Nathan Birch - Binvested


I have just signed up for a 'mapping' session for $300 with binvested. Web session is on next week. Excited somewhat but also weary about my partner's response when she finds out I have spent $300 to listein to a guy talking about properties.

Wondering if anyone has gone through binvested programs and what their thoughts are?

Things I need to do:
1) Complete mapping session with Dan Young.
2) Another person will then help me decide where I am in the property journey?
3) See the mortgage broker and if I decide to buy the property Nathan Birch and his team recommend, it's $10,000 per property (finders fee).

Update 15/11/2016:
So my partner and I attended the webinar with Daniel Young yesterday. Overall we gained new knowledge on property investing. Some people will argue, it can all be found in Nathan's video etc.. no, I personally don't find many of his videos as helpful as attending the session.
I personally own handful of properties in Sydney but there were few 'statements' which Daniel Young made which baffled me enough to think in my head "hang on a sec". Binvested have different views on how to 'safely' grow your property investing portfolio than I do.

Would I recommend people to attend the mapping session? - Yes but either own few IP or have good knowledge about the IP area before attending the mapping session.
Would I recommend paying $300 to attend the session? - No, the $300 is quite steep. I think $50 would be been better. The session was quite informal.

Next step:
I did consider the buyer's agent fee - $10,000 and buying a property from Nathan's team. More I think about it, the more I'm want to avoid it. Thank you to some of the private messages regarding this. It pretty much sealed the deal for me.

We have lodged an application with the mortgage broker to see if we can purchase another property early in the new year. I have previously bought my own properties without Buyer Agents involvement and I'll continue to do this in the future.

Thank you.


  • +62

    you could have given me a slab of beer and I'll talk to you about property in person.

    this is spam.

    • +21

      I'll do it for a six pack. It's a race to the bottom.

      • +14

        Could've had me for a cool glass of water…

        • +7

          It's not news to anyone that you're easy :P

        • +4

          I know a few people that'd pay you, to listen to them.

          Their desperate to 'share the wealth'.

    • +7

      here is how it works:

      1) you have 30k to invest
      2) you pay them 10k for them to find you a 400k property
      3) you lever your remaining 20k to get a 95% LVR loan
      4) you hope that property prices don't collapse and rise 8% in a year. your property is 'worth' 432k and your loan is still at 380k as you are doing an interest only loan.
      5) you goto the bank and say 'equity maaaate' and redraw 30k (432k * 95% - 380k).
      6) go back and repeat 1 to 4
      7) you can withdrawn 60k now!!! and now buy 2 properties!!!!
      8) go back and repeat 1 to 4

      • +4

        can I grab your bank account details so I can send you the $300

      • This probably has an assumption that rental income covers the loan repayment installments for each property.

  • +34

    I would listen to your partner.

    • +5

      Without her signed up to the outcome, the only thing you are investing in is a new relationship.

  • +20

    What a waste….. You are not true Ozbargainer.

    • +8

      He is if he records it and provides the video free to all us Ozbargainers… :)

  • +23

    The psychology behind these advisor programmes is that you commit a fee up front, so you then subconsciously value the advice higher than other advice you receive.
    This makes ideas like (to my mind, preposterous) 'finder's fee' seem more reasonable that they might otherwise.
    I am also dubious about the relationship between property vendors and these agents.

    Consider this. If you drew up a list of criteria you were looking for in an investment property (e.g. price, rental return, etc.) you could get a virtual assistant to surf through and call and ask all the details you wanted for a few hundred dollars to screen literally hundreds of properties.

    What precisely is this advisor doing to earn a sweet $10K?

    • +3

      Great question.
      I'd have some reservations about this:
      1. Are they acting as RE Agents in this transaction (ie they appear to be spruiking property to you to purchase) and, if so,
      (a) are they properly licenced as such, and
      (b) why isn't the seller paying their commission since that is who they are truly acting for.
      2. How have they addressed the conflict inherent in giving you 'advice' and accepting your payment while simultaneously spruiking properties for sellers, and
      3. What is their liability if the property diminishes in value? If you are paying for their professional advice, presumably it comes with some form of guarantee.
      And that's just my initial concerns.

