This was posted 8 years 6 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

NBA League Pass 2016-2017: $150CAD ($148AUS) via Canada VPN ($330 Locally)


Its that time of year again..
NBA League Pass is open again for 2016-2017!

You can sign up locally for a pretty un-ozbargain $330, or you can sign up via a VPN to Canada for under $150
Ever so slightly cheaper via some other countries, but Canada is the easiest when it comes to VPN options

Getflix VPN works, but other ways to 'be' in Canada involve
- Windscribe which use a freemium model. You can still connect to the Canada VPN with a free account:
- new version of Opera browser, which now has a VPN built into it:…
(thanks to reddit for those tips)

Also, no longer is there a Standard and Premium sign up, so better value than last year as its effectively all 'premium' level,
Benefits are:
- IN-GAME HIGHLIGHTS - More of the action you love at your fingertips. - Interactive Play-by-Play for each game.
- NEW MOBILE FEATURES - Watch games in Mobile View for an easier to watch, zoomed-in experience.

Cheaper than last year
(also a good thread for any questions which have likely already been answered)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    will be doing this as soon as i get a refund for the automatic renewal of me doing this last year :P

    an unexpected $330 transaction gave me abit of a heart attack :(

    thanks for the heads up dude

    • +6

      I signed up through Canada last year for ~A$150 for the standard package and I just got auto-renewed for the exact same price: A$150.

      • Oh crap, I just checked based on what barkley said and sure enough I was about to get resubbed on the 30th. I unticked it thinking I was gonna get stung $330. Should I retick it?

        • I would just manually sign up to be sure :)

        • This is the first time I forgot to untick. I usually untick then re-signup as I was never sure at what rate I would get auto-renewed.

          They do say that you get some 'reward' for auto-renewing but I am not sure what that is… I did notice that I now get access to NBA-TV but that might just be normal now..

        • Mine already been debited on the 26th (paypal). I emailed the support to cancel it (yes, it said, you have until 30th to opt-out) the next day and they refunded me the day after (already back in my paypal).

      • i did the mexican one i think and via paypal if that helps.
        Dont know why it was $330 :(
        EDIT: maybe changed region via paypal?

    • Have you got the refund yet?

      I just sent them an email now to unsubscribe.

      • my payment was yet to clear but they have said it will be refunded as soon as it clears

  • Dosent the Canada one do no raptors games

    • +7

      only if you WATCH from Canada

      turn the VPN off and you are WATCHING from Australia, so no restrictions

      • Do you have any idea if NFL is the same? Considering getting NFL gamepass from another country

        • +1

          no sorry. I watch NFL via slightly less ethical means :)

        • @SBOB: HAHa fair enough. I might give it a go tonight and post up something if I find anything good.

  • Can someone explain how this is done, I'm new to this VPN thing.
    So you sign up with then go to pass and join.

    Then every time you wanna login to league pass, you go through
    But then how would apps work on ur phone of ipad - you can't go through VPN with apps can you?

    • +1

      So you sign up with then go to pass and join.

      Yes, or whatever other VPN service you trust

      Then every time you wanna login to league pass, you go through
      But then how would apps work on ur phone of ipad - you can't go through VPN with apps can you?

      nope, League Pass is international. Any league pass can be watched anywhere and any restrictions are based on where you are watching from (just like Netflix)
      So, no VPN when watching. You are watching the normal League pass as if you purchased it locally

      • So I can watch through my Apple TV?

        • you sure can!

        • How do I watch without Apple TV? Does PS4 work or do I need to get Chromecast or something?

        • +2

          @chook79: I use Chromecast. Works well, with no lag or buffering.

        • @chook79:looks PS4 doesn't supported in AU officially. Not sure if this workaround still working or not.

        • @JohnThePom: just a quick question, chromecast essentially mirrors your iphone, ipad, laptop screen onto the tv through wifi is that correct? ive gone a quick google search but found more answers of chromecast apps? Anyway if the above is correct i'm assuming you would need a strong wifi connection so it doesn't buffer constantly, right?
          thanks in advance

        • Thanks guys, much appreciated. Looks like I'd better get myself a chromecast.

  • +1

    if you sign up through Canada and pay, can we then use normal internet (no VPN hence in Austrlia) and apple TV to watch?
    And will this mean we get all the Raptors games etc…. or will this only restrict us from watching through Canadian VPN

    • +3

      if you sign up through Canada and pay, can we then use normal internet (no VPN hence in Austrlia) and apple TV to watch?

      as above
      Yep :)

      or will this only restrict us from watching through Canadian VPN

      nope.. Watch without VPN, as League Pass isnt region/location locked

    • +1

      Yes, you are effectively just buying the subscription, not location specific.
      When you connect and watch here, it will determine you're in Australia and can view the Raptors games.

  • +1

    Can anyone comment or know if it's possible to 'share' the account/login? I am only interested in watching a few teams every week and so is a friend of mine, so looking to split the costs between us and use the same login. I couldn't see any reference in the FAQ and couldn't find a T&C's page.

    I have limited net access atm and it's taking forever to get through on my mobile (through VPN) to get to the sign up which I assume is where the T&C's are.

