Looks like a very decent deal for iPhone 7.
128GB gold, silver, rose gold, and black $982.4
$32 black and gold $862.4
Import tax shouldn't apply, see comments
Looks like a very decent deal for iPhone 7.
128GB gold, silver, rose gold, and black $982.4
$32 black and gold $862.4
Import tax shouldn't apply, see comments
Yup. Item location HK.
what's the warranty from Apple? if any?
Should be international, they are usually fine with that
NOT international for iPhones.
@clse945111: AFAIK it depends on the phone model. If they sold the same model here then they can exchange it.
Vikash is correct. iPhone warranty is international.
Rather than asking me for proof, give Apple a call (1300 321 456) and ask for yourself.
From my own experience. I had my french ipad 4 replaced at robina applestore no questions asked. It may have changed.
@fattymattyd: if you have purchased a CDMA band iPhone and try to have it replaced in Australia where we use LTE and GSM bands you will have your claim rejected as Apple holds no stock of CDMA phones in Australia (USA mobile band of some provider).
Therefore your statement is correct but you cannot apply it generally for any phone. If it's a GSM or LTE version iPhone then they will replace it.
Bought my iPhone 6S plus in the US, random restart happened during a trip to Hong Kong and got it replaced there.
no still the same if they have same model in stock ….. they did it for my phone, just checked if it was water damaged or cracked screen and changed over.
Apple are all about happy customers ….hence you pay a premium …. they don's stuff people around …. what say to a business person / CIO who travels p "take the phone back to country of origin" they want to see you buy more in the future.
I think too many people make comments about apple with our having owned their products or used their support …… it's great …… wish I could afford an iPhone again ….. now stuck on android with the poor people ….. at least I still have my iPad and Macbook Air.
The warranty is international for 12 months. However if you buy Australian stock you will get rights under Australian Consumer Law which essentially extend the warranty to 2 years.
TLDR: Grey import iPhones have 12 month, AU stock has 24 month warranty
Spot on.
And I've seen a few iPhone 6 batterys fail within two year period including my own.
My wife ip6 battery dies Everytime it gets to 20%. Does apple cover exchange for battery too?
@Frozensage: I had the same issue with my iPhone 6s. 8-9 months in phone would just turn off random. Sometimes it will get to 15% sometimes even 25%. Took it to apple and they did a battery test. Nothing came up and they said it was software related and to reset the phone. Did that and was still happening. Took it back and they agreed to replace the phone for free under warranty.
Personally I'd buy local iPhone.. 2 year warranty worth the extra hundred bucks or so plus the resell value is a lot more than on a grey import. When I sell my phones it's the first thing people ask
@Frozensage: Depends on the cycle count. Batteries are a consumable.
As long as the cycles aren't above what Apple considers "consumed" then it will be covered. My just under 1-year-old 6S occasionally does it too. Sometimes it'll turn off at ~17%, sometimes it'll last until 1%.
Capacity in batteries is a difficult thing to accurately measure which is why the number can also generally be higher than what the battery has left.
Strange you say that because after almost 4 years with me LG G Pro 2 5.9” phone i still get 24 hours daily use battery life fine and it goes all the way down to 1% before the phone turns off and i can still turn in back on for another minute.. Never changed the better but i can if i want.. 128gb micro SD for a total of 144gbs.. Paid $340 for it new on ebay.. I think ITS because apple make overpriced trash…. We have 15 iphone 6s in my office and i`m always needing to fix issues with those things.. The few samsung 6 edges we have are tanks. . i will never allow any apple products to make it into our office ever again
Did you just TLDR two sentences??
if its within warranty they replace it …. if out of warranty and no water or screen damage …. they have a flat rate change over for aged batteries.
I went in with my iPad they have diagnostics and will tell you if its within spec or its below spec and will replace.
Turned out mine was dying quicker die to push in background (sooo many) ….. they tied that off and now it runs much longer.
Grey import?
Nup, some may be grey imports to Hong Kong (not likely at the moment), but all will be private imports to Australia.
But still it doesn't include GST, right?
invoice maybe in full amount.
If you don't mind International model and may differ slightly from local models
how slightly are we talking here?
warranty missing 12 months.
There is 12 months AUS warranty through DS which is probably bit of a pain. As far as i'm aware you have 1 Year Standard Apple Warranty for grey import.
@dingdong3000: that's what he meant.
with local stock you get 24 months and grey import you only get 12.
Expected delivery 24th October?
that's the catch
No wonder it doesnt have lag, musnt be hard to push that small amount of pixels.
Hence it's a bonus! Obviously fandroids enjoy lag with the higher resolution!
My phone never has lag? Maybe dont by the $50 andoid phones from coles.
Get a premium android device and get no lag, much, much, much better screen and its cheaper!
Well it's not a good phone for a janitor.
because a janitor can't afford it?
yawn…here we go again
The alternative is to pay almost that much for a phone with barely any privacy settings. I'll take 750p and Apple's privacy model, thanks.
Almost that much? $200 android phones have a better resolution screen than that.
Apple's spyware is the best kind of spyware. It's called itunes.
"Looks like this code isn't ready yet. Please try again later."
Same problem here
yeah this code doesnt work
is working now!
so why no Apple warranty?
''This product is BRAND NEW and comes with a 12 month Australia wide warranty. In the unlikely event that you require a warranty repair, we will collect your item, repair or replace it, then return it you at no charge. It is a requirement of warranty that you keep the original packaging for transportation.''