      • +1

        Follow the money trail with these things. Once you work out how they get paid; then you figure if the advice is them selling you a product, or actual genuine advice.

        I would consider you should spend at least $60 on investing books before you dig deeper.

        Jan Somers, Steve McKnight. Most of these books are on ebay for 1/2 price or more. Also for general wealth reading - Robert Kiyosaki is good. He now makes alot on his 'brand' and selling books.

      • They don't act for the vendors. They are buyers agents - hence the fee to the purchaser

  • +8

    10k finders fee? Wow.. you can filter on for free? Or even subscribe to some premium price/rental yield reports for a few hundred dollars. For that kind of money, I would expect some sort of guarantee.

  • +11

    You can invest in my backshed for $50 a week. It has a tv and I fill it up regularly with booze. Good investment.

    • +4

      where do u live?

    • +1

      $50 a week for a "all you can drink"… how often is regularly to be exact?

      • A Dan Murphy's special ;)

        • Hmm, based on ozbargain, almost weekly… tempting

  • +3


  • +1

    I don't actually think this is spam.
    I'd be interested to hear some serious responses.

    Op if you go ahead please keep us posted

    • +22

      Check the profile. Post was made 2 hours after signup without votes or comments elsewhere. No wonder everyone considers it to be spam.

      • +2

        I guess the OP wants some advice before blowing the couple's life savings. Or is SPAM.

      • Even if it is spam I don't think it will be very beneficial (for advertising). Maybe they made a throwaway so it wouldn't be associated with their normal account

    • +2

      Seminar is next week. I'll put out an update on how it all goes :)

  • +1

    Follow the money trail with these things. Once you work out how they get paid; then you figure if the advice is them selling you a product, or actual genuine advice.

    I would consider you should spend at least $60 on investing books before you dig deeper.

    Jan Somers, Steve McKnight. Most of these books are on ebay for 1/2 price or more. Also for general wealth reading - Robert Kiyosaki is good. He now makes alot on his 'brand' and selling books.

  • +20

    it's $10,000 per property (finders fee).

    I'll do it for a quarter of that and I guarantee to find you a property. And that's a Blitzâ„¢ guarantee.

    • Do this! I've seen the ad. Sempai Blitz…in the Mazda FD…professing his guarantee that's barely audible over the boost spool and blow off chirpin as he takes you on a journey around your future property portfolio in true drift style.

  • +5

    Why are you paying $300 to con artists?

  • +2

    Ottah, it's very easy to reject the non-believers here. You can put their advice to one side and think 'but they don't understand, this guy has made a lot of money. He talks sense. All I need to do is find one property and I'm set.' Rest assured sadly, the advice in this thread is correct.

    I was a bit of a seminar junkie 10 years ago. I learnt all about shares and property. Joined forums, listened to webinar, purchased some stuff. The property ones NEVER turn out well. Do you think you… as an amateur… can find a deal that a professional can't? It won't happen. The vast majority of speakers make their money of their seminar programs. Always google 'course name scam' to try and get a balanced view.

    Read up heaps on personal finance subreddits ( Good luck.

    • I've been to one Forex and property seminar in my life. I do dab in shares here and there but never made huge gains. It's got me interested because of the potential to bag $50-$60k profit within a short time. Some property pundits predict property will double every 10-12 years (can't seem to find much historical data before 1960s though).

      I guess I was after people's experience in dealing with Nathan's set of companies.

      • +10

        It's got me interested because of the potential to bag $50-$60k profit within a short time.

        That's exactly what Jordan Belfort (the Wolf of Wall Street) said to those suckers who bought penny stocks.

  • +1

    You're on your way to easy street. It's a life that can't be beat. 'cause life is but a treat, when your on eas-y street.

  • +1

    Does it worry anyone else that every property spruiker seems to be saying Brisbane is the next best thing? I think Brisbane has the potential to be the next Gold Coast. Or just a city full of renters with Sydney land lords

    • +2

      last i heard brisbane has an oversupply which is pushing down the prices. add to that the risk of natural disasters.

      i dunno, as a general rule of thumb when it comes to investments, if everyone says to do something, don't!