    • +1

      You can but only one login at a time

    • If only one person is signed in at a time, then yes…

      But it won't let multiple concurrent logins

    • Cheers for the info.

    • +1

      I tried this last year - honestly i don't recommend it
      If u are watching and your friend checks the score you get bumped
      Even if u can organise the time share during the regular season there is the All Star game and then the Finals which u will both want to watch
      If u are in the same house it might work but for the difference of half of $150 i chose to just pay

  • Is Canada the cheapest? I seem to recall in past years India had a cheap deal too

    • since the weakened aussie dollar, last year was canada. our currency havent change much from last year, so makes sense still canada

  • Hey guys, has anybody still having luck with this? I've tried it and I am not getting the same price as shown.

    • +2

      Try incognito mode. I couldn't get the cheaper price until I used incognito mode in Chrome.

  • The software VPN-One-Click works pretty well and is super easy if anyone struggles with VPN's. (sign up for one month etc).

  • Anyone used the Opera VPN before? Works fine?

    • +1

      just used it now, so easy

      • Hey Tim,

        I'm using an old league pass log in & when I try & pay with my credit card, it gets blocked.
        Did you use a fresh account when signing up via Canada?

        • hey yeah i used my old account from the past few years. strange thats never happened to me

    • Just used it, worked fine.

  • +1

    For those that want local basketball content see

  • Hey guys,Just a quick question, how did you get 150CAD? I used getflix VPN and I only see 279.99 CAD for the annual pass

    EDIT: Instead of using Canada server on getflix, i used opera browsers built in vpn and the price is 148AUD.

    Also does billing address matter when we purchase it? Thanks

    • Getflix is Smart DNS, not VPN.

      Billing address hasn't mattered in the past. Sometimes it is used to verify your credit card though, so not sure if 90210 would work.

      • getflix ALSO has VPNs included in their service which you can use

  • Hey everyone! Does anyone know if i can proceed with using the VPN to purchase with an existing account that i had previously? Or would it be better to just start a new account? I used to pay the monthly fee to stream it.. this is so much more affordable.


    • I used an existing account. Didn't have any problems

      • Oh cool. Cheers for the reply!

  • +8

    Remember the time when One HD aired NBA games? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    • +15

      And when One HD used to be devoted to sports. Now its just Cops and action tv/movie re-runs.

    • +1

      I remember when Seven showed games at night time. That's how I watched the '83 series (usually only 3-4 days delay). Ah the memories….

      • Yeah that's what got me into basketball back in the day.

    • Man, i most be old, i remember in early 90's ABC (channel 2) aired one or two games on Friday nights and also aired NBA action too. Props to ABC for broadcasting it in Australia and making me fall in love with the game :)

  • Good find OP, and previous OPs!

    Think I'll sign up in the morning.

    Quick question - looks like you can select AUD$ for currency when visiting the Canadian page. Shows the annual fee as AUD$159 when you do that versus CAD$149, which under AUD$150.

    I don't have a 28degrees card. Anyone know what standard conversion charges are likely to be if I pay in CAD? If I pay in AUD it might also be less likely to cause issue, but it's $10 more.

    PS. When you get to payment, does it offer PayPal as a payment option?

    • +1

      Yes it has PayPal option but I used Citibank debit card, $148.50

  • +3

    FYI registering in Mongolia costs the following:

    250,000 MNT = $144 AUD, so this seems like a pretty good deal.

    • Great deal, I paid around $80 I think back in february for the valentines deal which was only the remaining 1/3 of the season and playoffs, so this is a steal. Also as someone who filled in the ~10-15 minute questionaire I promised if the price was right I would resub, so I will.

      Lets hope the new look website design means an upgraded player. Last seasons player was average at best.

  • +11

    I did a lot of checking, only to realise they auto-subbed me from Argentina. D'oh! Could have saved 5 bucks on India!

    Here's what I found in addition to others:
    Vietnam - 2,499,999 dong (146 AUD)
    South Africa - 1,599.99 Rand (154 AUD)
    Mexico - 2,499.99 peso (167 AUD)
    Indonesia – 1499999 rupiah 151 AUD
    India - 7,399.99 rupee 145 AUD
    Moldova - 2,599.99 MDV 172 AUD
    Greece - 119.99 Euro 175 AUD
    Tunisia 249.99 TND 148 AUD

    edit: all conversions done through google 28/09/16

    • +5

      lol dong.

    • +4

      So basically they are only overcharging Australia

  • +2

    Has anyone tried these guys before?

    • I just checked out the website, doesnt look too bad and probably worth checking out the 3 day trial when pre-season or the actual season starts. Ill probably still stick with League Pass though for the dedicated mobile and xbox apps.

  • I found when changing to British Pounds whilst using Canadian VPN would only cost you $145 AUD

  • Thank you so much, OP!!! Woohoo!!!

    I used Opera turned on VPN and set the location to Canadian to get the right price.

  • Signed up yesterday using this. My vpn paid for itself many times over.

    Never watched nba before so just gonna pick a team and roll with it!

    • I suggest the 76ers, because they have to improve from last year :)

      Or just join the dubnation or cavs bandwagons

    • +4

      I suggest Knicks as it will help you deal with severe pain..

