• expired

Mizuno Wave Paradox 3 for $103.99 and Free Shipping (Wiggle.com.au)


This is an outstanding deal for a premium running shoe. Plus you can get an extra 2.8% cashback with Cashrewards.

Rebel Sport has it listed for $259 minus 20% at the moment and $20 AMEX cashback ($188).

It appears that there is at least 59% off all the Mizuno running shoes: http://www.wiggle.com.au/running-shoes/?ea=4294789512

Referral Links

Referral: random (10)

Referrer gets a voucher for 10% of referee's first order. Referee gets voucher for $18 off ($110 minimum spend).

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Wiggle Australia

closed Comments

  • I originally read this as (Mizuno sneakers) "3 for $103.99". Was about to go nuts. Then reality hit… :(

    • There wouldn't have been any left after I got a hold of them if that was the deal…

  • Ripper deal! I have the V2 version of these that I've been needing to replace! Paid $249 for those. Thanks OP!

  • Are these in wide? 2E?

    • Nah I'm pretty certain that Mizuno dont make 2e shoes. I'm usually a 2e but these were wide enough to feel comfortable.

      • Thanks Mitch. Are they any good?

        • I think so but I'm not a majorly experienced runner. I run 2-3 times per week for about 4-5 km each time. I have used Brooks Adrenalines in the past and have decided to give these a go after trying them in Rebel Sport yesterday. They give plenty of stability.

        • +1

          Best to check the Mizuno site cos they have a shoe decider program.
          These are good for ppl who overpronate because it provides stability.

      • +1

        Mizuno does make shoes with width 2E. I am wearing one now

        For Wave Paradox 3, there is also 2E!!

        I would have got this deal if it was width 2E :(

        • Yep, Amazon has them in D and 2E for each size, too.

          I would have also jumped on these if they were 2E

  • Wow thats cheap.
    There was a period of time where you couldnt buy Mizuno products to be shipped to Australia from Wiggle.
    I guess they lax that rule

  • Love Mizuno, they're so underrated for what they are. Much better than the run of the mill Nikes etc

    • I went through a ton of running shoes (Asics, Brooks, Nike etc…) a few years back trying to find the right shoe for me, and I kept coming back to the one below. It's a pity it's almost impossible to find in my size now. I should have stocked up. :-(


      I'm not sure that the shoe in this deal is for me because it looks a little heavy, but I might give it a go.

      • If you like the inspire, don't go for the paradox. Paradox's arch support is very aggressive, it's meant for severe pronators.

  • Is there any reason why running shoes can't be used for general walking, holidays etc for more comfort than average shoes?? Is it a design thing that makes them more suited for running/heavy impact than walking long hours on holidays or treks?

    Is rebel sports my only/best bet to check this out in store in Perth - wanted to try on for sizing? Or can I go off my other mizuno wave fit? It was my first mizuno shoe so not sure if the sizing between models is same.

    edit: I think I had the wave rider 3 or something, maybe an older model. but yeah, curious to know if the sizing would be similar. I'm normally a UK 11/US 10, but my mizuno's 11.5.

    Also I see this is for feet with over pronation? What does that mean? I tend to , especially my right food, wear away at the parts of my ball of my feet (you know the big boney part underneath your big toe). I think as I would roll inwards my feet more due to my sports training/footwork. It's more pronounced on my right food than left, but just wondering what shoe I should get given I wear /put pressure on that area more so than the outside edges/parts of my feet?

    • Of course you can wear them for casual use. It is just that they aren't the most attractive things to look at if you are fashion conscious. Plus you can get some very comfy (and trendy) sneakers on the cheaper end of the scale like Nike Roshe.

      But these premium running shoes have better traction and support and are great for running or a walk around the block etc.

      • Yeah, true. I just thought that way you could use the traction on hikes, as it's grip would be better for rocks and other ledges than your standard 'good looking' style sneakers? The sneakers I've had were all zara or converse and generally weren't great for more than one or two hours of straight walking i.e. on holidays, hence my mizuno wave riders have gone on me on holidays. True - definitely not that trendy, or waterproof, which is the only issue. But definitely don't get sore balls/heels of my feet from feeling the pavement when being a tourist all day.

