• out of stock

Sony Xperia Z3 8" Compact 16GB Tablet $279 + Free Noise Cancelling Headphones @ Sony Online Store


What a deal I've been able to help negotiate for OzBargain. Sony has scored one final shipment of Z3 Compact Tablets at this crazy price. Not only is the price better than it's been before, you now get a free set of Noise Cancelling Headphones valued at $79 thrown in! Strictly while stock lasts. Backorders will not be fulfilled. One per order/customer only. Enjoy :)

Info on the free headphones here…

Email from Sony re out-of-stock headphones (11:50am Oct 18): If headphones go into backorder, we’ll fulfil 1:1 with tablets purchased. We have another 200 headphones landing soon. If anything, there may be a little delay but all customers will get the headphones.

Email from Sony re claims of refurbished units (1:16pm Oct 24): None of these products are upgraded or refurbished. Double stickering is part of the normal process and is due to our factory final inspection with random QA checks after production completion (this involves attaching security seal, then over attaching one more security seal for random QA checked units). If needed, software upgrades, insertion of leaflet/warranty card is done at the warehouse for which a re-seal is also required (however not in this case). Due to the volume of units, we would expect a few to be QA checked.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Looking at a $130 bill to repair my kid's 2013 N7 screen, this is very tempting…

    • +1

      Keep in mind this is a 16GB unit, and (assuming that Z3 is same as Z2) although you can move apps to the SD they seem to be reinstalled to the internal storage every time you update them and you can't make them install to the SD by default.

      Even if you do flash Marshmallow to this, Sony has disabled adoptable storage so you're still stuck with the internal storage limitation.

      My kid is using a 2012 N7, which is horribly slow, but without 32GB it's just not enough storage.

      (Note: if you use CyanogenMod then I believe you can use adoptable storage)

      • The second customer review on the Sony page gives instructions for using ADB to enable the adoptable storage. It sounds a little quirky but apparently works.

        • +1

          I've read a bit more widely (because I've been wanting to enable adoptable storage on my Xperia Z2) and there seems to be a lot of debate over whether it actually works or whether it just looks like it works until it fills the main partition. I haven't tested it personally because my Sony device is my everyday device, but I would be wary of relying on that working. It appears that it is more likely to work if you format the SDCard to 'mixed', but even then camera behaviour seemed odd.

          Mind you, for many people 16GB will be enough anyway (as you can move apps to the SD), and my experience with Sony devices has been pretty good.

        • @2be8: It sounds like a great idea but in practice it turns out it sucks because the device and storage card are now tied to each other and cannot be used with any other devices.

        • +1


          It's not too bad since memory cards are very cheap

        • @Diji1: That is unless you format the card but let's be real here, micro SD cards are dirt cheap.

        • @Where's_That_Cake:
          I think he means Android 6 only allow for music, video, etc.

        • @2be8: Indeed. I've tried the steps on my z3 compact phone and doesn't actually work. Quickly you will see the reported available storage go to a big negative number and it starts playing up with apps. Reformatted the card to mount it the usual way instead. Only way to do properly is to root and use a third party solution.

        • Link please to enable ADP. Doesn't work for me.

        • @2be8:

          Mind you, for many people 16GB will be enough anyway (as you can move apps to the SD)

          Did they re-allow moving apps to SD? I remember they supported that before 4.0 ICS but then disabled it. Did they change their mind?

        • @lostn:

          for my z3 mobile phone when i google they mention that you can't move apps to sd card. Strangely I can move part of the app, so there's always an 'internal' storage mb portion. end result is just for some apps etc I never have enough space even with a 64 gb SD card. It stores all my pictures and music etc on the SD card, but it's the internal apps and other things which just clog up the 16gb. It then disables your ability to update apps and sync emails once below 500 mb free space :(

        • @lostn:

          Never worked for me. Said it moved data but nothing actually moved.

      • @2be8, My N7 2012 get back to life with fast and smooth, after i fresh with Pure Nexus (Android 6) and ParrotsMod

        • Cheers. I'm using Pure Nexus (Android 6) as well, but not ParrotsMod (using autotrim, but it still bogs down).
          Pity ASUS decided to use such cheap rubbish memory in the N7 2012 - in every other way it is a great device.