  • Here's someone's real experience:

    • +1

      I did see this.
      Interesting his head of mortgage broking company was former westpac bank manager….

      • +11

        If their prospective Investment Analyst are anything to go by…

  • IMO Nathan Birch is a lucky parasite.

    He's not a genius investor, he's a dumbass who took huge risks and succeeded through luck and nothing else.

    • I agree. He started investing when interest rates were in his favour, home prices were starting to increase. Took the right risk, at the right time?

      • Always seems right in hindsight. When interest rates were high it didn't seem like a good time to invest. But in hindsight, high interest rates are good to invest and when they are sliding down, it's a perfect storm.

        No quick money, slow and steady. But always do it in your comfort band. If you can't afford to lose it all, then don't do anything rash. The FOMO factor makes ppl do silly regrettable decisions.

        • of course, he's done well due to circumstance, if he started investing today with the same strategy he wouldnt be in the same place in the same amount of time. he'd be a nobody on a forum trying to work out how to pay off his debts.

          therefore his experience and advice, whilst might be good, is still to be taken under the knowledge that he invested in property in a time which was obviously a good time to invest in property. if his advice is just how to get the most number of properties under your belt, then that gives you nothing of worth. if he's actually good at finding undervalued properties etc, then thats another story.

          just like any "stock market gurus" that got lucky investing in the stock market in a boom time, etc.

  • +6

    Wow. Just wow. Sounds like you've spent $300 on self-education. Specifically on how not to fall into dodgy spruiking arrangements in future. Time to bail out now.

  • +1

    Ask for refund! Get a doctor's certificate that you are in depression because of your relationship going down as you spend $300 w/o asking your partner! Take it to consumer affairs… or record it and resell it for $10 per copy :P

  • +6

    Dad? Is that you?

  • +6

    if it only costs you $300 to learn this lesson that's cheap. If you proceed any further you'd have to be batshit insane. These property spruikers just leave trails of bankrupted people in their wake

  • +2


    • 100% —- Hasn't popped back since to see all the replies

  • +8

    I am holding a seminar next week about how to increase your wealth. Anyone interested in signing up? It's only $200 per person.

    • +5

      Does it include pizza? Coz if it does, take my money!

    • +1

      How about a packet of used eneloops?

      • +1

        with no charge cycles left

        • and size AAAA

  • +5

    I think the money would be better off spent on a fortune teller or palm reader.

  • +1

    Hey OP, i'm an property investment consultant myself, i do consult people on how and where to invest in property as well as the strategy to invest as well as Wealth Creation and Wealth Management, i could get you as a client for FREE with all my advises and so on. No fee for me. Only fee you paying is the cost you pay to others when purchase. NOT to me.

    I can find for you for free, all good investment good rental good quality incentives and everything, even get you to invest property WITHOUT using your pocket money, case-to-case. How's good is that? Oh maybe the cost you pay to me is a coffee from starbuck or something lol

    So yea, i think he is not a great investment to learn when he charges you to "find" for you. Go to the 300$ session, but after that don't go for the 10k package, do some self-learning and you will be fine

    • Can you turn on your private messaging please?

      • Hey man, just turn it on lol. Sorry didnt have time to check with ozbargain

    • how do you make money then… sounds like alot of advice for free?

      • -2

        ah finally someone asks lol.
        I make the money working for the developers/sellers. After taking my advice, i let my client choose whether to work with me and invest with me or not.
        If the client happy to invest with me, then i get paid from the dev/seller. If the client want to look for other advisors due to my advice is stupid, they're more than welcome to.

        • +1

          So trust someone who takes kick backs for his recommendations. PASS. I would rather pay upfront for independent advice.

          Are you a member or PIPA?

        • +1

          @metallum: the "take" here is free advice, what i talk to my client only about investing and NOT about buying/investing anything until they feel comfortable doing so. No upfront payment, no contract anything.
          And of course, all the advices are gonna be the same anyway.

          1. Buy low, buy where get good tenant, good infrastructure, investment, career hub etc
          2. Get professional to manage
          3. Do the tax return, use depreciation to pay lower tax
          4. Use equity to buy more
          5. Sell High

          You can go and ask around as much as you want, 10k advice or not. It's gonna be this way.
          The hard part is the emotions, the procrastination and the follow up with the news to know where gonna be the next "investment" hub

    • +1

      @lehatu, can you please share your details as I would to discuss further with you on the services you offer.