        • +1

          I take these travelling: https://www.thenorthface.com/shop/mens-storm

          not too jogger like and looks reasonably OK with jeans. Most important thing is comfort and practicality so compromise a little on style, you likely don't know or need to impress anyone anyway :P. I got a good deal for them a year ago, think I paid around $40 on sale. Also saw these for 50% off at the North Face outlet store on the weekend.

        • I just checked - mine are Wave Rider 15's. So be curious if the sizing is same as the one on sale here.

        • @SaberX:
          Wave rider are for people who roll out or do not roll at all.
          Wave paradox are for people who roll in (severely).
          This shoe isn't for you.

        • @cwongtech:

          wait, if I roll onto my ball slightly, then how come i feel ok with the waver rider 15 and the rider 19 felt okish?? Am I just not noticing that I've got the wrong shoe type on? I mean i have an arch, i'd say medium but that could just be me not knowing how to judge?

          Would the inspire 12's be for people who roll onto their ball of their feet? It felt ok, alot better than the wave paradox, which like you mentioned in the other comments is quite aggressive on the arch. THe waver rider 19 felt more snug on my foot and in terms of feeling though when i wore it than the inspire 12s? But i would think it's better to have one of each than both? Although i did feel the rider 19s felt nicer instore? stuck.. :S

        • @SaberX:
          Roll in towards the pelvis or out towards your hands?
          Roll in = Inspire
          Roll out = Riders

        • @cwongtech:

          i dont know if i "roll" but i definitely dig into the balls of my feet more. you know your big toes, as you go straight south from them you have the heel of your toe where that big ball/bone is. that's where i feel my right foot really put pressure on. I just can't work out if i "pronate" so i roll inwards. but i remember an old "sight" test the guys did at jims or even the athletics feet tess, and i did have alot more "hot spots" towards my ball of my feet (so towards your pelvis) on my right side. My left not so much, i put it down to playing badminton and training, so footwork wise the right foot does alot of leading so it must have shaped how i step?

        • @cwongtech:


          did the footprint test that the mizuno details say to do on wiggles. based off that do you think the footprint matches the one shown under the waver rider 19 listing more???

          Although you say that is for rolling out (away from your pelvis) although I feel like pressure gets transferred to my balls of my right foot, especially if intense speed is requires liek power walking I feel like I use abit more of the big toe/second toe more, which would indicate rolling in?

          So im confused why the inspires I felt like the padding was more all over the base of my foot and i felt abit more out of balance, yet the wave riders i felt like it was more part of my foot and didn't feel the shift in weight difference on my feet?

          Could it be i've been wearing the wrong shoe this whole time so the inspires feel different but are actually better for my feet as opposed to ill fitted?

        • @SaberX:
          From that footprint it definitely looks like the Wave Rider!!
          You may just require more cushioning on the forefoot, for that the Enigma will be better than the wave riders.

        • @cwongtech:

          That's what I got recommended today, enigma 5's! but not on sale.. otherwies i'd get one wave rider, one engima haha. I might just get a wave rider for now and wait for an enigma 5 to go on sale :) so in the future given my foot print I should go for neutral style shoes then as i don't have a huge connection between heel and forefoot as you can see, due to the missing water where the arch is?

          so cushion running shoes (mizuno) as opposed to stability support style shoes like the inspire 12's and paradox?

          A pity there is only the wave riders on sale on wiggle :(

        • @cwongtech:

          thanks for your help btw!

          Do you usually recommend customers get the size they normally wear for normal shoes if its snug fit (but not constricting tight, just fitting of your feet) provided theres a finger nail or so of space between big toe and end of shoe??

          Just would help knowing what you recommmend for sizing usually, placing my order once i hear your thoughts :) It's a pity as the 0.5 size up at 11.5's i could feel the side of the bottom sole when i rolled too much into the side of the shoe, but otherwise is quite airy/plenty of space.

          I assume these shoes will expand a decent amount if they just fit snug now? So they would be perfect after a few runs?

        • @SaberX:
          Correct for Cushioning (Neutral is what rebel calls them), so no arch support is for you.

