Huawei Watch Active Black Stainless Steel Link Strap
$325 + free shipping or $10 for a faster shipping method / Pay with PayPal
Very Hard to find the stainless link strap version for under $450!!
Full Range of Huawei watch here, message us happy to do a deal on any of the other models also!…
Discover a watch that truly combines classic style and smart technology. Timeless design. Smart within.
The Huawei Watch is designed to be part of your look, and part of your life. It pairs with any Android phone and it's also one of the first watches powered by Android Wear to work with iPhone.
The Huawei Watch is designed to be part of your look, and part of your life. It pairs with any Android phone and it's also one of the first watches powered by Android Wear™ to work with iPhone.
Mod: Deal updated - $292.50 with C10AUZ code
@brettw, I've ordered and paid for one on Tuesday, it hasn't been shipped yet after 2 days and they are not replying my message to them asking what is with the delay on eBay. Can you check what is going on?