ATM Not Paying at Pokies Venue


My wife was at our local pokies club in Melbourne,and went to the ATM machine. Put in her Eftpos Card and received no money or slip at all.
We reported it and are still waiting.

Our bank gave us proof the money was transferred to the ATM.

But the company running it say they balance ok…due no money!

My question is what now and who is responsible to pay?


  • -1

    It's a case of he said, she said.

    It's impossible to prove one way or the other.

    I've never trusted private ATMs.

    At the pokies? Well, either the ATM will steal your money or the Pokie Machines will.

  • +3

    Could the machine have been tampered with - an old scam was to stick a metal receptacle over the cash slot which looks like part of the machine, An unknowing user thinks the machine has malfunctioned, but the money is hidden. After you walk away the scammer pulls it off and takes your money.

    Possibly report to the venue, give them the time of the transaction and see if they can review their security footage.

  • +17

    Are you sure you weren't using a poker machine?

  • +9

    Did you witness her using the ATM machine?
    Maybe your wife has a gambling problem and lost the money hence the ATM story?

  • +1

    Haven't ATMs been banned from the pokies since 2012 ?

    Tougher bans on cash machines in gaming venues(

    • Story being made up just got more credible.

    • Is that just VIC? nvm… OP is in VIC.

  • +6

    The easiest way to get back the money would be to go to the same venue and win it back from the pokies.

  • For the at venue ATMs, you usually need to go to the counter to initiate a withdrawal first then go to the ATM to get the cash. Is that what happened?

  • Just look at it as cutting out the middle man, the money would have soon been gone anyway

    • Hi,tnx for the comments…yes the atm was confirmed girl switched it to activate,our bank confirmed money sent to this machine..found out machine was replaced next day due apparant probmlems,my wife has spoken to three different people working for the atm and no replies.Manager at the club unable to get answers as well,so you can see where its at..the amount is $120..its more that nothing happens..and could be happening more.

      • Moral of the story. You can lose money going to the pokie venues.

        • Thankyou to all with gour comments…I agree pokies take your money…personally I dont play them at all..we go for linch there 3 times s pool etc..wife plays with limittd funds,so all ok there.The mo ey from the Atm was for groceries on the way home.We are still trying to get it tho.

        • @rickr: Why not pay for the groceries at the Grocery store ?

          Just contact the Banking Ombudsman.

  • Hello..Perserverance has paid off,the atm owners have accepted responsibility and have given us our money back.So thankkyou for all comments.

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