Just got this on an email. Pre-order.
If you use USD and a 28Degrees card or similar is should come out at approx $1317 or you can use their own conversion rate.
Plus currently 4.8% at Cashrewards which is at least $63.
Just got this on an email. Pre-order.
If you use USD and a 28Degrees card or similar is should come out at approx $1317 or you can use their own conversion rate.
Plus currently 4.8% at Cashrewards which is at least $63.
Referee gets $2 in coupons. Referrer gets 10% off (if referee spends over US$10)
Don't know what value they put on their packages or how they classify them so its possible it would attract GST. I guess then you could TRS it?
You would have to leave the country to TRS it. That's an expensive way of getting out of GST.
Plus import tax and GST. Not to mention they are not an authorized reseller so DJI will not service or repair it under warranty.
Can someone post me a deal here in AU please.
1299 USD now how to get your deal? oz warranty?
No AU warranty I'm afraid. Send it back to Hong Kong if it requires a repair.
This has gone from $1655, to $1476 and now to $1317 in just over a day…
At this rate, it should be free in about 2 weeks…
After that, you get paid to buy it?
Sure JV. You ride that sarcasm wherever you want to go.
Sure JV. You ride that sarcasm wherever you want to go.
Especially when the $1655 including a spare battery and the $1317 doesn't include GST and import duty.
I purchase lots of stuff from Banggood but I don't think I'll buy a product that expensive from them….
Here we go. This is the latest popular thing on OzBargain. Just like Eneloops.
I know a place that will price match any Australian reseller but it has to be in Australia.
I think these are super awesome dont get me wrong - Also totally like the best drone yet and if I could afford one I would definitely jump on the Mavic but….
There seems to be a heap of interest from people on OzB for a $1.5k drone and many seem pretty happy to just drop that cash to get one. What are you guys using the drones for to justify actually buying one? Are you all real estate agents and want to get good arial shots or property? Professional photographers/videographers? Do you just like making videos for fun? Do you just want a drone that you can take to the park and fly around for a bit of fun and taking videos is a bit of a bonus?
For people first flying a drone, I heavily recommend they practice using a toy drone like the eachine H8 (which is under $20aud shipped). Reason being it is smaller, so crashes don't kill it straight away. It helps you practice "steering" and you'll feel a million times more confident.
Drones like these have lots of automation, but that makes them far from foolproof - or safe if you are not using them correctly. I don't know abotu you but the thought of it crashing into someone elses house or car would scare the crap out of me.
I agree to an extent, it's better to learn with the smaller 'less assisted' drones to get your confidence levels up but flying these high end phantoms and the likes are way easier than those smaller ones.
Yeah. I got one of those cheap quadcopters, and because it doesn't have GPS tracking of anything fancy, you have to constantly control the elevation of it. It's not easy to just hover at one spot because you need to constantly adjust and correct the lift throttle. All these fancy quadcopters do the elevation control and win compensation for you. You just need to tell it where to go.
Or maybe I just suck at these toys. :p
Did you just copy and paste you previous drone comment?
Anyone who likes gadgets and has watched the launch and promo videos for these will want one - I know I do! This thing is super compact and way more clever than the GoPro drone.
Dunno if I will take up this offer but its an option (cheapest so far?) for anyone who can't wait.
With something this expensive, and not to be racist but anything from a Chinese company, I would rather buy locally where it would be less hassle if a warranty claim was required. I've read of fly aways which DJI ended up admitting to as being their fault and fixed under warranty. If they don't even look at it because it's not from an authorized reseller then it might not even be your fault but it wont be repaired.
@YellowKnight: Agreed RE only buying from an authorised dealer. I had a flyaway with my Phantom 3 4k. Had to fill out a spreadsheet with the details (where it was purchased from, what happened etc. etc.), upload my flight logs and post the cached video of the incident. DJI analysed the data and sent out a replacement drone because it was not caused by user error. Great customer service from DJI. Not sure you'd get that if you purchased from Banggood (if they're not an authorised dealer) and the same thing happened.
Also, DJI drone owners, having gone through this experience - make a note of all serial numbers on the craft, and on the controller. They're all on the box too if you haven't chucked it. I needed serial numbers to progress my claim. Would have been difficult without the box which I had thankfully kept. The drone was long gone…
Yeppp, nobody replied to that thread haha. Genuinely curious!
I'd love one to add some aerial shots for the occasional holiday/outdoor activity video I put together. Having such a different perspective looks really nice… although if it becomes too widespread, it'll lose some appeal.
