wont work until Touch is actually released to the public and we see what happens from there

        • -2


          Google said early next year and plenty of people said they couldn't use it with their Oculus.

          But lets say they have fixed that since release….

          The point is that a lot of developers will drag their feet on adding support quickly.

        • -1

          @samfisher5986: I get what you're saying, but there are actually no games for the vive that won't work on Rift that I have found. If you know any tell me

        • -1


          Google Earth VR.…

          Also I'm talking about controller support as well since Oculus touch is different and needs some changes from developers for proper support.

        • @samfisher5986: I guess we've been talking differently about "support". Because these programs all do work with touch, for Google Earth vr u just need to patch the earth.exe so it allows Rift to work, but you're talking about proper button prompts and stuff for touch right? Because I think it's still fine without that, since the touch controllers reportedly do work in it.

          Also, I think Google Earth vr is the only program thats been released that doesn't support the Rift straight away lol

        • @hoftos:

          Yes I mean proper support.

          I guess my point is that developers prefer the Vive so why not buy the main platform they develop for.

          Having said that I think maybe in 6 months it won't matter which headset you buy.. but who knows.

  • ps4 pro + ps VR is still lower than this. Anyone tried that yet? I've tried vive in my mate's house but haven't tried ps VR yet. I already have a ps4 so I'm thinking about getting the VR. But vive was indeed awesome - especially the zombie shooting game and the painting app. Can PSVR do the same?

    • +3

      Nearly everyone says the PSVR sucks for tracking accuracy and is very limited in games because there is no 360 degree tracking. The lack of processing power is also a huge problem.

      While the PSVR could have some nice games, without proper tracking they can't even have the same games that the HTC Vive.

      • thnx for the info - when I tried the vive a couple months back, it took forever to start, and when it crashes, it needed to reconnect to server and recalibrate the 2 cameras and controllers again, is this still the case? we ended up spending more time fixing the damn thing than actually playing the game.

        • That was never the case, I can only assume there was something wrong.

          It has always:

          Taken about 5 seconds to boot when you first turn it on
          It doesn't crash at all
          There is no reconnection to server
          You only calibrate the lighthouse sensors and controllers once, you never do it again unless you physically change the location of the lighthouses.

          One of the common issues people have is that their USB 3.0 ports are poor quality, plugging it into a USB 2.0 port fixes this.

        • @samfisher5986: ^ the only issue I have is occasionally it requires me to setup roomscale again. Which is annoying but only takes a minute.

        • @iLoveYourFace:

          There would be a solution to that, maybe check the forums.

          Its been out for quite a while and most issues have been fixed.

    • +1

      Tracking is much worse on PSVR. It has a few good exclusives but the game library is much smaller than Vive. No room scale so stuff like Zombie Training Simulator and Tiltbrush aren't possible.

      • damn… that'll be a show-stopper. guess I'll have to save up money then.

  • Definately not regretting buying mine, having heaps of fun. The discount would of been nice though, I could of bought more games.

  • -2

    And is there a discount on the controllers or are they still over a hundred dollars each lmao

    • +2

      The htc vive comes with the controllers

    • Candlelight a few kilometres away is brighter than your comment, lmao.

  • +1

    Also I'm pretty sure you can also get 1% cashback from cashrewards.

  • +2

    Picked mine up from Harvey Norman (Still to pick it up up :P)

    I had the AMEX deal saved to my card and applied it to this. So it'll be $1298 once the cash back lands on my card.

    Looking forward to playing it :)

    • what the - what amex deal was that?

      I've been looking for a vive for weeks now. finally bit the bullet on this one and saved about the same but if I could have gotten it for 1298 a fortnight ago I would have!

    • Got mine there today with the same deal, although I got mine at $1348 before cash back as the guy thought he could tack on an extended warranty too.
      The chap was rather displeased and was rather belligerent about my knowledge of consumer law. I hate shopping at HN.

      • How did tacking on extended warranty result in $50 off?

        • +1

          He dropped $50 off the price of the vive so he could reduce the cost of the extended warranty from $150. Or at least that was his pitch.

          When I wouldn't take the extended warranty this discount wasn't removed.

  • Mine is back-ordered :(

    • +1

      I just got an order shipped message from Microsoft.
      Has your order been updated?

      • Yes - got a shipment notice about 4 hours ago. But my GTX 1080 hasn't shipped yet.

      • And now it's arrived in WA - that was quick.

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