This was posted 8 years 4 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DJI Mavic Pro Drone (Pre-Order) - $1655 Shipped with Bonus Battery (Worth $149) (RRP $1699) @ Leederville Cameras


$1639 C&C for Perth Buyers

Bonus battery valued at $149 included for preorders.

DJI Mavic Pro
Gimbal-Stabilized 12MP / 4K Camera
OcuSync Transmission Technology
Up to 4.3 Mile Control Range
Up to 27 Minutes Flight Time
GPS- & Vision Position-Based Navigation
FlightAutonomy with Obstacle Detection
DJI GO App-Based Control and Monitoring
Top Speed of 40 mph in Sport Mode
ActiveTrack Subject Tracking Modes
Tap- and Gesture-Based Commands

Related Stores

Leederville Cameras
Leederville Cameras

closed Comments

  • -3

    $1659 Shipped

    Why is this a bargain?

    • +9

      Shipped with Bonus Battery

      This is why.

    • -2

      Why is this a bargain?

      Why? It's under the price others are selling it for and it comes with a spare battery. But you anyway knew that, you just want to post your negative comments on another deal.

      • you just want to post your negative comments

        I was asking a question, not posting an opinion about the post.

      • It's also about $200 cheaper here, so it was a valid question…

        • It's also about $200 cheaper here, so it was a valid question…

          Good one JV, that was POSTED after this deal finished. You have no interest in this product and just want to disrupt.

        • @Maverick-au:

          that was POSTED after this deal finished.

          Which validated me asking the question. Did the OP first check if it was available cheaper elsewhere?

          You have no interest in this product

          And how would you know if i do or not?

          and just want to disrupt.

          How is asking a legitimate question disruptive? Disruptive people are those who post comments criticising other OzBargain members. They are the ones not directly posting comments about the deal. They are the ones who get put in the Penalty Box for continuously starting off topic discussions attacking other OzBargain members.

        • @jv:

          Which validated me asking the question. Did the OP first check if it was available cheaper elsewhere?

          Your didn't ask that question. If you knew it was cheaper elsewhere why didn't you post it and if you didn't know why question the OP?

        • -1


          Your didn't ask that question.

          Read my 1st post…

          If you knew it was cheaper elsewhere

          That's up to the OP to check, not me…
          It's in the posting rules…

          "Summarise briefly why it is a bargain - why did you buy it or consider it worth sharing? How does the price compare to elsewhere? Can you comment from personal experience on the quality of the product?"

  • +1

    So minus the battery and GST via TRS and this gets you to ~$1450? Best deal we've seen yet it seems. Great for those that don't want to wait.

    • +1

      not a deal, because you need to add on the cost of your international flight…………

      • +2

        what if you were going overseas anyways…cheapest I've seen so far

      • Still the cheapest so far.

    • Though what if your tax scam unravels when you import it back into the country? You can probably get away with it most times, but if you happened to have your bag searched (rare I know, but it's happened to me before) I think a large drone will stand out!

      • +1

        It's a small drone.

      • I've ticked the "I'm bringing in GST payable goods" or something along those lines on that form. But they always waved me through. I'm happy to pay the GST if they charge it but so far they haven't in the last well ever. Nothing to lose if you're honest.

        • Utter rubbish. If you were being honest you wouldn't claim tax relief on an item you know full well shouldn't be getting it in the first place.

        • @callum9999:
          You need to read on trs a bit more, you obviously don't know how it works.

        • @nadan: On second thoughts presumably you can pool the allowance if you take your family along?

          (Though the pedant in me would point out that's not strictly a TRS rule!)

    • Just becareful of the TRS. I know a lot of people do it and get away with it but apparently when you claim TRS that item isn't meant to come back into AUS. Just something you should be aware off if you are doing it:P I'm sure most ppl on here are good at "hiding" stuff lol

      • +1

        Incorrect. Goods for which you claim the trs refund can definately come back into the country, so long as the total of those goods plus overseas purchases don't exceed your family's passenger concession ($900/ adult). Claiming trs is not a "tax scam".

  • It says 1699 on their site and does C&C mean cash and carry for you to be eliglbe at the price of 1655?

  • OMG

  • +8

    Found this on eBay:

    Enter C10AUZ at checkout…

    There's one listed at $1640 down to $1476 with code.

    • Wow. Works. Thanks.

      • woah a deal cheaper than yours.

        • +2

          Wasn't my deal but was cheapest at time of posting. Ease up cupcake we're all just after a good bargain here.

    • Good god man.

    • +2

      Thats worth of its own post!

  • +1

    The impact drones like this will have (and already are having) on the film industry is massive.

