Great gift for a mates birthday or fun for the kids.
Usually $8.50 (not retro) at Kmart
Great gift for a mates birthday or fun for the kids.
Usually $8.50 (not retro) at Kmart
"Retro" Uno would surely be playing the game using ordinary playing cards as everyone did before it was dumbed down so it didn't need explaining to people who were drunk?
Yep, that's how I played a s a kid. We called it chase the ace.
I wish my nearest Aldi wasn't over 1000km away. I'd love an old school Uno deck.
Would you like it delivered to you? Can offer to deliver it to you provided you pay for shipping of course.
If you wouldn't mind, that would be great.
Turn your private messaging on :)
Awesome work, bro :)
What awesome community spirit…well done CVonC
shipping turned out to be more expensive than the cards unfortunately :/ but hey as long as crc32 gets them in the end :)
not all credit goes to me though, saw someone else on here (can't remember who) offer the same thing to other ozbargainers. I think it was for an Aldi item too. thought that that was a great gesture and so followed in their footsteps. i hope it encourages others to do similar things in the future for their fellow ozbargainers. sometimes there's too much bitching and arguing going on here. so simple things like this can hopefully balance it out.
I love how retro the OzBargain website is
You can't call this site retro when there are no rotating skull or nuke GIF's.
BTW, please sign my guestbook
ahhhh… reminds me of responsive web design in the 90's.
<TD><IMG SRC="1x1.gif" WIDTH=300>
<TD><FONT SIZE=42>Hello welcome to my <MARQUEE>Internet Web Home</MARQUEE></FONT>
<TD BGCOLOR=RED><IMG SRC="/cgi/webcounter.cgi">
Lol that rekt my email notification
<BLINK>The good old days…</BLINK>
@Make it so: We must encourage people to go back to IE6, everything has been downhill since we moved to open standards.
This code is awesome and super-user friendly. I need to update my homepage!
🚧Under Construction🚧
Your retro is my cutting edge.
Member UNO? yeah I member
No south park this week :(
Election episode next…
'Member feeling safe? 'Member no ISIS? 'Member Reagan? Ohh, I 'member. Ooo, 'member? Ooo, 'member? [Randy sits up and spits out what's left of the berries he's eaten]
Such a good episode
There are lots of cheap versions of UNO around, maybe that's what the retro one is.
Throwing you back to the first time you opened your uno pack and it wasnt made in china
UNO is the classic card game of matching colors and numbers! Featuring special “throwback” style packaging and cards, UNO Retro will remind fans why this game is still as easy to pick up and impossible to put down as the first day it was introduced! Players take turns matching a card in their hand with the current card shown on top of the deck either by color or number. Special action cards deliver game-changing moments and help you to defeat your opponents! These include Skips, Reverses, Draw Twos, color-changing Wild and Draw Four Wild cards. You’ll find 25 of each color (red, green, blue, and yellow), plus the eight Wild cards, inside the 108-card deck. If you can’t make a match, you must draw from the central pile! Don’t forget to shout “UNO” when you only have one card remaining! The first player to rid themselves of all the cards in their hand before their opponents wins. It’s Fast Fun for Everyone! Includes 108 cards and instructions. Colors and decorations may vary. For ages 7 years and up.
• UNO Retro combines the classic game of matching colors and numbers with special “throwback” style packaging and UNO cards!
• Fans will recognize the iconic red, green, yellow, and blue cards plus eight Wild cards that allow you to choose the color that resumes play!
• Action cards deliver fun, game-changing moments!
• Don’t forget to shout “UNO” when you only have one card remaining! The first player to get rid of all their cards wins
• Includes 108 cards and instructions
Manufacturer's Suggested Age: 7 Years and Up
Includes: cards
Material: plastic, cardstock
Number of Players: 2-10 Players
Level of Difficulty: easy
Battery: no battery used:
TCIN: 17072908
UPC: 887961219722
Store Item Number (DPCI): 087-10-1939
Origin: Imported
The devils game.
So many friendships broken with hand of reverse and pickup 4 combo.
Also another game that destroys relationships is risk, witnessed first hand a marriage end over a back stab of the husband to the wife to be risk champion.
Star Wars Monopoly for mine.
My board has been upturned a few times by unhappy campers…
You know its bad when wedding rings get flung across the room with the gameboard.
I've always been told that you can't play a reverse on a pickup card.
I'd get one but I know it'll end up sitting on the shelf, never to be touched again.
I bought both today too - slinky won't go down the stairs though. I reckon it's too heavy it kind of just falls everywhere instead of slinking
It must be retro toy week at Aldi because they have all the things I played with when I was a kid there. Sale started today, btw.
Yeah, they've branded it as timeless boys. Plenty of little miss, mr. men, little golden and goosebumps books. Very good prices too. I might consider getting the ATV ride on to get to work.
I like Sushi Go, Love Letter, Dixit and Splendor, and enjoy a nasty game of 500, but Uno is a great game that is cheap and super portable.
You must be fun at parties.
ANything MTG or Pokemon based is NOT better value for money. You are paying through the roof for branding
Who plays that draw 4 can be defended by another? a
And draw 2 by another or skip or reverse, all the while adding to the final pick up.
nope, draw four must pick up .
But draw two can stack.
Thats how we play.
sifnt stack draw fours! >_<
I've played that way before. Picking up 12 cards as a result of 3 stacked draw 4's quickly changes the leaderboard.
How about effectively spiking the deck by removing the second set of number cards?
Were the original cards bigger?
Gotta ask… how does the retro version differ from what you can currently find??
different colour.
game play is the same.
Cheaper on ebay?
Check your local discount store for these.
We've gone through a couple of discount store decks int he last 10 years. The card quality isn't great, though it is true my kids are pretty hard on them, and we take them camping and on holidays.
So I wouldn't pay $15 for the deck my local game store wants, but $5 seems reasonable.
I've….never played Uno. I really should buy a deck (and then find some friends).
You wont find friends on a 4 draw.
It's not as old school but another card game I recommend is monopoly deal. Brings the nastalga of monopoly in a quick and portable card game.
Nastalga - is that an evil combo of nasty nostalgia?
Draw two! Draw four! SUFFER
Nothing worse than having great few last cards and then it has to be reshuffled and you get someone else's crappy cards!
Best game, awesome price. Buy 2.
Draw 2 you mean
kris kringle gift idea!
Have they gone? The link's just going to the homepage now.
The link is always removed when the sales start. There's plenty of stock in store, popped by 2 stores today and there were at least 60 at each store.
couldn't find anything in North Sydney, maybe I looked at the wrong place. Saw the Slinky there, but not the cards.
I had noticed the cards had changed on new packs. Do these ones say on it draw 2 draw 4 extra. Wild..
What's the difference between Retro and Normal Uno? Can anyone please suggest?
I just bought Uno for $3 from my local post shop.
Can anyone post a picture of the cards? I have so many $2 decks at home (favourite game) so I want to see how these look before I buy them
All good, went ahead and bought 2 decks and they are exactly like the one's I used to have as a kid. Yay. Only have some 10 decks or more of uno
Picked this, a slinky and the One by Wacom tablet up yesterday. All great stuff.
Xmas gift sorted thanks!
Thanks OP. Bought two.
Deal was posted 3 weeks ago, most of it would've been purchased.
Good enough reason to be "expired"