          Do you usually recommend customers get the size they normally wear for normal shoes if its snug fit (but not constricting tight, just fitting of your feet) provided theres a finger nail or so of space between big toe and end of shoe??

          I recommend at least a finger nails worth of space between their big toe and the front, although if it's a little bigger it's okay as long as the back half of the foot feels very secure (and the foot doesn't slip)

          I assume these shoes will expand a decent amount if they just fit snug now? So they would be perfect after a few runs?

          Some sales people will say that, the fabric will get less stiff but the size.. not really more than maybe a quarter of a size
          Your feet also expand when you run too from the blood circulation during exercise!

        • @cwongtech:

          ahhh ok, thanks. not sure - i might just go the size down and hope for the best. it isn't a tight 'fitting', just snug, so I assume even if my feet expand abit during circulation it might be ok… it's literally a fingernail of space up front so I Think it's ok. Probably the 'slippage' feeling of my feet going over the side of the bottom sole is an indication it might be abit looser.

          Fingers crossed - that and I'll probaly use it for walking on holidays and treks for the support - so it shouldn't be too bad being more snug since not running.

          Also what a bummer - the $15 voucher is no longer working, sigh :(

          There's a problem with the voucher!

          Sorry, the voucher code DHB-15 has now expired.

          Wondering if I should just get the one shoe then, depending how much delivery is…. Hmmmm

        • @cwongtech:

          Hi cwong, one quick q - i've placed my order anyway, but do you guys at rebel usually see people buy a half size or size up from their normal sneaker/shoes, or what is a snug fit on runners, do they then go for a 'loose' feel by going a half to one size up?

          Just curious. Thinking about it and hoping the fact that I went with my snug fit sizing wont be regret later on.

        • @SaberX:
          They don't go for a "loose" feel by going half a size up, or you'll start to get blisters.
          For mizuno the sizing is pretty standard from memory :)

      • It is just that they aren't the most attractive things to look at if you are fashion conscious

        This is exactly the sort of thing I'm after, but find it really hard to find.

        A fashionable shoe you can wear with jeans, that has the support/comfort of a running shoe! That would be perfect for overseas travelling etc

        • +1

          Pureboost ZG by Adidas, get it through the clickfrenzy sale (blue) or through Wiggle/Other legit stores :)

  • The Wave Inspire 12s at around $87 is top value too. Only problem is you need to buy another $13 worth of product to get free shipping.

  • Wonder if you could price match then pay with an AMEX card enrolled for the Rebel Sport offer? Which would then bring it down to a pretty sweet price.

    • +1

      Definitely no, you can't pricematch Wiggle from Rebel (I work there)
      Physical stores only and has to have stock.

  • Sorry - this product is no longer available
    This Mizuno Wave Paradox 3 (AW16) is no longer available although you may find similar or newer versions below:

    • Sorry, looking from overseas. Appears fine from Australia.

      • looking from overseas

        True OzBargainer

        • +1

          Worse is when I used TeamViewer to log into my home machine and buy these shoes!

        • @Risto:

          Didn't even realise TeamViewer was a way to access your pc at home, thanks for telling us haha I'll look into it while I'm on holidays too!

  • I just ordered 2 x Wave Rider 19's for just under AU$160 delivered. Use promo code DHB-15 and get $15 off.

    I have always used Asics Nimbus but have been told the Wave Rider is the equivalent of the Nimbus. I hope I didn't make a big mistake here.

    • I have wave rider 13's , what is the difference to the wave rider 19? Is it a nicer upgrade?

      And compared to the Paradox - is the paradox a nicer shoe? Or better for technology/comfort etc?

      • Rider 13s!? Is that from 2010?
        Paradox has aggressive arch support, not the same type of shoe as rider.

        • Sorry I stand corrected. Wave rider 15's.


          I just went into Jim kidd and tried the paradox. What does aggressive arch support mean? It felt like I was getting jabbed in the arch?

          I was told the paradox 3 and inspire 12's were for people who had no arch - so stability support all round. And I was recommended enigma 5 for full length wave plate (as I wear out my balls of my foot under my big toe a lot as I roll towards it from sports over the years and habit now) or waver rider 19, but the 19 has no full wave plate.

