My AGL contract is ending in 2 weeks time. Who's the cheapest at the moment? Thanks!
NSW - Electricity & Gas Provider
Do you need to inform AGL when you want to cancel or do you just ring up your new provider?
Thinking about moving to Energy AUstralia.
AGL have been nothing but horrible to me these past 15 years. They never are willing to help me out even when they're in the wrong. Always have to get AUsgrid or someone else involved to sort out issues.If moving to EnergyAustralia. It says 18% elec discount online. They can give you 24%. Just need to sell a good reason.
You do not need to notify your current provider.
I use Dodo power & gas they have pretty decent discount plus you can score credit on sign up if you hahgke them enough. I received $150
Thank you for the replies, Cheers! Will try all options mentioned.
checkout Powershop too.
Turned out my electricity contract ends on a different date. Only gas contract needed renewal
Dodo's daily supply charge is very expensive, cancelling out the 20% discount. Ended up back with AGL, 12% discount for 12-months no lock-in contract.
Thanks again guys and girls for the help.