Online offer only! 15GB of data, unlimited talk and text, 500 int. minutes and free music streaming for $50. Also, 10% discount for uni students. 12 month contract term.
Expires 16/11/2016
Online offer only! 15GB of data, unlimited talk and text, 500 int. minutes and free music streaming for $50. Also, 10% discount for uni students. 12 month contract term.
Expires 16/11/2016
They seem to be alternating between this and the $40/10GB offer.
This was an "under the table" offer for retail stores. Now it's online. Pretty good deal though.
Great deal for high data use. I've got the $40/10gb plan.
Now that Google play/ Pandora etc are free streaming (when I remember to turn off my VPN) I find that I'm barely hitting 4gb/month while streaming music for about 15/20hrs per week.
I don't watch YouTube or anything like that though, just general browsing between having wifi access.
Great deal if you need it, but make sure to crunch the numbers to determine whether you will actually use all that!!
Edit- maths.
how much porn do you guys watch for 15gbs a month
i barely crack 2gb
Switch from pee porn to bestiality u'll hit the download limit
Isn't the Netflix included in this $50?
No, only the $100 Mobile phone plan and above include it for free. All other mobile plans and sim plans, only music streaming is free. Netflix and video streaming is $10 bolt on, and it looks like this bolt on cannot be added to SIM plan only mobile phone plans :(
i was super keen until i saw the fine print that says only SD quality. can anyone confirm this?
It is on the SIM only plans, but your right about the $10 extra.…
Wonder if they will add SBS on demand also, I find that has the best offering in free streaming.
Note the TV bolt on is not available for sim only plans (however music streaming is).
Any idea if the ABC iView includes the ABC Kids iView?
Just switched from Telstra after 10 years. Mainly because of the free Netflix streaming.
I am pleasantly surprised I am getting a similar service so far with Optus.
Did you get the free Netflix streaming with this $50 SIM plan?
no there is no free netflix streaming in 50$ sim plan
@APN Adelaide
Thats what I thought, but the comment @carlitos made it look like its included.
i am in this plan for last 1.5 months.
First month
As not a intense user with only few apps + using waze/google for navigating, i only used 4-5 gig last day(last day downloaded 4movies to make it till 13gig).
2nd month i am streaming youtube and foxtelgo instead of spotify while commuting still have 7 gig left for 14 days.
PSA for Telstra customers
Make sure you use this deal as a bargaining chip to get yourself a better plan!
Ask for the Retention team, Hint that you'll leave, mention the outages and away you go.
What is the Retention team?? What outages should I mention haha I would love a good deal but I actually never have any outages lol
What outages should I mention
The one coming up lol
I'll be interested to see if anyone can get Telstra to match this one. I can't see them matching the data though.
I called Telstra about this deal took about 30mins of haggling but i got 13 gb for $50
Outstanding. Is that with unlimited talk & text? Any international talk time?
unlimited talk & text? Not sure aboutt international time
do you remember who you spoke to? retention team wouldnt budge for me. are you out of contract?
No sorry, im out of contract
I'm on this plan now. Loving it, but I still need to watch my usage. 15Gb nowadays is not a lot of data..
explain - 15GB is heaps
Because of all the stupid facebook videos, snapchat and internet ads and stuff these days data can get ripped through if you're not careful, 15GB is a lot but it's definitely reachable without checking up during the month
Rooted Android with Adaway has cut my browsing data by about 60%. I think there is also an iOS adblocker FYI
Also depends on how Optus is charging for data. What is it now? 1mb per session as a minimum? Wouldn't surprise me.
it depends how you use it, watching tv shows/movies you will run out quickly.
Kogan mobile have a much better deal 12G for 4.99 (prepaid)
kogan deal is awesome but just for one month.
Agreed. After first month you're back to paying $50 for 12 gig 30 days prepaid.
I have a 12 month BYO plan with Telstra for $50 that includes 11.5 gig of data.
With ABN, this deal can be 5% off for 2 services, 10% off for 3 services, 15% off for 4+ services.
Anyone get Vodafone to match this? they currently have 13gb for $50 deal.
Also if you have an .edu email address you can get %10 off.
anyone know if there are any offers for a 'non' byo plans?
I think you can add the data streaming for an extra $10!…
I'm on the same plan but I got it in May with 11GB. Tried going through online chat to recontract to this one but was told I'd have to pay a $90 cancellation fee. Flat no when I asked if there was any way around it.
That's pretty rubbish.
Was able to recontract on Telstra BYO without any cancellation fees when using similar Optus deals as leverage.
Go to the store, if you're on a 12 month BYO contract then want to go on the new BYO contract, then they will do it for free. I got it done for free.
i spoke to them online last night (optus) im still 2 months to go on my current contract (sim only) and i asked the guy what happens if i recontracted for 12 months on this new plan - do they add the extra time to the end of the current plan or is there a penalty etc? he said they waive the remainder and the new plan kicks off within 24 hours and thats it.
great deal!
If you're not bothered about data speed or 4G is not available in your area Jeenee do a 30GB deal for $50
Unlimited standard calls / sms on the Optus 3G network
Is this a better deal than getting a Samsung S7 $65 Contract? It seems like the Samsung S7 provides a better deal if you can sell the phone for circa $700.
Just curious.
Just got 13GB/$50 with Telstra using this as leverage.
Why is everyone able to do it but me. I have 2 plans I've been trying to renew with something better than 2.5g for $50 on telstra. I simply got told best they can do is $40 for 5gb. Optus here I come, I just called Optus and got told you can only get Netflix streaming with phone plan not byo.
Online chat mate and ask to be escalated to retentions/disconnection team.
My online chat person was very easy to deal with, her name was "Lovely" ha!
How are you getting 13GB with $50? Is that the "M" or "L" plan? The best I got was $50/month on the "L" plan with 10GB of data…
She put me on a $70pm 10gb plan, gave me $20pm discount after that and a 3GB bonus on data to make it 13GB all up.
The first person was offering $40pm for 7gb and I asked to be escalated
I did speak to disconnection team on the phone then thought I'd try again with online chat. Best I got was 40 for 5gb. I would of settled for 10gb for 50. Ah all good now I've left telstra and will move my home bundle as well.