        • @2be8:
          If you have a chance, you can give it a go with parrotsmod, I feels the overall speed gain afterwards.


      • Interesting. I have a z3 (mobile phone) and i noticed i could 'move' apps to storage but genrally half of the mb was on internal, half on sd card. Is this merely only half the app could be moved or am i 'doubling ' up on the necessary app space as updates are reinstalling on internal memory? I would think not, given I can "move" the sd card app back to internal, which when doing so the 'internal' mb is the total of the two rather than less.

        I gave up anyhow as no matter what my phone being 16gb is skirting on the 400-500mb mark of free space constantly which disables auto snyc of emails, and worse being able to update the apps. Very, very annoying. You can uninstall 100-200mb, but as soon as you update some apps mysteriously you're back to 400 mb again, despite the fact that some apps have 20mb updates, unless they unzip and unpack into larger amounts than the download amount? I don't quite understand it, but the space you clear gets filled up almost instantly by some sort of internal processes or apps (even if I don't install apps after clearing space), so it's a constant battle.

        My end conclusion: get 32 GB and save yourself the heartache - 16gb is just too tough these days.

    • Man those tablet screen repair bills are such a ripoff. The screen panel itself is probably only worth about $15.

      • That's actually just for me to buy the screen and digitiser myself and replace it, I've been quoted $200 by stores to do it.

        • +1

          I bought one from ebay for about $50 six months ago and did it myself.
          Make sure you get one with the frame included and its an easy replacement.

          Mind you the screen clearly isn't genuine as there is some backlight bleeding, but it does work and the kids don't care.

        • @choofa: Cheers choofa

  • Is it a phone or tablet?

  • +33

    Awesome deal. I'll use the free headphones on my iPhone 7

    • -1

      with what headphone jack exactly?

      • +30

        I think he's taking the piss :)

        • lol. okay! good call then. Great deal @tightarse. Tempted but my 32gb N7 2013 is still going strong

      • +6

        The one he's gonna drill.

      • -1

        Comes with an adapter.

    • -4

      I think they mean free phone that comes with the $1000 headphones, because the phone is next to useless.

      • +3

        That's cos it's a tablet

      • +1

        I'd say the headphones are useless.

    • Courageous decision.

  • +10

    IMPORTANT: You cannot get Android 7.0 (Nougat) through normal channels! This is a major deal breaker for many people, and why Sony is having troubles clearing stocks.


    • +14

      …and why Sony is having troubles clearing stocks.

      They've sold out with every promo they've run.

      • +1

        Has been on sale for $294 (without the headphones) for weeks.

        • +3

          Was on backorder @ $294.

        • +5

          @tightarse: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/270951 …. look, each to their own. If people want to buy knowing they won't get updates, enjoy! I, and many people I know, went to competitor options instead. Didn't upvote or downvote accordingly.

        • @Gav:

          Thanks TA , bought one.

        • +5

          @Gav: No Android N update for my Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 (2013) either. Also, people reported issues with Nexus 5X Android N update (bootloop, lag). At times, I feel that Nexus users are basically doing beta testing for everyone else (we get the latest OS updates, but we also encounter issues with those updates earlier on). A lot of flagship phones are yet to receive Android N updates.

          I have two devices running Android N (both Google ones). Nothing special to be honest.

        • @netsurfer: I have a Nexus 7 (2013) too. Had the first Nexus 7 also. Always considered it as a Gamma product (as did Google I think!). Nexus 7 (2013) came out 14 months earlier than this, and only just stopped receiving updates. So this Sony had a very short lifespan for updates and it was a surprise for it not to get Nougat. With updates need to think about software AND security.

        • @Gav: This tablet was released nearly 2 years ago. It has received 2 main Android OS updates (I think that's the norm for most manufacturers).

          However, the real issue with Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (2013) and this device not getting Android N is due to Qualcomm not releasing an updated graphics driver for Snapdragon 800/801 or other CPU that belongs to that generation. Sony did have Z3 devices (with Snapdragon 801) running Android N earlier developer preview versions. But, after developer preview 5, things changed.


          So, there is a slightly complicated technical and legal limitation getting Android N onto this device.

