Good price for these headphones. Even cheaper if you still have the $100 Ebay voucher from the click and collect deal. They sell for around $700 locally. Also available at Amazon with slightly higher shipping (…). Cheapest ever according to Camel Camel Camel.
HIFIMAN HE-400i Planar Magnetic Headphone $266.50USD Delivered (Approx $363.24AUD) at HIFIMAN Official eBay Store

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closed Comments
Haha, I have over 15, lost count. I have sold some and gave some away. I now have about 10. This one is very tempting indeed. I will buy it just to experience it. If I don't like it, which is unlikely, I will sell it.
Did I just hear something about giveaways?
Can't see the rest of your post for some reason :xBetter get into a waiting list to be my friend :) first. The list is very long btw.
if anyone wants some in-ears, the RE400s are also on sale. Now just $80AUD…cheaper to buy from amazon
I heard they are good sounding, but they have quality control issues? Breaking quite easily…
I have both the RE400 and 2x of the previous version RE0 and only had one breakage after 2 years of use.
If only I hadn't bought the Massdrop X Sennheiser HD6xx. No money left for another pair of headphones.
How much were they?
USD215 delivered
This or the monoprice ones? any idea?
WOW This is an unbelievable price. You can literally buy these, use them, and probably sell them used for this price one or two years later. If I had that $100 voucher I would have jumped on these immediately. This is just so tempting right now!
This is way over my budget, but man am I tempted. This is an amazing price.
Headphone/speaker drivers don't wear out (provided you don't abuse them)
Was this a reply to me in mistake? I've never had the drivers themselves in headphones die.
Nah,I was just trying to justify to you spending the extra and getting these :P
You won't regret it.@Ahil: Haha yeah, fair enough :P I was looking at getting a pair of Beyerdynamic dt990 pro's for like $200 less. It's a tough justification!
Thanks,I bought one 362.81
Hi, what amp do you recommend? Tks
I'm trying to push straightly with my Fiio X7 + a higher power amp modules like AM5 (currently I'm using AM2).
Awesome price
Really want one, but only after I sell my hd650 first.
How long have you had the HD650 for? And how much were you looking to sell it for?
Haier, Lenovo, Huawei, Hisense and now Hifiman, I am glad to see the changes of Chinese products' images.
Missed damn it
Damn, I was looking for a pair of these while over in Japan (flew back Friday)…
Couldn't find them over there so figured I would pick some up when I got home (Sat), jump on OzB and see this /heartbroken
Hope is not lost, they are only slightly more expensive on Amazon!
Amazon says it won't ship this item to me…?
They'll ship to you?
Back in stock!
got me a pair :)
Thanks! Probably shouldn't have..but added to my ever growing collection. I'll just keep telling myself they're planars and different from the rest. :D
Haha, we are human, we are weak. I have gave myself the same reasoning.
Mulled it over for a few days and screw it. Gonna buy a pair
So fast. I have received mine today. Testing it at this minute.
Me too. How are you finding them? Bass is a bit less than I was expecting, but the clarity and vocals are excellent.
Yes, same as your experience. The transition of notes are very fast and as a result the music is noticeably better. I like this much more than the DT990 600ohm that I used to have where the high is irritatingly high and the low is muddle. I could differentiate more instruments playing close together than my other headphones and therefore less muddle up. My other similar headphones are HD650 and AKG Q701. So far, this headphone is more interesting than the HD650 & Q701.
Good to hear, I'm certainly happy with my purchase.
@blackmagic: Yes, it is definitely a keeper. I have many other well known headphones as well but at a less price range $150. This one trump over all of them. I have just tested it with my Sony NWZ-ZX1. It pairs very nicely. I am waiting for it to break in over the coming few days.
How do they compare to the 650s? Roughly in the same league?
Pro for:
1. He400i - rapid transition which results in great clarity, hard hitting bass, and greater instruments separation. I have not experience this in any of my dynamic headphones which make it all very interesting. It brings a smile in your face.
2. Hd650 - has a greater bass extension, with more sub-bass tone. It is warmer.Otherwise they are similar.
@Bargain Zombies: interesting, I'm thinking about getting this, but I really like the hard hitting bass of my fidelio x2s. I'll have to think about it.
If you love Bass, you will be disappointed with the He400i. It is there and solid but underwhelmed.
@Bargain Zombies: I agree; I just received mine today and bass is underwhelming with either one of my amps.
@Bargain Zombies: Not a huge bass fan, but it adds a bit of punch to games. My problem with the fidelios is that treble is too harsh sometimes, and I was hoping maybe i'll keep it for gaming, and use this for listening to music? Damn this is how the too many headphones and only one pair of ears problem starts…
@cheng2008: Have you bought one? Although you get less bass but they are pleasingly solid slam when you've got it. The treble for this unit is not harsh but very detail. I can listen to it for hours, unlike the Beyerdynamic DT990 which I could not tolerate for more than a minute.
@Bargain Zombies: Not yet, might wait for christmas before splashing out. That sounds good, as long as high vocals are pleasing I might go for it. What amp/dac are you using with it? I heard you can plug it straight into your phone.
WAT? This is fast.
What postal service they are using?DHL, so no surprise there!
delete :0
anyone know where i can try this in melbourne?
I wanna try out the planar's but I already got like 5 headphones -_-