          The enigma 5 had definitely a much more puffy marshmellow feel, but the waver rider 19 felt more like a fitting shoes, like down to earth, albeit the front not as soft and cotton wooled.

          If I have an arch and have used the waver rider 15's, is it highly likely I should go with enigma or wave rider 19s and avoid the paradox 3 style shoes?

          oddly enough I tried the inspire 12s and it felt ok, albeit a little bit of cushion on my balls of feet that kind off -balanced me more than the wave rider??

          for a heavier person like me (90kg, but tall and slim) is a wave rider springy'ness better than the sponge like feel of enigma?

        • @SaberX:
          Advice given sounds correct.
          Yep, wave riders have half-length wave plate, while enigmas have full length.
          Avoid paradox for sure if you already have an arch.
          If you want fairly mild arch support, go for Wave Sayonaras, but riders should do, you aren't that "heavy" :)

        • @cwongtech:

          any advice on sizing? Usually a 11 US, but my wave riders 15's are 11.5 US. I wrote in another comment below - the 11.5's are more airy/breathable around the sides and front of my ball of feet area/toes. But are more baggy skin sides of shoes, so I can sorta go over the edge of the sole and feel it if I roll onto my balls too much. The 11s feel more like a just snug fit shoes/sneakers you'd wear out. Just don't know if one usually should buy a size larger for heat/swelling expansion of feet, or if the natural material will expand enough anyway if it is just sitting nicely at a 11?

          Just confused given my rider 15's were 11.5. They obviously are worn now and "loose" but still comfortable. The side of shoe membrane also isn't loose like the wave rider 19s are, hence why my feet are kept in place and can't feel the side of the bottom sole.

        • @SaberX:
          If its the same model, sizing should be consistent. Go in store to try a a pair during a quiet time and "have a think about it" :)

        • @cwongtech:

          i saw in a comment people mentioning about 2e and width of shoe etc??

          Are they standard? LIke I tried the rider 19s on at jim kidd, and the inspire 12s, if i bought these from wiggle, would the width be standard i.e. only one type? As i didn't notice anyhting other than the actual shoe size when i was at jim kidds. So I'm assuming there is only one width size?

        • @SaberX:
          Standard width is D for mens, if it doesn't mention 2E (there's even 4E but very rare), then assume standard.
          Although comparatively, mizuno are slightly wider than other brands of the same type. If you have a really narrow foot you may find them a bit spacious.

        • @cwongtech:

          nah I just find them snug, the US 11 fitted around my top of my feet just snugly in jim kidds. that's why I wanted to know if what I tried on in store was the same as buying it online here, if so I know exactly what I tried. The only thing I couldn't work out was a) whether I shoudl be buying a size up - US 11.5 which matches my old rider 15's, or going for a much more snug fit.

          I definitely don't have narrow feet but i don't know if they're considered big, I would think so?

          Would you describe it as mild or over pronation if you feel liek to launch your feet off ground you would use abit of your big and second toes? I think that's how asics or another website describes pronation (over) whereas under pronation if you feel like you push off your far few toes more often than not?

          I'm going to try and put the foot onto water then mat/paper test. or even tiles and see my imprint.

          I assume however that i land on my ball and i feel pressure on my ball, I just can't work out if i roll anti clockwise until i'm on my balls, it almost feels like I instantly goto my balls of my feet. It's mainly due to my badminton training and now baskebtlall, i tend to shift weight and go straight into the ball that it almost doesn't feel like i pronate/roll and shift weight onto it… hmmm

    • Riders are a spring.
      Nimbus are a sponge.
      Not exactly equivalent but it's each company's offering at the same price point.

    • thanks for the discount code. so the DHB-15 is stackable for current sale?

      HOw much is shipping if we don't spend over $100?

      If not I'll just buy two shoes too? I would much rather have the $89 - $15 discount though and have one shoe haha.

      • I think your total needs to come to over $100 after the discount. I got my 2 x Wave Rider 19s DELIVERED for just under $160 inc shipping.