          If wanting to get regular updates is important, then avoid getting a tablet or phone that's on the market for nearly 2 years or more. On the other hand, if you are getting one of those, then don't expect to get any more major update.

        • @netsurfer: Google at least put their promises in writing. Did Sony do the same?


        • @Gav: Google and Qualcomm officially made it not possible to put Android N on Snapdragon 801. It is unrealistic to expect Sony to know that 2 years ago. Sony did participate in the Android N developer preview builds. If Google itself refused to officially support Snapdragon 800/801, how can we expect other manufacturers to do better?

          Not saying people should buy this tablet. Two major iOS upgrades is already the same as Nexus 5. Name another tablet with Snapdragon 800/801 that's going to get Android N officially. Honestly, if anything, people were initially upset that Google did not release any developer preview Android N builds for Nexus 5 (given that Sony was able to do so for another phone with basically the same chipset). Also, why the switch to developer preview 5 onwards to officially shut off Nexus 5 to get Android N?

        • @netsurfer: It's all good convo! :) Has Sony committed to how long they'll provide security updates? In writing? Google did!

        • @Gav: Nexus 5 was released Nov 2013. According to https://support.google.com/nexus/answer/4457705?hl=en#nexus_…, Google will provide security patches for 3 years (after that, it is up to Google). So, November 2016. I did read a page somewhere (not Google) stating Google will provide security patch till some time 2017 (but is that official?). Based on the dates, for Nexus 5, the software update is less than 3 years (fall short of the Android N update conveniently).

          With the number of issues being reported by Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P users on Android N (and Google had to release a critical update for Nexus 5X for Android N), not certain getting latest updates quickly is necessary the best (same goes to iOS).

          Software is one thing. Hardware, well, we know Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 (2013) have some hardware compromises in order to reach the price point. Software won't do anything to address those compromises.

        • @netsurfer: The page answers all your questions. 1. "Nexus devices get Android version updates for at least 2 years from when the device became available on the Google Store. After 2 years, we can't guarantee additional updates."; and 2. "Nexus devices get security patches for at least 3 years from when the device first became available, or at least 18 months from when the Google Store last sold the device, whichever is longer.". That's the official word. Google have been traditionally been generous. These are MINIMUM guarantees. Again, what promises have Sony made? Hmmm?

        • @Gav: Google only published the information recently. So, since Sony has not published anything, we will assume there is no security update for this device.

          Your original statement of this device not getting Android N applies to Nexus 5. It obviously feels SO GOOD to know that when Google published this article, Nexus 5 has already been deemed without any further Android OS update. Interesting enough, Sony attempted to bring Android N to Snapdragon 800/801, and Google simply made it impossible with the change introduced to DP5.

          Honestly, let's just keep it simple and don't play around with words or sugar coat Google products (which I own many). Any devices released 2 years ago, don't expect any major OS update (and even if you get one from Apple, it will be quite slow). Security updates, yeah… that's just a band-aid to ease the pain. The writing is on the wall, devices are too old (time to change).

          My high regards for Google diminished with the way Google handled Nexus 5 Android N upgrade.

    • +3

      I highly doubt mass amounts of people will not buy a Tablet due to OS updates.

    • +1

      Lol most people wouldn'tcare less

      • +2

        And hence we have http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/10/17/ghost_push_android_m…

        tl;dr: current most successful Android malware is 2 years old and 57% of handsets globally are still vulnerable. Attack vectors are often things the user can do nothing about such as loading a trusted webpage or downloading an app from Google Play.

        Almost 2/3 of Androids can be compromised by malware that's 2 years old. The criminals don't really have to try the fruit is so low hanging.

    • What do you mean through normal channels?

      I was under the impression that the official release was already out for this device.


      • He's talking about Nougat.

        • +1

          Ah, sorry, yes. I had a moment.

    • This tablet was released over 2 years ago… Marshmallow has given a new lease of life to my Z3 phone so I would assume it would do the same for the tablet.

      • Why wouldn't the old OS work?

        • It does. But the new OS has made the phone smoother and faster, and somehow increased battery life. Basically negates my needing to upgrade the phone for another 6 months at least.

