Illegal Dumping on My Land by a Reknown Developer. What to Do

Hi Ozbargainers, on my vacant land a developer is continuously dumping their building material waste and use my land by keeping all the roof tiles and floor tiles…. I did contact with the site manager … he replied it's usual case that we r using ur land and asked me do I have any proof that this rubbish from us…?

Contact council..they replied it's private property …they can't do anything…

What can I do..? Plz suggest me ..
Thanks in advance.


  • +8

    If you are in NSW, phone the NSW Environment Protection Authority's information line on 131 555 to report the illegal dumping.

  • -7

    Member Since
    18 min ago

    Seems strange that you would sign up to a bargain-related website to ask this question.

    If you don't have proof then you don't have recourse.

    Are the roof & floor tiles brand new or waste? If they are waste then take JoFord's advice above. If they are new then get some photos and sell them on Gumtree. Use the money to pay for the land cleanup and build a temporary fence.

    • +4

      They've been a member almost an hour now, which might make it ok to ask questions?

      Guessing like most of us, somebody said "you should check out this website with helpful members and useful msg boards". Also, fair bet the op doesn't speak English as their first language, so a little awkward phrasing is not grounds for suspicion.

      Of course, if they follow up a bit later with a "hey guys, i found this great company that solved all my problems at" I will come back and bow to your justified suspicions!

  • -1

    I will be dumping another load of building material waste tomorrow morning.

    • -1

      I'm dumping my reply all over your comment!!

  • +2

    Just dump it back. It's not like they can damage your property… make sure you spread it nice and evenly across their property. :)

    Or dump it out on their section of the footpath and call Council to complain about them dumping on public land.

  • +1

    Is it Mr Burns? I heard all those bald children were raising suspicion.

  • Continuously


    • Right? Ugh.

  • +1

    Talking in piddles OP, what's going on?

  • Has the dumping stopped? If it's still happening you should have plenty of opportunity to take photos/videos of the trucks and drivers.

  • I think you have not expressed the issue sufficiently. Have you had any rubbish dumped since you complained to the company, they would be pretty stupid to continue to do it but maybe you can get the neighbours to keep an eye on your block and call the cops if he/she sees anything going on. It is probably worth putting up a chicken wire fence, or similar, to stop them just driving onto it. If they are using your site to temporarily store tiles before then call the cops as they are trespassing and then them on ebay as they have obviously given them to you as a gift.

  • This my friend is a long standing Aussie tradition for new home builders. It has happened since before the old Gods and will continue on forevermore.

  • +2

    Do the roof tiles and floor tiles match those of the adjoining property?

  • +6

    Likewise happened to me once. I sent them an invoice for storage costs at $1000 per day + 20% interest for non-payment or alternatively they had till midnight to remove their stuff (house frames).
    They worked thru the night under headlights.

    Unfortunately they left deep wheel marks on my flat land afterwards.

  • +3

    I assume if they put tiles on your property that means they're yours to keep?
    Could be worth a fair amount of cash. Maybe you should just keep collecting the tiles and see how long they keep putting them there for. Could turn yourself a tidy profit.

    • Good idea.I would do it if that happen to me..

  • Yeah, just sell the good stuff

  • Take all stuff & sell it .
    Or just Shoot them.

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