• expired

[XB1] Mad Max: ~AU$21.59, [PS4/XB1] Dying Light The Following: ~AU$28, [PS4] Batman Telltale Series: ~AU$31.21 @ Base (UK)


Thanks to HUKD

Descend into the post-apocalypic wasteland of Mad Max, where ammo is sparse and the key to survival is the possession of a car. Take control of Mad Max and stay alive amongst the savage gangs of bandits who roam the desolate desert. Use vicious on-ground and vehicular combat to ensure your own survival.

Following the theft of his iconic Interceptor, Max must align himself with a gifted, but peculiar, mechanic named Chumbucket and others to build the ultimate war vehicle as he works to escape from the dangerous Wasteland.

Cheapest available, $44+ locally

Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition
XB1 and PS4

Next cheapest is $33.40 delivered

Batman: The Telltale Series (PS4)

Cheapest out there, $42+ locally

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • -1

    I didn't see this post

    • Correct. Let's keep it that way and you move right along now.

  • +1

    Still waiting for The Following by itself to go cheap, like $10ish. I can't be bothered selling my Dying Light and replacing it with this one..

    • +1

      Dunno why you got negged for that, there's a lot of us in the same boat…

      • +1

        Haters gonna hate

      • +2

        It seems there is a naughty negger on the loose lol

    • +1

      I feel that. Nearly picked it up when it was 20 bucks the other day, but then we were in Cashies and they had the disc version of the whole game and DLC for 29 and we went (profanity) it.

      Core game still goes for 30 on Gumtree easily all the time, so maybe that's a good idea for you?

  • Good prices regardless, but they don't appear to deduct VAT like they used to.

    • VAT is discounted just before payment.

      Add to cart then go to checkout.

      • Thank spuderump, but I'm on the "Confirm Order Details >> Place Order" screen.

        I have the full price of two items showing plus postage with a box beneath saying "Place Order".

  • So have the stopped taking off var as i have a pre order with them and not interested in it if they still keep vat on.

  • -1

    is this a good price to pick up the following ?

    • why did i get downvoted for that lol

  • Good price, bought dying light from base.com when it was 17.99 pounds, price has dropped another 2 pounds

    Currently $90 at EB!

  • If under "alternate buying options" you choose to buy from BaseCH, the VAT stays - if you choose to buy from Base.com, the VAT goes … but the prices are different & in the case of Mad Max, BaseCH is still cheaper BUT with many other games, the VAT free version from Base.com is cheaper, such as for Dying Light.

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