Everyone knows about this game and its continuous decline in price.
Grab it for cheap now. Extra 5% off price with FB like.
Refer to past deals for more detailed info.
Everyone knows about this game and its continuous decline in price.
Grab it for cheap now. Extra 5% off price with FB like.
Refer to past deals for more detailed info.
I turned on my Xbox for the first time in a few weeks today, and this is the only Halo game I've played on my account, and I had a message from Xbox from about a month ago giving me a code for this.
By the way, if anyone wants the code, it's entirely useless to me so hit me up and I'll throw it your way, although there's tonnes of other people already having given their's away on the internet at this point already.
I'd be interested if no one else is. Just got FH3 and loving it :)
Alrighty man, I'll grab the code in the morning and send it your way. :)
Correct. It's 4 games worth of campaigns and multi-player maps
why is this so cheap?
its $60 on disc
i bought it for $11.50 on ps4
i dont know if ill ever play but for this price i think im gonna grab it
Thanks mate good deal. I missed out on halo since part 2 this is perfect
Jesus Christ, I know you had a rough launch but you are worth so much more than this. A great collection, a great remaster, a (profanity) great deal and a half.
CD Keys must have tonnes of these codes or something, because damn dude.
I agree, with all the games and the remaster it's got to be the best game on Xbox one.
It's appealing not having to put the disc in with digital code
That's the idea. Welcome to 2016.
I think the discs dont make sense anyway because you have to download many 10s of gigs anyway…
its saying 62.74Gb on this end so i guess this is 3 days or more on the steam powered (!!!) adsl we have here
Probably push that to 4 days for me.
yeah install from disc and then it reinstalls from download anyway to patch it all.
Its all about reselling and having the option to free up hd space on my measly 500gig xbox one. That's why i choose discs.
Takes the same amount of space to install digital vs physical.
Plus, this game is an absolute keeper at any price! :)
Yeah, such a great bunch of games. I play through them all couch co-op at least once a year.
Work in NZ?
Thanks OP. I wonder how much more it will drop before selling out.
it wont sell out, it's digital key. They just want to get people playing Halo as a way of people enjoying it and then buying the newest halo game ;)
Not sure i entirely agree because they couldn't have an endless supply of these. For example, I purchased Alan Wake from them earlier this year and it's now no longer available. ☺
sorry I meant Microsoft will keep releasing these cheap wholesale keys so build up the halo fanbase.
But yes, you are correct that this particular site might sell out of the current batch of keys :)
Had to read the title twice as I read it as "Halo: The master chef collection" 😅
I read it as "Hello Kitty: The Master Chef Collection"
One of the best multiplayer xbox games of all time.
Cheers OP grabbed this and a 12 mth Xbox Live Gold for just under $58 with the 5% off FB like code :)
Also for those who are a bit confused about the 5% off FB like code (I was one of them lol) cheers to @beccahoo for this
1) creating an account on CDKEYS, log in
2) visit their FB page and click like and click on "click here to get 5% off!" on the left hand pane then insert your email at the bottom and click submit
3) a coupon code will load on the FB page > write this coupon down
*4) make sure you are still logged into CDKEYS with the same email (I wasn't logged on so the code I had wasn't being accepted)
5) have the 12months xbox live item in the cart, add the coupon code, confirm $50.15
6) check out with paypal
*7) receive an email from cdkeys > click "download" in the email > another page opens > enter your phone number > receive code on phone > use code on website > page loads BUT I couldnt not see any code, so I REFRESHED the page and the instructions of how to redeem and the 25 digit code appears at the bottom
8) follow instructions and have happy times!!
Thanks - I was one of those people having trouble with this. Didn't realise you had to create an account and be logged in for the discount code to work.
No worries mate :)
Btw I'm new to xbox just wondering if a fair amount of people actually play any of these online still? If so what would be the best one out of the lot.
On another note for all the Xbox One S owners who upgraded for the 4k blu-ray player there's great news around the corner :)
Microsoft has confirmed that the bitstream audio firmware update will appear early in 2017, and that DTS-X will be supported as well as Dolby Atmos.
In more good news for Xbox One S owners, Microsoft’s lead Xbox One S engineer, Mike Ybarra, tweeted following the Windows 10 event that the Atmos support would be available for games (if developers support it) as well as Ultra HD Blu-rays.
Ybarra also revealed that the original Xbox One will be getting the bitstream audio/Dolby Atmos update too.
Make sure you pay with PayPal and not credit card through their website… it told me I was being charged AUD 7.78 but it ended up on my credit card in USD with a conversion fee and a cash advance fee
This will also get you the Warthog in FH3 :)
Actually, on further research I can't guarantee that