Hi folks, how do I add picture attachments to comments using an iPad? Technogical dunce here so go easy on me and be descriptive. TIA
How to add picture attachments to comments

What happened to inline images? I remember they used to be possible before but now it's just a hyperlink?
I believe we disabled that several years ago as people were attaching giant photos which were breaking the site.
should be brought back
ask scotty for usinline images increase bandwidth usage I think
might not be great for mobile users who have metered data usage and view stuff on smaller displays
A better option might be to just make it optional and allow people to click an expander [📷+] to view the image inline.
Where is the my accounts > files option now? Can see only folders under my account.
Still there! Can you do a screenshot?
Click My Account (or Settings). It's not in the dropdown menu but actually in the My Account section along with account settings, referrals, etc.
I assume you mean on OzBargain? Go to My Account - Files - Upload New File. Then copy the link and paste in a comment or wherever you want.
See OzBargain 101: Lesson 1: Commenting and Deal Formatting (bold, making tables, creating links, big fonts, ordered lists, etc.) for more info.