scrolling through jbhifi's website and came across this i think it is a good deal at only $149 but let us know if it is cheaper anywhere else.
Microsoft Surface 2 64GB Tablet $149 @ JB Hi-Fi

Last edited 15/11/2016 - 10:46 by 1 other user
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as long as you just use it as a basic tablet, internet browsing, social media, reading news, image gallery etc..
……. and when there's a deal for a $149 full-size iPad I'm sure it will be a better deal than this.
You just have no idea of what you're saying most of the times don't you?
Only 16Gb so not really comparable. If there is a $149 64GB full size iPad offer, then we can compare properly.
@abc: A 5 year old 1024x768 iPad 2 from a single Big W store 6 months ago, any deals on a time machine so I can go and pick up this slow, obsolete iPad?
Windows RT
The page you were after lived a good and happy life, but now it is no longer with us. That's ok though, because we have thousands more that are alive and just as great.
seconded… page gone :~(
poor page, it will be missedR.I.P page
Yet another senseless page death on the internet. When will the madness end?
False advertising. Other pages are not as great.
Windows RT… but definitely a bargain for this price
that literally went down in a minute
Good find!
Windows RT was incredible for non-tech people that just check email, do internet banking, and type up the odd word document. I gave the original to my mum "here is a laptop that can't get viruses". She's loved it, and it's saved me DAYS of fixing laptops. Also general slow down doesn't seem to affect RT.
MS needed to sell it as virus proof.
I bought a first gen surface RT tablet after getting fed up with apples itunes, lack of flash, no kb, no usb etc
the specs and features are perfect however it is a nightmare in terms of lagging and freezing, ive formatted it a few times, barely have any apps on it,
having 1 IE window open, open a simple page like and scroll down , it can hang for 3 seconds everytime,
to a point where its barely useable
I would love a anotehr surface but the above experience has really turned me off
we only use it for browsing and emails and videos on the plane, so were not hard core users
still using my Surface 2 RT daily - awesome and solid - great traveller - beaut for the basics and that's all I need for this device - desktop / mobile for power and or apps
It's back up again!
cannot add to cart
Yeah I just get a black overlay with a big cross in the top right corner. No info.
Yes, just realized it won't let you add to cart :(
did anyone buy one?
RT is exactly why surface will never outsell ipad. Don't get me wrong, I am not an apple fan, but RT is useless.
… but RT has been discontinued for ages!
but that's how they launched the Surface line, they made the initial mistake and it confused consumers. Most consumers call all tablets 'ipads'.
A $150 surface RT is great as an outlook appliance. If you're using it for taking meeting notes in a workplace with Exchange it's much better than IOS.
The price and kickstand also makes it much better for recipes and cooking than an iPad.
Wasn't it more expensive compared to iPad Air 2 on release? RRP mentioned on Surface 2 is $639 and iPad Air 2 apparently started from $619.
This price probably is because of Surface 2 being discontinued and RT being abandoned by MS (Security patches but no "Windows 10" like major updates).
iOS is just as useless.
just as useless as some users
iOS has a hella lot more apps
And a lot of those apps are miles ahead on quality.
@Diji1: I really like the circular logic on that.
People don't buy our tablets/phones, because of apps. We will have more apps, universal app will add more apps to our stores. App developers will develop universal apps because it opens them up to larger audiences. We don't have larger audience, because people don't buy our tablets/phones.
The flaw in that logic is, people don't really use universal apps on PC and UI for mouse + keyboard vs UI for touchscreen needs to be different.
JB is spying on OzBargain. The deals being mentioned here are the one getting 'Died' there on JB.
…or they only have 2 or 3 of them and are using the clearout to drum up interest in the web site.
Argh I really wanted one!
Don't whinge about RT this was a bargain, just look at how many clicks it got (2790 clicks in 1 hour 18 min)
My missus has a first gen RT since it came out and has had no reformats and still runs great.
Just like the recent election. The loud squeaky wheels can't conceptualise that a different grease can be better suited to different wheels.
Please tell us more!
It's funny you should ask.. I spent a bit of time making this over the last week. I hope you like it :)
Such a good price, but I missed out eeep
Did anyone actually get one?
I did… when they first came out.
Who's the manufacturer? The JBHIFI page was down so I couldn't check…
Not bad as long as you understand the limitations of RT!