    • I don't think Paramount Pictures is going to use a $1500 drone to film Jurassic Park 5

      • +2

        "film industry" =/= "major studios", it's a lot broader than that.

        • OK, I don't think any commercial film production will ever use a $1500 drone.

        • @thorton82: With drones capable of lifting 25-30 pounds for less than $2K, it's already happening. A professional-tier gimbal will obviously inflate the price considerably, but the capabilities of drones used in commercial films 3-5 years ago are what is available in the $2-5K price range today.

          My point though is that certain elevated, aerial and/or tracking shots were previously a luxury not affordable to all.

        • @COR80: LOL, a drone that can lift 15kg for $2k? I don't think so. $2k wont even get you 1/3 of a DJI Inspire.

        • @thorton82: Here's an S1000+ Octo that does 25 pound/11kg for less than $2000. "LOL"

          Regardless, with your pointlessly smug attitude you're missing the point; back in the mid-late 90's did you laugh at people who suggested that expensive, high-end 1 megapixel digital cameras used almost exclusively by professional photographers, would be common-place and dirt-cheap within a few short years?

        • @COR80:

          1. That is a frame, it has no flight control, no gimbal, it would cost several thousand to get that thing in the air.

          2. That's USD

          3. Your camera analogy is poor, I really doubt any professional Togs made the transition to digital before 3mp. 1mp was nothing.

        • -1

          @thorton82: rofl that's your response? Does everything just whoosh over your head?

          Go try nitpick someone else's comment, you haven't done real well with mine.

        • @COR80: Someone accurately disputes your bullshit and you claim they have done a poor job doing so? If you post a drone frame and try and pass it off as a fully functional drone, then expect people to buy that shit, you have issues. You are wrong, plain and simple. There is zero chance of being able to purchase a drone capable of lifting 15-20kg for $2k. I own and build drones, I have about 15 of them, from heavy lift, camera rigs, fixed wing, right down to little racing drones.

        • -2

          @thorton82: You didn't accurately dispute anything- you went all autistic on a comment and painted yourself as an attention seeker, what with your fully-certified Drone Wizardry credentials and all. Bullshit indeed.

        • -1

          @COR80: Ignore the facts. You said you could get a heavy lift 15-20kg drone for $2k Aussie. You then posted a link to a frame @ $2K USD, with no flight control, batteries, radio, gimbal, etc. Your own link literally disproves the bullshit you are speaking. To even approach flight in that thing, with a gimbal, you are approaching $5000 USD (Sony 5D Gimbal, basic flight control). (That doesn't include a radio, batteries, charger etc for probably another $1k). So $6K USD flying, which is $AUD 8000, 4 times what you said. That link you provided only shows a drone with a gross takeoff weight of 11kg. The drone itself weighs 4.5kg without gimbal and batteries. So at best, this drone with 2kg of batteries, and a 1.5kg gimbal, could lift 3KG, and that would be on the envelope of controlled performance. I didn't need to disprove your bullshit, your own link did it for me. So not only does it cost 4 times what you said, but it can't even lift 1/5th of your worst case scenario. Bullshit indeed.

        • -1

          @thorton82: Look, we can all be babies and neg, see. You're still to stupid to fathom the point that was made- that the high-end drones used by professional photographers and for specialist camera-work only 5-6 years ago are now well within the reach of consumers. Go screech and whine at someone who incorrectly identified the 156th digit of pi, autist.

        • @COR80: Revert to personal insults. Obviously you win.

        • -1

          @thorton82: Run along now, go bother someone else's inbox.

        • @COR80: I do find it pretty funny that you can't admit that you are wrong, and have to revert to insults and demeaning language to try and salvage some dignity (but it isn't working).

        • -1

          @thorton82: Well, seems my comments were better received than your autistic replies. Continuing to exchange replies when you don't come across as being "all there" seems a bit grubby, so I'm gonna leave it here. Like I said, go bother someone else's inbox.

        • @COR80: Insulting the other guy automatically means you win the argument. Congrats.

  • -2

    Gone. I guess my posted deal is better now as Rise Above are much more reliable retailers.

    Leederville Cameras you dodgy.

    • Are you affiliated with Rise Above…?

      You seem ultra-biased

      • Nope. Just honestly feel customer service plays a huge factor if I'm going to be paying retail.

        • what about their customer service, I have never bought from them prior to this?

          The rep you chatted to probably didn't know.

        • @nadan: Each to their own, and if that's how they want to run it, then fine. But they raised their prices right after it was posted on OzBargain and then stated DJI raised their prices. Coincidence? Maybe.

  • Still works. If you're on mobile switch to classic view.

    • Doesn't seem to work, even if you force Request Desktop Site

      • Not sure. I just searched again and the banner appears on mine.

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