        • Why two though? I thought there was something about if you bought a shoe and left it unused for the few years the material or glue breaks down or becomes ineffective or more brittle? Unless you go through them in a yr or two?

          Or perhaps you wanted two diff colours or sizing?

          So i assume you can still use the 15 dollar discount voucher on one shoe, just you'll also haveto pay shipping which i assume costd just as much?

          Too bad wiggle isnt on cash rewards or the amex click frenzy thing?

        • Hey, just wondering but it seems this counts for click frenzy. so shoudln't you get $30 off too the $160? And the cashback of 2.8% for cash rewards? I'm hoping my two wave riders cost under $160 then haha.

  • Has anyone bought from this retailer before? legit?

    • +2

      I have bought plenty from Wiggle before. They are a huge online retailer.

      I just also grabbed a pair of the Wave Inspire 12s.

      • Thanks! Will check them out tonight - hopefully won't sell out!

        I have only ever owned one wave rider 13's, what's the difference between inspire 12s, the later wave rider 19s etc and say this paradox 3's? Coming from having the waver rider 13, any recommendations? Or on what their differences are?

        • I'm not really sure of all the differences between each model. Best to check out Mizuno's shoe finder: http://www.mizunousa.com/Running/Shoe-Advisor

        • The number on them is just a model number I guess. They go up every year. I started using Wave Riders from 16s and currently use 17s (which for some reason I didn't like as much). For $87.99, I'm all over the 19s :D
          With shoes that old, new ones will do you good

        • @nstyle:

          I stand corrected - mine are wave 15's not 13's haha.

          I just tried the 19s, how would you guys recommend sizing?

          I'm a size us 11 normally, yet my wave 15's are 11.5. I tried the wave rider 19s and the 11.5 had a lot more air in the toes and the sides of my front foot were more breathable, whereas the 11 US they just wrapped around the sides of my balls of feet etc nicely. Doesn't hurt or anything , just feels like a normal snug sneakers/shoe. Whereas I'm worried for a runner you need more room?

          Or does more room lead to bunions/blisters?

          I'll also note because it was 'looser' around the side of my balls of toe/upper foot, at a certain angle I can sorta walk my foot too far over the heel of my toe and I feel the side of the shoe sole? If that makes sense?

          I just tried on my wave riders 15s and even though they're airy and loose around the top of my foot, I don't go over the edge of the bottom sole at all.

          For a running should should I just stick to my regular shoe size and a snug fit? Provided a toe nails space between big foot and end of shoe??

          I mean most running shoes will expand/get abit looser all around the top half/capping of the foot right?

  • Dammit!! not only did I miss out on the $15 discount code but I just realised the click frenzy amex offer was available for wiggle too during click frenzy. Online "retail" discount offer is available only on 30 retailers or so, but they extended it to click frenzy retailers during the 24 hour period, which would have started 7pm AEST on 15 nov and now ended, a few hours too late.

    Real cut! Dammit that $88 wave rider would have been like $58! Holy moly!

  • Seems deal is still active - maybe going off still 16th in UK?

    • The sale prices yeap. But i meant the amex online retail offer and the 15 dollar discount code mentioned above.

      I ended up speaking to online chat and they gave me a discount code so i ended up with a tad cheaper for my two wave riders than the other poster above haha as the discount was nearly 17 instead. So all up 159 for the two wave riders.

      Only thing worrying me now is having bought my normal shoe size as opposed to half a size up. Hopefully no regrets once i start moving in them.

      • My comment was a general "the deal is still on, even though it's marked as expired" - but it's really finished now.

        But yeah, would have been sweet to stack everything. I wasn't aware that Amex applied.

        • Yeah, me neither. If it was mentioned in the topic I think the urgency on the time limit before deal frenzy finished would have made me hurry up haha. Oh well… can't win them all.

          paradox 3's are back to 139.99 - looks like they're still pretty cheap than buying them for the supposed "$200 RRP" here.

          Mizuno rider 19's are back to $153.97 though - jeezus! paid $6 more for two pairs :S

  • I received my Wave Paradox. Same sizing as ASICS and very supportive but not annoyingly so. Happy with the purchase.

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