    • -1

      Mobile OS updates are nice but probably overrated these days

    • With the clearance price + free ACN Earbud what can you complain/whinging about?
      You can't pay the clearance price and get the latest OS/

      I reckon marshmallow is decent enough.
      I Noticed how LG avoid their Android Nougat 7 update on LG G4(LG G3 will still get the update though), Considering people who affected by bootlooped G4 issue gradually increase. Smart though as new OS always heat the CPU really hard

  • How would these compare to a Galaxy Tab S 8.4?

    Seems like Samsung models went backwards.

    • +3

      Tab S has a much better screen.

      • but Z3 has better chipset and gpu.

  • Are they active noise cancelling? Rechargeable?

    • +7

      Did you click link? Did you try and find out yourself?

      • For those who recently purchased QC35 15% discount, WHy not combining this free ear bud with Bose QC35

        Or Perhaps Why not both ACN at the same time Bose QC 30 + 35 if you want wireless connection.
        I reckon it will block 95% of the noise as it will reject low-high frequency outer noise.
        Or perhaps this sony earbud ACN is enough m what do you reckon?

    • Just in case anyone else was wondering, I did a bit of research.

      These use a 5 pole 3.5mm jack which lets the phone control the noise cancelling (hence the 'digital' in the Digital Noise Cancelling rather than Active Noise Cancelling) and eliminates the need for batteries. For the most part, they looks just like a standard set of earphones, inline mic, no inline controls.

      They'll work fine with any Sony phone/tablet but your mileage may vary with other smartphones.

      • If the phone supports DNC, does that mean any old earphones will have noise canceling, or only Sony earphones?

        • Only the Sony ones as they have a 5 pole 3.5mm jack.
          I don't know of any other earphones like the Sony ones.

      • I have these DNC earphones didn't research before buying them. I can confirm they only work with Sony products that is made 2013 onwards other than that they don't work.

        • How did you find the noise cancelling? Any good? In comparison to Bose?

        • @julz15: guess i should have said that I got it with the Walkman from Japan not knowing its locked to Japanese so still figuring out how it is lol. Expensive paperweight it is now.

  • +1

    I'm assuming Cash Rewards works with this deal TA? :) https://www.cashrewards.com.au/coupons/sony-xperia-z3-8-comp…

    • +1

      Yep. As per your link :)

  • Thanks got one, good deal and doubt it ever going to get cheaper than this unless you can take it to $300 and take off trs.

  • Worth stating this is the wifi only model

  • Dang! Ordered both these last Thursday for $50 more :/

    Just checked it was the black headphones (same model) so not quite the same. Still annoying.

    • $50 more and no headphones.

      • Lol you really know how to rub it in don't you?

        • +2

          Hey somebody had to do it :)

      • Except you didn't read my comment where I said I got the black headphones.

        Back to school for you.

        • Headphones any good?

        • @julz15: No idea they haven't even shipped yet! I want to cancel the headphones now but it's not easy to do with their awful website… have to call them.. the online chat just fobbed me off. Has anyone ever had any success with a website's online chat.. ??? Total waste of time.

  • No funny coupon code this time? :(

    • +1

      I know right?

      Use code: ASSXPERIANCE

  • Ripper of a deal

    Thanks TA you are really awesome

  • Wow $279 and no longer supported from Sony. What a deal!

    • Lol .

    • +2

      no longer supported from Sony

      Care to elaborate?

      • There's no more major updates.

        It will never receive Android 7.

        • In the Z3 Tablet Compact's defence, neither will the Nexus 7 2013 (which would be a comparable model)

        • @julz15:

          But Nexus devices have great custom rom support. This device? No.

        • +2

          @PainToad: This device is streets ahead of the N7. I have the Z2 tablet and I see no clear difference in performance from my N6P when using them.

        • @Where's_That_Cake:

          Try reading what I was referring to.

        • +2

          @PainToad: I did, try understanding what I'm getting at. 7.0 is not a game changer, I see no difference between the performance on my N6P from 6.xx to 7.0.

        • +1


          Security not important?

        • @Where's_That_Cake: You're talking about something completely different. People dont tend to update for better performance, they update for new features. You may not care about any new features in 7.0 but some people do…

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