This was posted 8 years 5 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4VR: Rush of Blood $22, Worlds & Drive Club $48, Rigs, Eve Valkyrie & Battle Zone $74ea | XBOX One: Gears 4 $78 + More @ BIG W


(I have seen Targets Catalogue and no VR items advertised)

Playstation VR Titles

$22 Rush Of Blood
$48 Playstation Worlds
$48 Driveclub VR
$74 Eve Valkyrie
$74 Rigs
$74 Battle Zone

$72 Rise of the Tomb Raider (VR Compatible)

PS4 Games

$78 Fifa 17
$78 W2k17 + Bonus The Monday Night War DVD
$78 Mafia 3
$72 WRC 6
$68 Dragon Quest Builders

$479 PS4 1TB Slim Console + Uncharted 4 + Fallout 4 + Choice of either Doom or Battleborn (Deal included for people who need to use wish cards etc, check out other deals which may suit better)


$78 Gears of War 4
$78 Forza Horizon 3
$78 Fifa 17
$78 W2k17 + Bonus The Monday Night War DVD
$78 Mafia 3
$72 WRC 6

$499 Xbox One S 1TB Console + Doom + Gears of War 4 + your choice of Fallout 4 or Battleborn

$89 Xbox One Gradient Themed Controller
$79 Xbox One Blue or White Controller

Skylanders Imaginators

$74 Starter Packs + Bonus Kaos Figfurine PS4, Xbox One, PS3, XB360, Wii U
$15 Sensei Skylanders Figures
$9 Creation Crystals
$6 Mystery Chests
$30 typhoon Park Adventure Pack
$15 Legendary Tri-Tip BIG W Exclusive


$48 Mario Party Star Rush
$48 Yokai Watch 2 (both versions)

Wii U

$64 Paper Mario Color Splash

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • Im an xbox fan but this vr does it work with all ps4 consoles past,present and future and worth buying a ps4 for.
    Just having something like this is different way of playing games.
    I take xbox have nothing like this coming out.
    Not having had a ps in many years i would be starting from scratch no ps games.
    Are these prices good for vr titles?

    • +1

      Yes it will work on all current PS4's standard or the new slim as well as the upcoming pro.

      These prices are good compared to JB and EB

      • The only review that is sub-par was 1/10 reviews out there saying that the tracking was having issue which turns out to be a hardware issue and was sent to RMA.

        Scorpio is only rumoured to support VR, still will not be up to specs to handle Rift/Vive even when we have AWS recently announced in Oculus Connect 3 which bumped down the requirement to a GTX 960.

        Without serious big bucks, no console will be true VR ready.

        • -6

          I've only listened to a few reviewers but they all said the tracking was poo and caused by the camera and controllers.

      • +1

        Not really a fair comparison as that's if you want to drop another $600 on a Scorpio. Can't compare a Scorpio to a normal PS4, and Sony's strategy is to support all versions of PS4 to be compatible. Your current Xbox will run the future Xbox VR just as subpar as the original PS4.

    • -4

      Don't threat, I'm a long term PS fan but I've been turned off the PSVR from all of the bad reviews I'm heading about it. It's going to die fast like PS Move, PSTV, Playstation TV and PS Vita. The reviews say that it's ruined by the sub par camera (3 year old tech) and the even older move controllers.

      • +1

        Not sure which reviews you are reading/watching. The only negative one has been giant bomb. The rest are overwhelmingly positive. They all mention minor faults and that tracking could be better, but in most cases the reviews I have read find it to be the best overall platform for vr. And also the most likely to succeed.

        • +2

          Today was a Kotaku Splitscreen Podcast, yesterday was indeed Giant Bomb and I think the day before was Beastcast? Neg me all you like people but I reckon in twelve months time it'll go the way of Kinect and we'll be hearing nothing about it at E3 or any PS meetings.

        • +3

          which is (apart from not being able to afford it) why IF I get a PS4 VR helemt, it'll probably be a good year from now and be the v2 release of the hardware with better tracking and a heap of VR games to play, rather only a few and some demos.

        • +1

          @gizmomelb: I absolutely agree, I'll be interested when we get an iteration that doesn't use my current PS camera or move controllers. The move controllers never were too hot back in the PS3 days.

          It's funny how fast gamers turn on those who disagree with them, most of these people negging me are likely just people who have preordered and now are hoping for the best (I cancelled my preorder) I would wager that I own more PS gear than any of them and have a higher trophy level to go alongside it. I'm not a hater, I wished it were better than it seems to be and that Sony had a better track record of supporting these types of things.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: lol I'm sure you do mate. But why don't you do yourself a favour and go and read all the reviews out there? Even the kotaku Uk review that directly disagreed with their own co-site review? There is around 10-15 reviews out there from places like Engadget, IGN, polygon, tested, push square, the verge, game informer and more that are far more positive than negative. All of them comment on the various shortcomings but still come the other end with a positive review, most around the 8/10 mark. And most comment that they believe this is the best overall headset on the market. For price, use, game selection and comfort.

