I saw there was a similar thread, but it's not really current.
I'm looking to hire a car from Cairns airport this Thursday. I left it to the last minute, because well I'm a tight ass, but my partner has convinced me we must hire a car. I can't book one unless it's a bargain, but I need some help!
I'm looking at the dates between 27th Oct and 1 November,
Car Hire Best price - Cairns to Port Douglas this week.

I shopped around last April for Launceston to Hobart.
Budget ended up being the cheapest - 45 hours for $108.
It was cheaper to go from airport to airport, rather than picking up from the city location the day after we landed (I think it rounds up to 24-hour blocks and the city location had a "premium location surcharge").
Don't forget CashRewards - car hireAny codes for budget?
I suspect one of these will be cheapest:
And this thread has quite a bit of info on this topic:
I'm not sure if you are going one way? or your flight is to Cairns and heading to Port Douglas then back out off Cairns?
https://www.autoeurope.com.au has cars from East Coast rentals for $144 for the dates you mention Cairns return. It's off airport but they provide free shuttle.
You can take a boat cruise to port douglas too
Try http://www.apexrentacar.com.au/
I tried there rental services in Cairns and Sydney.
No troubles and they have shuttle service from Cairns airport to their car yard.
Get the full insurance so you don't have any trouble if someone hit the carI always get Australia Post travel insurance (about $100 for annual policy) covers car hire excess.
Atlas car rental, just came back from Cairns.
only downside is they are off airport, you need to call them to shuttle you to their rental and back to the airport when you leave.
Watch out for their closing time on sundays (2pm , 1:30pm is the last shuttle to airport….) lucky our airbnb guy drop car off with us and drove us to airport.
It's like a 5 minute drive from airport.
we paid 87 bux or approx for 4 days, a nissan plusar.
many reviews saythey are very dodgy.
that's true haha
we didn't find out their rental is outside airport until we have a second look at the printout…
Be sure to explore Mossman Gorge if you have time.
try vroomvroomvroom.