So, no warranty from Apple. You will have to deal with Kogan.
can vouch for kogans warranty service though. Very speedy when my g4 bootlooped.
afaik apple will repair any device of yours anywhere in the world if it's still under warranty. you can also purchse applecare to extend this.
From what I've read, AU stock will get additional year warranty for major faults (2 years all up) Grey stock only has standard 1 year warranty.
thats interesting. is that due to pressure from consumer groups or just something apple does as an act of good will because us aussies are good at complaining?
If you purchase on credit card, most include an extended warranty.
Apple "voluntarily" agreed to warrant iPhones for an additional 12 months as a result of the new consumer laws.
Some one else may be able to explain it better, but essentially the consumer laws suggest if you have purchased a premium product you expect that product to last longer than a standard product.
Apple AU do not advertise iPhones with 24 months warranty.
Not correct; any iOS device has warranty only in country of purchase. It used to be international and still is for MacBooks and the like. This is why there is so much conflicting info around the place.
I can vouch for this….never had a question asked and submitted iphone and macbook in other countries…as long as within 1 year. Same situation if you buy from non-apple store in Oz
for me it was iPad and iPhone …… no issue in other countries.
Any iPhone 7 plus ?
i got one for 1503 with the 15% off deal
For all these products that are located in HK and cost over 1000$ you will have to pay GST and import duties even if the final PayPal amount deducted from your account or credit card is less than 1000$ (20% off).
The transaction from an Dick Smith perspective is over 1000$ and that will be the amount dick smith enters onto the package details for customs.
Personally, I think it's too risky and too much fuss to explain to Australian customs that product cost I paid is under 1000$ and therefore GST exempt.
Both of these products listed are under 1k
They will be under 1000$ from your perspective (with 20% discount code) but you are on Dick Smiths mercy to enter the correct sale amount on the customs forms. If they enter the pre discount amount (I.e the amount dick smith gets paid) on the customs forms you will have to pay GST and import duties.
If a grey import product is stated to be located in Melbourne and is priced over $1000, am I correct in saying that the product will be delivered with a Tax Invoice and GST; and no import duties need to be paid?
I've brought many MacBooks from kogan and they ship from HK. 3 times over $1k and have never paid tax when it arrived in Aus.
Does anyone ever tried claiming warranty from an Apple store with grey imports? I'm wondering if they will honour it. I think I called them a long time ago and they gave a vague answer.
I haven't tried but think Apple gives 1 Year warranty from date of purchase..
Yes I've done so with a faulty imported iPhone 6s. They replaced it for me on the spot.
never an issue or even hesitation….all easy
None 256GB iPhone.
grabbed popcorn, android fanboys start hating!!!!
they dont hate, they just refer to iPhone owners as sheep…………………………………………
Paper specs are more important than real world operation
Considering that android users (or at least the ones spending so much energy constantly posting anti apple stuff) are the ones who repetitively talk about sheep they are the ones with little imagination and follow each other…therefore they must be sheep. Of course, that's just the ones who dedicate their life to posting stuff like this. The rest are just people who like their phones and have an actual life!!
Only someone whos insecure would worry about 'haters'.
the hate comes from envy……
You will have to pay GST + Import Processing Charges because the item has value over $1000.
So, Total price for 32GB iPhone is $862.4 (Phone after 20% off) + $107.9 (GST on ebay sale value) + $50 (minimum processing fees) = Total $1020.3
So, for $59 more it might be better to get the 2 year australia warranty.
Pretty sure you don't GST + import process fee. Purchased 2 MacBook Pro from them last year and I paid the same amount through PayPal. No fees, nothing else.
Were the MacBooks located in Australia or abroad? The MacBooks I see listed on Kogan (owner of Dick Smith eBay) state that they are located in Melbourne. Therefore, no import duties and additional GST payable by the buyer.
Well the document clearly says, you will be sent a First Notice by Australia Post if you have imported goods with a declared or assessed value of more than AUD1000.
In this case, the declared value would be $1078.
Two questions:
1. Was your order coming from overseas.
2. Was the value declared over $1000.
You might have just got lucky.
Where are you getting this magical 1078 number from. If you pay $982 then you pay $982. Theres no further GST on anything under $1000 delivered so thats the final price, and it's under the taxable import threshold.
@blaze: I have previously purchased products from many retailers with similar type of eBay promotions but they always list the original price before the discount in their invoices (and most of the time no mention of the discount).
Because the discount is from ebay not dicksmith. Hence, the magic figure of $1078 (original amount) remains and you get taxed.
@karansuper: they are not going to open your package to see the invoice. It depend on dicksmith declare. However you also can show the paypal reciept.
@bargainHunterAU: All correct.
My time is more important than having to argue with customs about the item value versus what I paid versus what the seller declared.
I just feel it's a bit risky to get stinged in the end with GST and import fees. Would be great for the buyers of this deal if I'm wrong :)
You can use the paypal receipt showing that you paid only 864 which it less than 1000 so you dont need to pay tax. They are looking on what you paid for the goods not the retail price.
Hmm. You're right:
The most common method for valuing any import is to use the ‘transaction value’, which is the price the importer actually paid (or is going to pay) for the goods
Perhaps I sought to cancel my order too hastily…
I had experience ordering pram from usa ebay seller. The retail price is 1250 (au retail is 1500+). They was doing promotion which made the price down to 920. I dont need to pay tax
Grey import? Likely as it's Kogan, should be listed as such if it is.