        • +1

          @dwhes: Let's see how things pan out and revisit this discussion in 6 months mate.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: all I'm saying is why don't you expose yourself to some further reviews. You've come on here and claimed you have been turned off by all the negative reviews. Yet somehow you have only selectively read the very few negative ones… huge coincidence but anyway.. there is significantly more positive ones from far bigger (and often more critical) publications.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: here is the meta critic link for you:… just to quickly summarise for you, there is 3 extremely positive reviews, 29 positive reviews, 6 so so reviews and not one negative review. Effectively the lowest score from a recorded publication is 6/10. Seems like a terrible device…

        • @dwhes: Yep, now go back and look at all the positivity that surrounded the Vita and Move releases. You'll see a pattern mate, Sony tend to ditch anything that they are not 1000% sure on. Let's see where this current iteration of PSVR ends up.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: I largely agree with you there. However what I was arguing against was the fact you had only read the very few negative reviews and painted that as the overwhelming impression of the device currently.

        • @dwhes: The reviews I heard were enough to raise doubt in the tech for me personally. Of course I'll listen to more but I made the decision to cancel the preorder weeks ago now. I figured that buying an Xbone S to play MS exclusives on whilst I wait on my PS4 Pro to arrive was the safe bet for some good gaming. Currently loving me some Gears 4 and Forza Horizon.

  • May have to look on youtube or Google see how its rates and how it does.
    As never heard about it till now.

    I know what you mean on jb and eb there prices are always high.
    Hope these dont end being only ones selling game here and others like target and big w can help with prices etc.

    For example game i see just a week or two ago was on pre order for xbox one was $49 not even out yet but now is listed as $89 thats $40 more they now charge lol.

  • +1

    TBH I'm surprised they are even bothering to promote sales for PSVR games as the amount of people who will have the console is incredibly low. If you didn't have a preorder, good luck getting on in the coming week or two. Preorders sold out months ago and will probably only get worse come Christmas and when family/friends try it.

    As with prices, the games are cheaper at Big W than JB, EB Games, Target and PSN Store (Digital). You can get them cheaper at Ozgameshop if you are willing to wait a week or so.

    As for good PSVR games to buy, I personally recommend:
    SportsBar VR (digital only)
    Job Simulator (digital only)
    Here They Lie
    Until Dawn

    Dont forget - Free games on launch:
    8 Game Demo disc (included with AU PSVR)
    18 Game Demo disc (Download off US PSN Store)
    Some existing games PSVR Updates (RE7 Demo etc)
    Playroom VR (Free!)

    Can't wait for mine. Peace.

    • +1

      So silly we only get 8 demos. At least they're the good ones, and as you said - we can download the other 10 from the US Store.

      I don't think the numbers will be incredibly low considering it's sold out everywhere. They're advertising to those buyers, because getting those 50 people in the shopping center to buy there rather than EB Games is worth it to them.

      • Downloading the demo from the Australia psn store has the 18 games like the US.

  • you didn't list Dragon Quest Builders PS4 $68!

    • Thanks, fixed :)

  • It's WRC 6 not W2C 6….
    As in World Rally Championship

    • Thanks, fixed it.

  • There's nothing of true value here but maybe the PS4 and Xbox console bundles. Everything else is just pretty standard pricing.

    • agreed, also WWE2K 17 price is disappointing.

  • +1

    Frankly PSVR is shitting all over everything else ATM just due to HMD design - why would you want a sweaty pancake across half your face when you can have a HMD that doesn't even touch your face? If there's anything that ruins immersion for me it's having a sweaty pancake on my face.

    The fact that so many of the games look like more than curiosities unlike PC is also very promising.

    Factor in that it's half the cost before you've even bought a PC - why even risk your money on PC atm? As far as I can see VR has really only provided a compelling use case for games where you sit in a cockpit (driving and air/space craft) - nothing else is a reason to get one to me beyond curiosity ATM.

    • +1

      Not sure why you got negged, you're allowed to have an opinion.

      Anyway, that job simulator vr game sounds pretty swell. Go to work all day, come home and pretend you are at work again, super happy fun times!

      (I would love a psvr but don't have the cash or patience to wait for the next batch)

  • +1

    The 1TB XB1 deal seems pretty darn good with those games included. Or am I behind in the times and there's similar elsewhere?

  • Anyone know if the tomb raider in the catalog is the artbook edition that JB/EB are selling:… ?

  • As recommended by waxar and dingbat from whirlpool

    Wow job simulator
    Do you sit for an hour in traffic,
    sipping your mocca late halipino
    Then hit up the the coffee machine,
    avoid the boss for 8 hours while pretending to work,
    all the while looking at ozbargain and various other fantasy's,
    then go home to your very own, virtual realistic silicone sex doll?
    Maybe consider racq and a 4wd,
    some form of surfcraft,
    and a life
    Like actually seriously,
    Your all going to die and miss it completely

  • Im disappointed that after all the 3dtv marketing over the previous few years, there are very few games that support it on either current platform (xb1/ps4). I would have thought they would have been 'standard' this generation.
    Seems to be missing out on easy content for a large existing market.

    • They are completely uninterested in supporting existing markets
      When they can create a whole new 4K HDR ps4 pro market to buy into
      I bought a ps4 remote console, only for the whole concept to be dropped 6 months after release/hype.
      Look out for the new push,
      8K ps5 with holographic peripherals next chrisy

      • Happened identically with my first (and last) sony android phone.
        If they do something similar with ps4 (eg. a 4 yr lifecycle instead of 8), it will also be the last sony product I'll ever buy.

  • Did anybody here pre-order the PS VR from BIG W?

    Waiting on them to give me a call/notifcation that it's being released on the 13th…

  • I pre-ordered from big w. I haven't heard anything from them either.

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