Looking for Small Swiss Army Knife with Keyring

I'm looking to buy a new basic swiss army knife with a keyring with scissors as one of the tools. Brand can be generic and doesn't matter.

Has anyone come across a site that sells these at a good price? Examples of what I'm looking for is the one below:



  • Generic - checkout aliexpress. I bought a couple of generic 18 piece saks. Quality is ok. But the pull out toothpicks suck. They cost about us$4.50 delivered

  • I don't know if they would be considered a good price, but I got my Swiss Army Knife from Peter's Of Kensington

  • That's exactly the one I have! Have had it for maybe 20 years and it cost a damn sight more than that one you have linked.

    I think the advantage of Swiss Army over generic might be the quality of the steel/blade/tools. My scissors are still sharp(ish) - def still able to cut. The blade holds an edge. I don't know that I would expect a generic brand to do that.

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    I used to own a lot of genuine ones but I keep forgetting to remove them when I fly and kept getting them confiscated lol. Now I'm just going for the cheapest since I reason that they won't last that long to actually dull.

  • I'm pretty sure what you're after is called the Swiss Army Knife Classic
    Starbuy have it for $18.00 click & collect in Sydney or delivery will cost extra.
    Otherwise try your luck on eBay

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