I searched and I searched and I couldn't see this posted
You can try out your awesome new way to pay as soon as possible. Once you're successfully registered, we'll load $10 bonus on your facility within 5 days. Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch?
$10 Bonus is available to the first 20,000 customers who successfully register for the Cash by Optus facility before 30/4/17. Bonus will be loaded by the Issuer on behalf of Optus into each winner's Cash by Optus™ facility It is available only once per mobile service and is not transferrable. If the Cash by Optus™ facility is closed, or the Optus mobile service is cancelled within 3 months of registration of the Cash by Optus™ app, the full $10 gift will be forfeited at the time of facility closure. Optus reserves the right to not issue the bonus in case of dispute, fraud or non-compliant service or other reason. Promotion ends 30/04/17. Authorised under SA Permit No T16/460, NSW Permit No LTPS/16/02127. For full promotion terms, see the $10 Promotion section of this page.
I think this has been posted before. I signed up and didn't receive my $10. Neither did a few other members. Must have reached 20,000.