This was posted 8 years 3 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Titanfall 2 (PC) Standard Edition for ₹1,866.13 (~AUD $36.74) Via Origin (VPN to India)


This is not a new way to get a discount and you need a VPN to India. May be cheaper at other origin stores, I couldn't be bothered checking elsewhere. I've posted as a separate deal but would be happy to consolidate with below original poster.

TITAN20 code was first posted here so credit where credit is due.

Step 1. Clear browser cookies
Step 2. Connect to your preferred VPN and select India as IP and then click into Origin.
Step 3. Purchase as normal, and make sure you input promo code TITAN20 it will (or did for me) automatically get added to my Origin account which i was logged into.

Paid on 28 degrees card who charged me $36.74. To check your own costs, my cost in local currency was: ₹1,866.13

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closed Comments

  • +13

    Singapore and Korea are also countries to look for, as discussed here:

    Looks like Singapore is also around $36 AUD, while Korea is $32 AUD

    • +2

      Thanks Rapt0r, just read through, I guess Korea is the go to country right now.

    • good price
      ive been contemplating on buying it as i already spend too much time on TF1… but at this price its hard to say no!

  • Yay some pc love. Time to get it later

  • Any way of doing this without a VPN?

    • +19

      no, otherwise you can go to the country

      • +2

        Man that was funny!

  • what free vpn option do people suggest?

    • +8

      Not Hola. Tunnelbear seems to get a good review.

      • thanks mate, tunnelbear worked, but refused the first time when using paypal. using 28 degrees worked perfecto. under $38 is a great price.

    • +1

      Fly VPN has a free trial. Just worked for me with the Korean vpn for about $33.

      • hey mate, hows the login process? I am trying flyvpn now, but it keeps bring me back to the AUS store.

        • +1

          Make sure you have deleted the origin cookies otherwise you'll get Australian pricing

        • @lime111: Thanks buddy, jsut tried it out, it works, jsut can't checkout through paypal, have to use credit card.

  • Ordered from Singapore, as there was not option for Korea in tunnel bear still end up costing $35.63. Thanks!

  • Tried using PIA VPN to India, but couldn't verify my Australian CUA or 28 Degrees credit cards.

    • Just bought it from the Singaporean store using Cyberghost.

  • What's the best way to pay for this? I notice Singapore allows Paypal, but is the conversion rate poor? Would I be better off paying with my 28 Degrees card (if it lets me)?

    • When you pay with paypal dont pay using your bank account, pay with a credit card linked to your paypal account and you will be charged the normal bank rate(Normally %3 on top of the currency conversion).

      • The rate is pretty much at 1aud to 1sgd at the moment

        • I was charged $35.67 with ingdirect debit card

        • @Bnjam3: You'll be charged more - after the transaction has finalised, you'll get a price which is different to what is shown there (that is the price at the time of the transaction, not when it is processed), and then ING add an additional fee on top of that.

  • Just picked up for $32.50 using FlyVPN - thanks OP! Was a bit hesitant having to enter my credit card details into origin while the VPN was running but for $32 I can't complain!

    • A running VPN is more secure than just typing your credit card details into Origin normally :P

  • Need credit card for Korea one, used paypal directly in Singapore , thanks OP

    • Yeah korea didn't work for me.

      • That's odd Korea worked fine for me using FlyVPN and my 28degrees Mastercard, not sure why you're having issues?

        • Yeah I was using a 28 Degrees Mastercard too, oh well, paid the $4 extra from Singapore.

        • i did the same thing using FlyVPN with 28degrees but it didn't work. when i click "buy". it comes up the payment directly and only use creditcard. but when i put the 28degrees information in it. it comes up it can't verify the credit card. :(
          Did you put south Korea on your credit card on payment or Australia? and do i have to change my ea profile to Korea as well?

        • @cgpat: No, I put Australia as my credit card billing country. I didn't need to change my EA profile to Korea either - using a VPN with Korea as the location and then firing up Origin will automatically send me to the Korean store. After purchase, I switched off the VPN and fired up Origin again and there it was sitting in my library ready to download. I was able to play the game after only 42% download as well which is great. I really don't understand why Steam doesn't have a similar play while downloading feature!

  • +8

    Good price, but it sounds like the Australian playerbase is already perilously small……

    • +3

      Yeah it sure is,and now it's going to grow through us ozbargainers

    • +4

      Damn, they are some sad numbers.

