This was posted 8 years 4 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Plus November 2016 Games (Subscription Required)


PS+ games available to download on the 1st of November are:

  • Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture - PS4

  • The Deadly Tower of Monsters - PS4

  • DiRT 3 - PS3

  • Costume Quest 2 - PS3

  • Letter Quest Remastered - PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4)

  • Pumped BMX+ - PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4 and PS3)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture 👍

    • I bought it but have never played. Damn you BF4, Dark Souls 2 & 3, BF1.

      • +4

        You saved yourself the boredom of it, I applaud you. What an overrated PoS that turned out to be. To make it worse you weren't even allowed to run through it, they made you suffer it at walking pace.
        Walking Simulator 2016 was not a good game and this, for me at least is the worst PS Plus line up I've had. Across the three consoles there's not a single game I'd play.

        • I personally enjoyed it, walking and all.
          The walking kinda forced me to enjoy the surroundings, something which I normally don't do in games.
          Although I can totally understand why people consider it overrated.
          Certainly not as good as it was hyped to be.

        • Holding down R2 while walking sped you up a little…

    • +2

      EGTTR was terrible. A plodding, dullish, lifeless exploration of a static world. No interactivity. No gameplay. It's a ham-fisted poorly-written story shoved into a 3D engine under the pretence of "art". It appeals to game-hating types who demand video games "grow up". But it's NOT a good game. It's not even a good story.

      • -2

        needs moar guns hey?

        • +1

          No, more interaction and appeal would have been nice though.

  • -2

    Didn't the sub fee go up?
    In what way is this a bargain?

    • +4

      I think that was the US version only.

    • I can still buy sub for the same amount. I don't see an increase anywhere

      • +1

        actually AUS increased their 3 months sub from $20 - $27/28 i think… Then again who subs for 3 months.. no bargain in that xD

        • I've never bought a 3 month sub.
          Always 1 month if I dont own a playstation at the time but want the games for that months psplus or 12 months if I do own one.
          (I tend to sell my ps4's when I dont used them for a month.)

          Currently stacked up some psplus 12 month sets. So Im pretty much set for every psplus release for the next few years

        • @Voltz:
          As far as i know, the physical cards sold at retails only comes in 3months and 12 months…
          But wow, you sell your ps4 and you buy them again?? O.o
          Wouldnt you rather keep it cause you'll be at a lost im guessing???

        • +1

          @piggiepanda: Meh, I work full time, so I can usually buy a new ps4 on pay day. I just have an issue with having stuff worth a decent amount that I am not using.
          Plus I tend to sell them for $50 less than ebgames preowned pricing.
          That way I am not losing out too much and people are getting a good deal

  • +2

    My sub is about to expire in the next two weeks. Can I ask where the majority of you get a sub at a discounted price from a non dodgy seller.

    • PS+ is pretty cheap to be honest. If you buy a 12 month one its like $65 right?
      That works out at a little over $5 a month.

      • +1

        yes, the OP knows that.. so you have successfully not answered their question. I doubt I can assist the OP either as I have a US PSN+ account and generally buy from online key sellers, so I do not know where to buy AU cheap accounts, but again I'm guessing somewhere like cdkeys etc.

        • I answered him.
          Its pretty much as cheap as you'll get it when buying regularly(For aus ps+)
          There are no real sales on it and no reseller/sellers that offer a discount.

    • Can't really get it cheap. Occasionally, coles and wollies have 10-20% of PSN cards, which you can then add to your account and buy a sub.

    • I just buy 3 month cards from woolies for $20.

    • if you are looking to get AU PS Plus, then your only option to get cheap deals are at woolies where you can buy 3 months for $20 instead of $27.95

      Other than that, Canada used to be cheap for 1 year ps subscription but now they are the same price…

      The cheapest PS Plus subscription is now AUD $36.25 for Indonesian PSN. You just have to activate the Indonesian account as your primary ps4 and then you will be able to play games on your aussie account..

      Checkout this thread:

  • +3

    Bit of a let down this month. The Deadly Tower of Monsters looks like it could be fun, but the rest I can't see myself bothering with.

    • I thought the same thing

      • same here.. bought Deadly Tower of Monsters on PC last night for $6.59 AUD. Oh well, will be nice to play co-op on the tv with my daughter.

  • Again I'm disappointed, however a friend of mine leaves her PS+ on my console so I can play online, is it worth me grabbing Rapture or not? I heard all sorts of shit about it in the day but nothing really lasted for more than 5 minutes, whereas something like Rocket League (first game that came to mind) still keeps popping up all the time.

    • download and play… easy, most people didn't like it (but most console owners are the run 'n gun type), whereas I enjoyed the slow exploring and story aspects of it. Also helps that I was a kid in the 80s so I 'got' the era that the game was set in.

      • +1

        You're shoe horning a lot of players into CoD junkies on a system that has the widest variety of games. If you were talking about Xbox I'd agree that it's possibly the FPS favoured crowd but Playstation? Nah.

        I'm an eighties kid also, I honestly thought the game was so stale.

  • I have none of these games. This is a first for me.

  • +1

    in over 8hrs, this "deal" only got 17 up votes, i dont even need to click in to know the games for November suck!

  • Thumbs up. Everybody gone to rapture. Been waiting for that to go PS Plus. Always knew it was gonna be a PS plus title.

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