      • i can't send cause you don't accept new conversations.

  • Dont bother with this op, if you have dabbled in shares, housing isnt much different. Just purchase house and hopefully it will grow and then onsell or keep.

    The key is to know when the wave is coming into the area you are looking at and what you will stand to gain from it after all the fees and so forth.

  • +4

    pay me to listen to my advice, then just do the opposite. you will be rich in no time

  • +3

    Am I the only one who always reads this company as Bin vested? At the rates they charge my reading seems pretty apt.

    • I read it as something else again, not that there is anything wrong with that.

  • +1

    I think the model works conceptually - i.e. They find you a property (1) under market value, (2) with positive returns and (3) a good chance of capital gains. If they can land all 3, then paying them $10,000 is well worth it. However, with that many property investors and spruikers around - the chances of getting all 3 are limited. I'd assume Birch has a team of employees which in turn would mean that they would need to turn over 10's of deals a month. They will never find that many "great buys" on a consistent basis - so you have to question any property they put on the table.
    Ten years ago (i.e. When Nathan was investing) the markets were Sydney's outer suburbs. Nowadays you'll be looking at Brisbane's outer suburbs - which is far riskier as its population is less than half of Sydney's.

    • +11

      IF they can get all three criteria, they'd buy it themselves.

      Why refer it to you for $10,000 for you to make the thousands? The generic excuse would be "opportunity costs". Banks provide loans for that >allows them to onboard another positive returns asset with capital gains > compounding increase in turnover > more money.

  • +1

    PS OP - if you are interested in his advice - its all free on Youtube

  • +3

    I thought the $10,000 finders fee was for you and thought this might not be a bad idea…

    Hey OP I have some snake oil if you're interested. It's good for what ails you.

  • Does anyone else feel that automated transport, virtual or augmented reality communication, drones and 3D printing buildings might curb this property growth in the next 30 years? I'm just curious.

    • +2

      Drones seem useless if they can't even deliver a sausage from Bunnings.

      • +1

        120m flight height regulation as well.
        An insult to the DJI Mavic's 7km range.

  • +9

    These programs are scams - your partner is right to be pissed.

    Basically they fluff around with some property "theory" to make you feel like you are now a learned investor, they will spruik all the "success stories" of people who have come through their program and are now self funded retirees at the age of 30.

    They will then "help" you find a property, which, in most cases, is a new off-the-plan property by a developer they are in bed with, or an existing property that is sold through an REA they have a link with. In nearly all cases I've seen the property price is fixed with no negotiation - funny how that is the case, yet when you buy property on the open market everything is negotiable.

    They will then steer you through their panel of experts - brokers, insurance agents etc, who are all take a cut on the deal, so basically every step of the process is a chance for them to line their own pockets.

    The high fees basically lull you into a sense that you are getting "gems" of information that know one else knows.

  • +3

    We have bought through them before. My experience was not very positive.

    Their golden formula (Below market, cashflow positive and in growth areas) works in theory and they probably do find these but suspect there aren't enough to go around. So they will sell you anything they can find and pocket the fee.

    In my experience you could do just as good without them.

  • +1

    Back in the day of the Somersoft forums Nathan Birch would buy run down properties in regional areas, renovate them and get tenants in them.(at least thats what he wrote on the somersoft forums) I guess its more profitable to sell seminars now.

    • You create the need first before selling the pen - jordon Belfort/wolf of Wall Street

  • +2

    Nice try Nathan.

  • 1) Anyone who buys real estate when interest rates are at/near historic lows and hopes to make a quick $50-60k profit is a mug. Which way do you think interest rates will bead in the future and as a result prices? I hope you also realise that there are transaction costs/taxes on the buy and sell sides that you need to cover before any quick profits.

    2) Anyone who pays an additional $10k in the hope of achieving 1) is even dumber than a mug.

    Have you considered the risks?

