This was posted 8 years 3 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Titanfall 2 Standard Edition $57 on PSN Via Email Voucher Code


Just receive an email from Sony with a code to get 43% saving on Titanfall 2.
Come down to $57, not bad for a new release, best price to date.
The review for this game has very good. Not sure if it's targeted,
I will be using my code. If anyone has spare code, feel free to share it. T&C shows it's for standard edition only.

The brilliant Titanfall 2 has been seriously discounted on PlayStation Store.

Get fired up for the top notch single player campaign and fight alongside your buddies in online multiplayer.

Better be quick though, the deal ends 10:59 AEDT 24 November.

Redeem the exclusive voucher code below at the PlayStation Store checkout to save 43% on Titanfall 2.

Copy of promo email thanks Chapp0

Requires email voucher code, if you have a spare one please comment below or post in classifieds for those looking for a code. Remember to turn your private messages on in settings.

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closed Comments

  • The code is unique I believe. Happy to pass mine on if anyone wants

    • Would love the code if available


  • +1

    Not impressed when i bought it from PSN 2 days ago

  • Combine with the 15% off PSN cards

  • Would love a code too!

    Also remember that this can be used with the discounted PSN deal at 7/11 to make it even cheaper by $4.50 or more if you buy multiple cards…

  • +1

    Two $30 cards from 7-11 brings it down $51 with the 15% off, and you'll have $3 to spare too.

  • I need a code as well please. Many thanks in advance

  • Would love a code too

  • would love a code too, thanks.

    • Hi CAD, long time since we played together (beakeroo) Code incoming your way.

      • Thanks Beak. Ya, long time no play :)

  • If anyone else has an unwanted code I'd be extremely grateful.

  • +1

    wont be using mine.
    first to send me a pm will get my code. :)

    • Tried to PM but you don't have it enabled I think…

  • Heaps tempting but I can't help feel we might even see it marked down to around $50 - 40 in retailers in the coming weeks.

    • I had waited for too long to get it :)) $57 is acceptable for me

      • Hope you didn't buy it, its $36 at Target

        • :D I just bought it yesterday. But not regret, the game is so fun, much better than 1.

  • +1

    Hey all,

    Happy to share my code - PM me if you are after one…

    Also side question - is there a group of us here that play online? just bought overwatch and BF1 and would be great to actually have someone to play with.

    • Have sent a PM, I have just got a PS4 but am onloine

  • Seemed to be targeted. Can't find a code on my account =(

  • +1

    If anyone wants a code, PM me

    • +1

      Code has been sent out, that was quick !

  • +1

    just created an account to share my code if anyone wants it, PM me

    • I would love a code please! Can't PM you. Says you don't accept new conversations..

      • New account, can't send messages for a day. Once this has cleared I will send it to you

        • Awesome, thanks so much!

  • would love a code if anyone has one they don't want


  • I would also love a code if anyone has a spare one? I never got the email :(

  • Would also love a code if someone has one lying around. Cheers!

  • Would love a code if someone has one spare? great deal

  • Another in line who would love a code. Great deal.

  • wow…. i wonder what's the criteria to get the code….. if anyone got a spare please let us all know… definitely would love one….

  • +1

    Too many ask for code. I dont know who i should send so i just post here. Good luck guys.

    NTCM32AKC* End with P

    • +1

      You are a legend… have just used your code….

  • Wow I would like a code too please!

  • I would absolutely love a code! thanks!

  • 15% off from 7/11 seems to be over, didn't work in my local at least.

    • The promotion lasts until 5/12 Its still available at my 7/11

  • Probably not going to use this so someone can take my code: N 7 D 6 R R M M C G

    • redeemed by someone here already… B-(

  • Would love to buy this game, if anyone has unused code, please kindly PM me. Thanks in advance.

  • Guys, its $36 at Target now, knew this would drop even further!

  • As above, physical copy will be $36 from Target from 25th-28th -

    So this code with 7-11 PSN card discount is $12.45 more than Target deal. That is still fine if you must have digital, and or game share digitally.

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