This was posted 8 years 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

ALDI - 6 Person Tent with Screen Room - $139


Anyone bought a tent from ALDI before?

Please don't say "this wouldn't survive 5 mins on Everest" - I would be using it purely in campsites, all I ask is that it is waterproof.


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closed Comments

  • Night Glow guy ropes for easy visibility

    Good! The amount of times I've tripped over them in the dark…

    • I wonder which one they use, whether it's glow in the dark guy ropes, the Aldi ones sold in individual packs are pretty poor.
      If they are the reflective types, it's actually more useful, because any light source will make it reflect brightly, the Aldi reflective guy ropes aren't bad and they have used it on their tents before.

    • a tip I was taught was to tear up a bit of white plastic bag and tie bits of it along the length of the ropes so they are much more visible at night

  • +13

    I have one of the little 2 man Aldi tents. I got it for something like $29 5 years ago, I used 2- 3 times every year since, never an issue. In fact it has really nice quality components, is surprising well designed (better than some $500 tents I've had) and has been a pleasure to use. I have had mine go through 100km/h+ winds and show no damage, so mine would last at least 5 minutes on Everest.

  • -4


  • +2

    Can't hurt to buy it and test it, Aldi's return policy is good

  • +2

    I dont have an Aldi tent but all other non electric equipment I have purchased has been on par with others at X2 X3 the price

  • Important to always buy a breathable tent. Years ago I fell for the trap of buying a 2 person tent for $20, using it with the gf. Apart from not fitting in there (not long enough to stretch straight, and too narrow to stretch diagonally with two people, the cheap plastic made it extremely difficult to breath. Though my guess is an Aldi tent will probably be designed for this quality, and the extra room suggests it should be nice and airy.

    • Even the cheapest tent I've seen has an air vent. You might need to open it. it's not about"breathable" fabric. For $20 - was it a child play tent?

      • It was opened…but too small, and the fabric didn't breath. I'm certain the shit plastic had something to do with it.

        • Maybe get a price on a "Gore tex Tent"???

        • +1

          Well maybe this was due to how you and your gf were "using" it. ;)

          And don't get me started commenting on (your quote) "…not fitting in there…".

  • +1

    Have many tents and pleased with the 3-man I bought from Aldi.
    It was a qualification course and the tent passed muster.
    Fairly light for its size.
    Most annoying thing is trying to get it back in its bag…

    • +1

      So many tents, especially the bigger ones, are a PITA to put back in the bag. The last thing I want after a relaxing weekend it to sweat it out in the sun (or get soaked in the rain) trying to shoe-horn the tent back in so I just throw it all in one of those biggish (70L? 100L?) boxes, sit on the lid to get it down, lock it up and in the car it goes. No fancy folding of the tent, nothing. Just put the bits in the reverse order in which you'll take them out next time: guy ropes, fly, poles, inner. All up about 1 minute. Takes up a bit more space in the car but IMO so worth the trouble it saves.

  • +1

    I'm more excited about the air lounger, similar to one of these

    Price is comparable to no-names found on ebay. At $25 it'll be good for a lark

    • +1

      Yeah I'll be grabbing one of those too. My only concern is you really can't leave them unattended, they would blow away in a flash.

      • One I bought on ebay has a loop to peg it to the ground. The same thing occurred to me about the damn thing disappearing into the distance with a gust of wind.

        • When does these go on sale??

  • I have an tent like this but can't use it because some of the fiberglass poles are broken, does anyone know the best place to buy replacements?

    • +2

      Any decent tent shop. Try tentworld.

    • +2

      Get some extra to take with you. Chances are if some have snapped already more will be on the way out

      • +1

        Thanks, good idea. If one breaks while camping the tent is basically useless.

  • Do they have 2 or 3 person tent at Aldi?
    Or know where i can get decent 2-3 person tent for cheap? <$30.
    K-mart has a few but im unsure on the quality

    • +1

      A smaller tent was last month, some stores may still have stock (and discounted at that!)

      • +1

        How much was it?
        got link?

  • Any idea how well this will go in wet weather?

    • +1

      I bought the one they sold last year and I used it in heavy rain and fairly high wind without any issues. YMMV.

  • +1

    You're not my mom OP!

    This wouldn't survive 5 mins on Everest!

  • "Sleeps six people comfortably."


    Sleeps about 3 comfortably, unless you include the covered space as sleeping area, which I would not.

    • Who would want to camp in the same tent as 6 people anyway?

      I'm buying it for me and my girlfriend, giggidy.

      • Families with kids.

  • It's gonna leek…and be either heavy or light n flimsy

    • +4

      The leek is a vegetable, a cultivar of Allium ampeloprasum, the broadleaf wild leek. The edible part of the plant is a bundle of leaf sheaths that is sometimes erroneously called a stem or stalk.

  • It's gonna leek…and be either heavy or light n flimsy

    • +5

      Leek? Is it gonna potato too?

  • +3

    I bought the tent they had on sale around this time last year. I think it's a 4-5 person tent but it looks similar to this one with the only visible difference being the front section. I think I purchased it for $80-90 at the time.

    I'm really happy with it other than the fact that one of the fabric rope anchor loops on the tent tore off when adding tension to the rope. It held up very nicely in really heavy rain that lasted a couple of hours and on/off rain throughout the night. The height is good so you can stand while changing in there.

    Overall I would definitely recommend the Aldi tents. In fact we're going camping with family at the end of this year and I am telling them to buy this tent as they really liked our one last year.

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