    If 1) doesn't occur and interest rates rise, will you be able to hold on to the property? If you are forced to sell you could be looking at big losses including your family home if you own one. This could be from negative cash flows, falling prices and losses from overpaying because the "experts" were only interested in their commission and prepared to sell you a lemon.

    Look, I have a lot of experience in this area and I can't achieve 1). And if I could I would charge $50-60k for it and guarantee the outcome. Now that's a thought, why don't you ask for a guarantee (and ask for your commission to be placed into a trust until you realise your profits)?

  • +3

    Since you've already spent the money, you might as well check out the seminar. Then without giving them more money report back here with what you learned.

  • If you buy an investment property I wonder if the fees you pay are tax deductible, anyone?

    Also, without knowing anything about this guy, on the few details you've given, it sounds like a scam or possible pyramid scheme

    • It is, especially for depreciation which turn it into negative gearing

      • It is?
        Clickship needs to clarirfy WHICH fees as not all are tax deductible. An example xould be legal fees to purchase the property.
        Also depreciation is not a fee.

  • +8

    FYI they are not actually qualified to give financial advice

    that being said, the $300 session consists of this advice
    - buy super cheap property as there will always be tenants at the cheapest end of town and the potential for growth is higher
    - refinance regularly and use the equity to purchase more properties
    - dont listen to other people who give you advice unless they have 10+ properties
    - finance with a bank that will let you get 10+ properties and wont cancel your loans in the event of a financial crisis. hint hint - use their bank
    - buy something within 20km of brisbane CBD as this is the only market in aus that will take off
    - some bragging about how they can retire already and how they bankroll their entire family
    - a lot of other rushed through gibberish

    they purposely overwhelm you with information so you'll trust them as the gurus and take the next step… the exclusive, limited spaced, we choose our clients (lol), buyers agent service @ $10k per property. they literally push you to purchase property within an hour of leaving the place and give you the impression it's an awesome property that won't last 24 hours. nathan spruiks the properties HARD and is super salesy. not professional or balanced whatsoever. the properties are real bottom of the barrel stuff, which you can find yourself on realestate or domain by setting a max price of $300k.

    generally speaking i do not have an issue with buyers agents. they can get you properties that arent on the market yet, negotiate good prices, provide a cash flow analysis and only charge a fee after you purchase the property. nathan however, just gets you stuff already available online and charges $10k up front. so even if you think his service is shit, you've already paid up. if you want to back out, he keeps $2k.

  • +1

    Nathan was pretty active on Somersoft property forum. I believe he got his begins from investing in cheap country property or fire damaged property that could be fixed up. It snowballed from there. Once he started his own investing company I think he kind of lost contact with ppl on Somersoft.

    Comments on his mapping course thing -

    ha I found his profile, oddly enough he's got selfie with Trump (wonder if thats a sign of anything)

    • +1

      somersoft has been replaced with if anyone wants to check it out for more up to date info.

  • +6

    Obvious sockpuppet is obvious.

    Lol, if the property market was making them millions why would they bother with seminars?
    They make most of their money ripping people off with seminars full of fluff, hopes and dreams.

    If you're legit and not working for them, I'd be calling your bank and getting the $300 transaction reversed.

    • Ohh OP joined 3 days ago :P

    • Considering
      the reception the post has got, perhaps Mr Birch will be changing tactics.

  • +2

    BIN vested, I'm sure you see what it's called that name…

  • +5

    Yeah nah.

    Go listen to the Property Couch podcast. Free and life changing if you want to invest. Those guys helped me buy. For free. They specifically warn against shit like this.

  • +2

    Be careful Biinvested are con artists. don't do it you'll go in massive debt

  • +1

    I bought a property through Nathan Birch (before he started Binvested and was still working with Victor at RPG) in 2010.

    It's probably the worst performer I've had due to the location (Central coast). It was cheap for a reason…

    It was my first property but gave me the incentive to do my own research and find well located metro properties myself. In a way it got me comfortable with the whole process. And it has definitely paved the way for my property investment journey.

    • Time the market - don't buy at peak - read up on Herron Todd White monthly review

      Check vacancy rates on SQM research etc to get an idea of demand in the area.

      Join property chat forums and bounce ideas off other property investors who don't have anything services to spruik.

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