Anyone Know Any Job Vacancies for The Holiday Period Nov-Feb [Melbourne]

Hey there,

I am a university student who is currently on break until the end of February.

I'm on the lookout for work and have been applying to many random jobs but most of them have received a lot of applicants or were filled earlier.

I'm just wondering if any OzBargainers personally know any available roles I could fill? I have experience in customer service and much experience with computers, technology & software. I also don't mind jobs like data entry, admin or pretty much anything. Even warehousing jobs.
Just so I can earn some decent money over these holidays.

Thank you!


  • +2

    You just have to go to pretty much every shopping center in your area with your resume and just SPAAAAM the heck out of every retailer by going in and putting the resume on their counter.

    Assuming you have good repetoire of skills and experience down on your resume you should be able to find a retail job easily. What managers will be after is good availability so ensure you are available to work 7 days a week.

    But, alas, most managers by now should already have Xmas staff working and being trained, but it's worth a shot still.

  • +1

    A good idea is to look through the store directory of local shopping centres and it'll typically give you the contact details of each of the stores, with perhaps a link to the company website.

    From there, you should be able to find vacancies on either a "careers" page or "about us" section, or if they don't have it you could always email them with your interest in work, with your resume attached.

  • Try thinking of tourism concentrated areas, they'll definitely be looking for people over the summer break. If you're interested try applying for a job at Crown, it's not very hard to get into and you can make decent bank by picking up shifts. If you apply to become a dealer you get paid for 5 weeks of full time training as well :-)

  • Most large organisations have their Christmas casuals hired by about September, so you have possibly left your run a bit late.

    If you have your own transport you would probably be best looking towards some of the labour hire agencies who might be able to hook you up with last minute casual opportunities in things like warehousing etc (better if you have experience in these areas and especially if you have a forklift licence).

    I know Uni holidays go until February but this is not really peak time for casual employees so you might be stretching it to gain employment until then.

  • You can try housekeeping jobs in hotels or resorts. They need plenty of people during summer.

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