      Great price, but I will probably give it a miss. Maybe I will grab it in the future to try the single player mode.

    • +1

      It might grow after some good deals on it recently.

    • +2

      the campaign I heard is really the best amongst the latest FPS games.

    • +1

      Heres hoping its like R6 Siege and grows.

    • +1

      Matchmaking times are pretty low in the populated game modes however

    • I play Titanfall 2 most nights and generally play Attrition (it's the most populated but also my favourite mode from TF1) and i don't ever have to wait to get into a game.

      GOTY for me tbh. Campaign and multiplayer is great.

  • +1

    i think the player base sucks because it's a game that has a high base cost + hardware requirements to run it are also quite high

    • +1

      It has a typical base cost and the hardware requirements are quite normal.

      • +2

        compared to something like CS:GO, overwatch ?

        • +3

          CS:Go is years old, so not really worth the comparison.
          Overwatch is a year older and is stylised to be easy to run.

          The reason the player base sucks is because EA screwed it over from the start, releasing it at the same time as BF1, a MUCH bigger multiplayer franchise. Its as simple as that.

        • Minimum:
          Core i3-4130T 2.9GHz. FX-4200. GeForce GTX 660. Radeon HD 7850. 8 GB. DX 11. 45 GB.
          Recommended Requirements:
          Core i5-6600 3.3GHz. FX-8370. GeForce GTX 1060. Radeon RX 480 8GB. 16 GB. DX 11. 45 GB.
          Ultra Requirements:
          Core i7-6700K 4-Core 4.0GHz. FX-9370. GeForce GTX 1080. Radeon Pro Duo 8GB. 16 GB. DX 11. 45 GB.

          So my almost six year old i5-2500K at 4.4GHz (~$90-120 + cooler) will be fine when paired with anything equivalent to a GTX1060 (~$250) or above.

  • Does it come with the free loo?

    • +1

      I'm not sure if that's the primary incentive of this deal, can't you just find a public restroom?

  • Good game. The single player was fun. But with multiplayer I kept having issues with people skipping around as if I was having lag spikes, but my net was stable. Got sick of it. Also why can’t these games be like csgo, overwatch etc without a level grind.

  • Please be aware Titanfall 2 is as completely dead as the 1st game was. Peak player numbers in Australia is <300 and globally it numbers at around a couple of thousand. The game is not worth paying any amount for, being that it's basically just a multiplayer game.

    • +1

      I'm going to second this. ~300 players, ping ~250-300ms as well. As much as I loved the first one, I'm going to have to refund this.

      • Are you definitely connecting to the australian servers? That sounds like the sort of lag I got when the first titanfall released and I was connecting to a south east asia server.

    • Not going to improve if everyone avoids it and refunds..

      • That would be why it's a waste of money buying it….

  • +1

    I know with bf1 people were getting their accounts banned for using a vpn. I know in the past origin has been cool with it, but be a bit careful now

  • So there is a chance you can get your entire account (legitimately paid for game libury) banned if your detected to have purchased from another region then play on your local not through a VPN?

    That makes this deal kinda a pointless risk then?

    • Thanks @cheesecactus, a quick google search didn't find much on this point. If you can be bothered i'd be interested in reading some links of real live people being banned for buying this way.

    • -1

      I used to buy from the Mexican store until EA closed the price gap. Never had any issue.

  • i've bought from origin with a VPN before and have never been banned (FIFA 16)

  • +1

    Has anyone been able to buy this through Singapore this morning or last night?

    I've been trying to get it but it doesn't seem to go through. Using tunnlebear I get through all the steps with paypal as payment method (wont recognise my credit card). When I confirm to pay it processes and seems to go through at that end then goes back to the Origin website where it's got the loading loops for about 15 seconds then gives an error "Whoops etc.."

    I even tried signing up with a new Origin account and still wouldn't work. I tried 2 different paypal accounts and it didn't work either. Also tried using flyVPN and had no luck.

    • Exact same situation but I couldn't even get it in the first few hours of the post.

  • @hootie and @ohhidayo, can I make a suggestion, not sure it will work..? Try and enter your CC details whilst connected to Origin Australia through this: (billing details link) and then save your CC details down. Then delete cookies, connect via vpn etc. Maybe you will have more luck. I didn't have any problems with India, but can't see why your cards wouldn't work.

  • this game is cheaper with the black friday deal, $28 i think

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