    • Coming from someone who's used league pass the last 4 years, don't just limit yourself to one team. Browse through the days games and only watch the ones that look like exciting/good match ups. Watching low level tier teams play is rarely enjoyable and nobody got time for that.

    • +5

      As a diehard NBA fan I would suggest following the Boston Celtics. You will fall in love with this team pretty quickly. Their coach is a young basketball genius and they have a collective group of scrappy players with incredible defensive intensity and somehow manage to defend so well that they will win 50+ games this year.

    • Thanks for the tips lads!

    • 100% Boston Celtics, great franchise with an amazing history, some good promise this season and won't take you long to bleed green :)

    • I would suggest the Timberwolves, should be really fun to watch, young and upcoming.

  • Lads and lasses, any idea on what the team pass option costs?

    • Good question, did they get rid of team pass subscription? I don't see it anywhere.

    • hey bensjammin… i sent nba support a message about team pass and this was their response.

      "This year the NBA is offering NBA LEAGUE PASS as one package. This package will entitle you to all the NBA games, home and away feeds, a new mobile specific feed, audio feeds, NBA TV Live and the launch of NBA Rapid Replay at the start of regular season with access to all the NBA highlights as they happen. All for one low price."

  • +1

    It's actually disgusting that the NBA overcharge us when the approximate cost is $150AUD globally, really sickens me. Not like they're shipping anything physical to the other end of the world, all digital!

    • Its October through to June. Thats 30 teams playing 1230 games together, not including playoffs and all star weekend.
      The content in streamed in up to 3000kbps through Akamai.
      300-400AUD is too much IMO. But I think 150AUD is reasonable for the average aussie NBA fan.

      • +2

        Exactly, I'm happy to fork out what everyone else is paying around the world because it is a great service, but to charge us nearly double is just taking the piss and advantage, they must think we're so stupid because we're down under.

        • hmmm i guess supply and demand?
          and… our minimum wages are sort of higher

      • If Akamai is what they are using then this may be the reason for the inflated cost. Akamai require bandwidth and Australia is one of the most expensive places to get this due to its isolation and limited undersea cables.
        Dont get me wrong i will be using the VPN to pay in CAD. Just saying.

    • Yeah and Australia apparently has the biggest userbase. However we aren't big enough market for the nba to bring a game here. You would think with the number of Aussies playing in the nba they could bring one game here.

  • Wait it's all premium now? Hell Yeah!

  • Why aren't people waiting for a discount? There's still a month to go.

  • Last year I waited until Feb and bought the NBA pass for a unbelievable price: AUD$35. I was still able to watch roughly half season and the playoffs as well. So if you are not in a hurry, wait a little bit.

  • Just wondering what internet speed will you need to watch it? My internet is pretty lousy.

    • When watching within a web browser you can either leave it on auto quality or you choose a streaming quality - on the lowest setting its pretty hard to watch an entire game but if your internet speed goes up and down its watchable in small amounts. I used the AndroidTV app and it didn't seem to handle slow internet as well - not sure what AppleTV is like.

  • Excellent price, purchased. Thanks mate

  • +1

    Does anyone know how I direct website to canada? I have smart DNS on getflix but wouldn't have a clue on how to use VPN.

    PS: last year I picked up the sub just before all star game and it was like $30 bucks. Early season isn't the most interesting anyway

    • Did the same. No beating that value and now the sixers could win some games I might have to jump on early this time around.

  • hmm my last subscrtiption gets "cancelled" tomorow

    should i just wait it out or get a Canada subscription now?

  • +2

    thanks for the tip - i haven't used VPN before but this makes the league pass much better value! 2006 prices!!!

    Also - League Pass offers 7.5% through cashrewards so i have just signed up using the Opera VPN - didn't get immediate confirmation of the cashrewards but worth a shot - will report back if it gets acknowledged.

  • Thanks OP. Got some entertainment at work for the next year sorted now.

  • Can somebody who has signed up this year via a VPN please confirm that you can still watch games without using a VPN? I know this was the case in past years (I've been a league pass user for 3 years via Indonesia and South Africa) I just wanted to make sure before I sign up that league pass hasn't toughened their stance on different regions.

    • considering the season hasnt started, im not sure how anyone would confirm that :)

      but Ithere is no indication why they would. International League Pass is the same regardless of country its purchased in

      • True…but by the sounds of this years package it includes some old games on-demand so I thought someone may have watched something.

        The reason I asked is that League Pass seems to have changed their technology to stop DNS proxies - I signed up with a South African DNS proxy last year but this year it doesn't work and I just keep getting AUD pricing. It made me think that maybe they're getting tougher on dodgy Aussies:-)

        Oh and cheers for the info!

    • A follow up to my post above. I've just signed up using the inbuilt VPN within Opera. I've then tested league pass with a non VPN browser using my Aussie IP address and I can definitely watch games from last year.

  • I checked through Indian VPN, the price was 7399.99 rupee
    converted on was $144.71 AUD

  • NBA League pass now Canada's second biggest export after maple syrup. Well done Ozbargain!

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