See I totally get that, I always take my gopro on holidays put together edits of the trip and love doing it and also get some pretty good results but just really hard to justify dropping all the money on it to get a few extra/different shots even as cool as they are.
I wouldn't buy something this pricey from banggood, especially not a drone, remember these are flying machines and the probability of an accident is way higher than your usual electronic stuff. Warranty is going to be a pain in the ass cz you'll have to send it to China and that is so damn expensive.
I kinda also think these may have statutory warranty extensions apart from the 1yr warranty if bought from an Australian seller as it's a high value item, I'm not sure though, any thoughts?
How does it compare with the Weber?
1 is a BBQ, the other is a drone…?
It's close, but I think the Easton is better.
If you could leave. We have enough comedienne's here.
Not one for camaraderie?
Will pull the trigger if the price is in AU$ and sold by DSE/Kogan.
Probably in 2017 when they get stock.
Use 'affiliate6' to get 6% off the price, I bought from Banggood a month ago, still haven't received any confirmation from Cashreward.
I wouldn't spend this much on something as expensive and delicate as this with no warranty.
I wouldn't purchase anything more than $50 from this website.
I have only just got into this having just purchased a 2nd hand phantom I would like to get a mavic but it won't be for a year or two when I have had some more time to practice with the phantom and hopefully the price has dropped.
Can anyone recommend a cheaper drone from Banggood? I'm getting it for a present for my old man (he has no drone experience) just want him to get a feel for it and then later on I was thinking of getting him a Mavic to get footage on their trips to the kimberleys etc… Happy to spend around $100
if it's for your old man, I recommend getting something like Phantom 3 Standard, I know it's not 100 but those are actually very easy to fly compared to sub 100 quadcopters and if he isn't adventurous or want to put time to mastering the controls, he'll just get tired and lose interest, just my two cents though
Just pre-ordered one. Been looking the best price the past week or so for an upcoming trip and this is closest to the RRP$999US after conversion. Getting taxed seems to be a 50/50 chance but can claim TRS when I fly out late Dec If I end up paying.
Did the affiliate6 coupon above work for you?
Not sure. Clicked on the link, logged in and made my order.
Only if Banggood's invoice has an ABN on it…
Good luck ;)
What do I need to bring to the TRS facility?
Bring your goods, original tax invoices, passport and boarding pass to the TRS facility.
If you have pre-entered your claim details using the TRS web or mobile app you must also present your TRS claim code to an officer at the TRS counter. For more information on the TRS claim code visit the Tourist Refund Scheme applications webpage.
A tax invoice has the word ‘tax invoice’ on it and shows the business name and Australian Business Number (ABN) of the retailer, the purchase price including the GST and/or WET paid, a description of the goods and the date you purchased the goods. For tax invoices over $1,000, the tax invoice must also show your name and address.
True have to see where my luck lands.
Best case scenario approx $1350 is all I pay. If it gets taxed Then guessing would end up around $1520-$1550 (if they charge customs fee on top of gst) which is still better then the $1700 price I was about to pay last week.
which is still better then the $1700 price I was about to pay last week.
You could have paid $1476 two days ago for local stock?
@eug: By the time I saw and got on that was sold out and same time frame for delivery. As as warranty goes local stores are just as bad as overseas stores and sometimes worse when it comes to claiming especially on electronics based on experience. Also even much harder with drones due to most problems/damage arising from user error rather then a faulty unit and even harder to prove one is faulty once flown.
As as warranty goes local stores are just as bad as overseas stores and sometimes worse when it comes to claiming especially on electronics based on experience.
With local stores you have ACL to back you up. Based on experience, that is invaluable.
Yeah there's no chance the Banggood invoice will have an ABN or GST added. No TRS on purchases from there I'm afraid.
Good luck getting a lipo on the plane.
How different is it to bringing a laptop on a plane?
you can take drones on the plane, at least I'm been told so.
No problem with the drone. Battery is a different story.
I've flown with drone batteries in carry on luggage several times. No issues at all. I tape up the battery terminals and carry them in Li-Po "fireproof" bags. Declare the batteries at check-in and they'll (sometimes) ask to see them and (sometimes) check they're under the watt hours limit (usually sub 100 Wh). Have flown internationally with Emirates, KLM, Air France and BA with 2 x batteries and have not had any issues to date. No issues with domestic flights with Qantas either.
What about GST?