Hi guys,
I'm sure there are some insect experts in the community so would like to ask for help in identifying this insect. I zoomed into the picture but the actual size is only around 3-4mm.
Thanks in advance!
Hi guys,
I'm sure there are some insect experts in the community so would like to ask for help in identifying this insect. I zoomed into the picture but the actual size is only around 3-4mm.
Thanks in advance!
Another vote click beetle.
Turn one upside down, then watch for a moment, a click beetle will arch it's back, then make a click sound and flick itself back over. They are pretty common.
I remember when I was a kid one freaked me out one night while I was in bed, constantly clicking under the bed, silly thing was stuck under a box or something and kept clicking and hitting the box again and again. Bit disconcerting when you are little, in the dark and a regular clicking noise come out from under the bed.
Note: when looking at images of bugs, make sure you are looking at Aussie info, some of the links appear to be from OS and we probably don't get those bugs here.
Thanks for the input so far. It does look like an earwig except earwigs are much larger and this insect doesnt look like it has a pincer on its bottom. These are only 3-4mm in size
If you try to pick it up does it jump and make a sound? If so, see andy19363's comment above. These creatures tend to come inside at night time during warm weather.
Hi sparkles. No jumping. I think I may have found out what they are. Could be a type of grain beetle
It isn't a grain beetle, it's a wood borer: http://www.rentokil.com.au/wood-borers/.
Probably this one: http://www.rentokil.com.au/wood-borers/species/#powder-post-…
In light of what issenya said, did you find the beetle in the vicinity of wood or (grain) food? Trouble is they look remarkably similar.
Found a few on the kitchen tiles and 2 in the bathroom. Kitchen and bathroom are in close vicinity
Edit: I had a closer look at the powder post borer.
The powder post guys body is longer than the insect in question.
Looks remarkably similar to this guy https://www.wittpm.com/bug-guide/profile/merchant-grain-beet…
I'll buy him off you for $5… alive!
Shipping will cost you $200 =)
Personally delivered with the insect inside the cups of your hands? ;)
Awww… shucks. That's a bit rich for my taste. :)
What, can't afford $5 ?
Local officeworks will unlikely have stock. I can do $195 shipping if you're willing to wait an extra 3 days
Might be a soldier beetle if you've had a 'swarm' of them - very similar beetles set up shop in my letterbox a few years back, there were literally hundreds of them and it freaked me out
It's an insect
I actually found one digging in the garden today - turning soil- and found the same insect ( pic from original poster )
in shallow soil
captured it and set it free on the other side of the fence
hope he's having more fun there
but now I am also intrigued to know what it is ,and if its a pest
I thought Google search by image would be more helpful, used OP's image as input and this is what I got back: "Best guess for this image: insect"
Google always spots on, innit?
Try joining the group "bugspotting" on Facebook! They're really helpful with this kinda of stuff and they're chill and into insects!
That's Barry. he likes AFL and VB