• expired

One Month Membership Worth $49.95 Free at Tasktender.com.au


Until the end of October 2016 all new registrations with their username beginning with OZ will receive a free VIP membership to tasktender.com.au for one month. The VIP membership means you do not pay the 10% service fee which is usually charged at the time of winning a job or selling your service.

Tasktender is a new online marketplace where people list tasks they need completed, users who are able to complete them can make offers, the task poster will select the winner and once the task in complete you get paid. You can also advertise a service you provide.

You can be paid in cash or online

This is exclusively for OZbargain users

I should also mention we are only 2 weeks old and only advertising in Sydney at the moment.

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closed Comments

  • Is this a poor mans AirTasker?

    • +2

      Poor mans Airtasker? if you are talking about the owner, then yes.

  • So its like Airtasker.. only more expensive..?

    • More expensive? no much cheaper. There is only a 10% service fee theirs is 15%. If you do one job worth $500 you are ahead for the month. Do a job worth $1000 and you are ahead $50.

      • Still very expensive for what it is. So expensive, people will resent paying it, so the service becomes the adversary of the users, and instead of helping them it tries to limit communication in order to extract rent. Before you know it, you have eBay-level evil.

        • Fair opinion Manic, but not much in life is free and this saves workers/service providers paying for advertising costs to get customers in. Paying 50 cents fee and getting paid $5 to share a Facebook post isn't bad in my opinion.

        • @Hawa:
          Yes, good offer. It's the "$49.95" part that seems a bit steep for someone doing a few odd jobs.
          Better than taskrabbit, which is trying to take 30%, but I don't see that lasting.

        • @manic: it seems I was not clear enough. The VIP membership is optional. The fee without vip is 10% only. When the platform grows and the earning potential is greater it will be worth it. Perhaps it is too early to introduce a membership option. We will consider removing it.

      • So you have a 50$ monthly fee and a 10% service fee while Airtasker has a single 15% service fee?

        If you do 500$ of work on Airtasker, it will cost you 15% which is a total of 75$
        If you do 500$ of work on TaskTender, it will cost you 50$ for the monthly fee + 10%, which is also 50$. Which means a total of 100$

        If you do 1000$ of work on Airtasker it will cost you 15% which is a total of 150$
        If you do 1000$ of work on TaskTender, it will cost you 50$ for the monthly fee + 10%, which is 100$ + 50$. Which is a total of 150$

        Which means just to break even with AirTasker fees you need to do at least 1000$ in work on TaskTender. And even then you'd have to be averaging a lot more than 1000$ a month before the risk outweighed the potential reward (You risk losing your 50$ investment if you don't do 1000$ worth of work).

        So how many people do you think will be earning above 1000$ in your trial month to make it worthwhile to pay for next months? Because unless it's most - this business model is doomed to fail - unless you seriously rethink your pricing structure.

        • -1

          Did you read the offer or just jump on the hater bandwagon? membership means NO FEE

        • If you do 500$ of work on Airtasker, it will cost you 15% which is a total of 75$
          If you do 500$ of work on TaskTender, it will cost you 50$ for the monthly fee + 10%, which is also 50$. Which means a total of 100$

          If you do 1000$ of work on Airtasker it will cost you 15% which is a total of 150$
          If you do 1000$ of work on TaskTender, it will cost you 50$ for the monthly fee + 10%, which is 100$ + 50$. Which is a total of 150$

          Which means just to break even with AirTasker fees you need to do at least 1000$ in work on TaskTender. And even then you'd have to be averaging a lot more than 1000$ a month before the risk outweighed the potential reward (You risk losing your 50$ investment if you don't do 1000$ worth of work).

          Yes I did read it, you are wrong. Sorry mate it is sad when 90% of your comments on Ozbargain are negative, even so I take your comments on board.

        • @Hawa:

          Yes I did read it, you are wrong.

          If I'm wrong it's because you haven't clearly expressed your offer. I'm going by what I understand is your offer. 1 Free month, then expensive thereafter. And it only applies to users to this site (ozbargain), so it doubly applies to everyone else.

          Sorry mate it is sad when 90% of your comments on Ozbargain are negative

          You went though and established that i've posted over 120 negative comments? In the 4 minutes between my response, and yours? Sure…

        • @geoffellis:

          Your last comment describing the costings is wrong. There is a free membership, this entitles you to use the service but pay a 10% fee if you are the worker.
          The paid membership (Free with this offer) means you pay NO fee.
          After the 1 month period you can use the free membership. If you still think it is expensive 10% compared to 15% then that is your opinion and I don't understand it. If you think it is expensive regardless of what others charge then thank you for your opinion. If "the service fee for workers in usually 10% of the value of the task or service. With this offer it is free." is not clear I don't know how I can help explain it to you.

        • @Hawa:

          Okay. That is a lot more clear. You should rewrite your original post to clarify.

          You can be paid in cash or online, the service fee for workers in usually 10% of the value of the task or service. With this offer it is free.

          For example, This statement suggests that the service fee for workers is usually 10%, but with this offer of a free month, is not charged. There's a couple of other places that are ambiguous one way or another about whether you're talking about the free month of membership, or (based on your last post) that there is a multi-tiered membership system in that there is a free membership that never costs money, and that there is a paid membership that is currently free for ozbargains.

        • @geoffellis: Fair enough, thanks for the feedback, ill fix it when I get to the office.

  • +8

    Welcome to Ozbargain lol

  • Sorry guys, decided to consider the feedback and we are rethinking our membership system. We thank everyone for their comments and feedback.

    If you do register over the next few days I will still honor the deal and to those that already registered I am subscribing you now.
    Thanks again.

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