Hi all,
I am thinking about quitting my typical office engineering job and chasing some entrepreneurial goals + travel with my partner who has a FIFO arrangement.
As I am abit nervous at the thought of leaving a good job (I would receive a lot of flack from my extended family), potentially having no income for a while and uncertainty of my success as an entrepreneur - I thinking it would be ideal if there was some sort of job that I could have on the side that wouldn't interfere with my goals:
Ideal job would be as follows:
- ~2 hrs per day + travel
- ~30$/hr (I am not sure what minimum wage is for an adult in mid 20's)
- Involves people (building relationships working with other people, maybe helping challenged people/ youth)
- Wouldn't have any brain burden out of hours (a problem of my current job)
Ideally I'd like to spend a couple of hours each day doing it and then even if I failed as an entrepreneur I wouldn't feel like I have completely wasted my time.
I have heard of a few friends of friends who assist a parent with their autistic children (like a babysitter) for a couple of hours to give the parents a break. I don't know if that is common thing or not, or whether males are even desired for that sort of care.
I'd also be interested in any sort of regular jobs (i.e. baker) that might fit the criteria.
Thanks for your ideas
2hrs a day for 5 days a week is a terribly inefficient use of time.
You will waste at least an hour either side of that time in travel/preparation, plus that also rules you out of doing anything else for that 1/2 day.
A single 10hr day gives you 6 full days to focus on doing whatever you need to do in your preferred line of work.
Having said that, you don't seem to really know what you are going to be doing with all of your free time. Use the free time you currently have on the weekends and once you have used all of that then you can think about dropping your job.