Excellent price at $3.50 as they are rarely discounted this much
Saw these @ woolworths today and immediately stocked up for months to come. I usually buy the 350g for $2.50 - $3 when on special and think its a good deal
Excellent price at $3.50 as they are rarely discounted this much
Saw these @ woolworths today and immediately stocked up for months to come. I usually buy the 350g for $2.50 - $3 when on special and think its a good deal
if he were nuts, that'd make him a cannibal :O
The nutty professor
Aren't these just overpriced variants of the generic store-brand super size packs? I mean sure they're single packed …
I don't think so. Nobbys seem to use a smaller peanut variety and an individual roasting method that give them their own particular character. I've tried other peanut varieties and nobbys seem to remain consistent. I've been eating them for over 30 years and they still have a unique character.
True . I've tried the Woolworths brand and each batch seems to tastes different .
Hmm, but comments below suggest a change in the nuts. Though the packet I had a no the ago tasted like what I recall from when I last had them 3 years ago and then 5 yeast ago and then prior. Hmm, I don't know what to believe any more.
The generic ones are streets ahead of what they used to be but are still well behind Nobby's.
Alright, now off to the chemist for a bulk pack of Epipens.
My girlfriend isn't a fan of salty nuts.
Then buy them for yourself. At least you'll know you won't have to share it
I think you missed the point
She's never complained about that to me!
That's probably because there is less salt on small nuts.
Can't say I knew that - I'll defer to you as you seem to be an expert on nut coatings. ;)
Caster Semenya's wife might be.
Yeah figures, mine doesn't like teabags, only loose leaf..
Good work OP now you can nibble on nobby's nuts for months.
I've got nothing to contribute, just want to say nibble on nobby's nuts.
So apparently their quality has dropped since they no longer use Aussie nuts, but Argentinian imports?
There's suddenly a lot of 1 star reviews in the last few months:
It seems after all this time Nobby's Nuts have finally dropped…
Oh you, Nobby. Nobby will never be the same again.
They have been the same poor quality foreign nuts for at least 4 years I would estimate…
Hence the never seen before half price. I don't want to buy now! I always did whenever it's on special.
I think a lot of the negative reviews are because of how smiths cook the nuts - in palm oil. Honestly, i got a bag of the satay last time they were on special, and i had to chuck it out it was so bad.
I usually buy the Argentinian peanut butter from Aldi which is fine; however I have to agree with the indifferent reviews of the recent batches of Nobby's nuts. They've been pretty bad, not as bad as the generic Chinese nuts but pretty dusty old tasting nuts all the same.
I have tried buying peanuts from the Peanut Van in Kingaroy, Qld, the nuts are fresh and tasty but the Peanut Van uses jumbo size peanuts and to be honest I prefer the smaller Nobby-sized nuts (at least the way Nobby's nuts used to be).
Plainly, its not Nobby's nuts that I'm nibbling on any more. Honestly I would jump at the chance to nibble on Nobby's nuts again, rather than Julio's nuts or Pedro's nuts or whoever else's nuts they're using these days.
There are not many better sensations than having some salty nuts in your mouth.
"Nibble Nobby's Nuts, before he nibbles yours" was a favourite saying back at school…
You must of been surprised then when someone stole the name and started a business.
2nd only to the discovery of Electricity.
Nobby must have been popular at your school. Do you still keep in contact with him?
If the saying was taken on, it would be "do you still keep in contact with her?"
Not after Nobby went to Thailand, no.
"Nibble Nobby's Nuts, before Nobby nibbles yours" was the way I learn it. I even had a t-shirt of it back in the 70s, which was stolen at the Jindalee Pool. What a sad day.
This is exactly why you should send your boy to an heterosexual school. NO boys only school. Ok
$3.50? That's peanuts.
Peanuts eventually get mouldy so I wouldn't go crazy stocking up. The mould doesn't always appear on the outside, so you might not even realise you're eating it
Mould = Penicillin
I think you mean "Aflatoxin"
even if they are vacuumed sealed?
I'd say avoid eating them after the expiry date.But I suppose that's common sense. Just know that the mould might not be as noticeable as it is on say, cheese
mod please mark this as PG+ deal.
and all future discounted nuts and bananas posts as well
Nucking Futs!
Came for the nut jokes
You nutted to the jokes??? 😮
I found the wooli brand salted peanuts is quite nice
Not really into wooli nuts myself, but each to their own I suppose.
The quality is not as good as before but the price is better than the generic brand so I will get some.
The one I got expires on 12 March 17. Less than 6 months left.
They are air tight so will last a few years
If you watch the walking dead, they always eat canned and packaged food, and never get sick
Maybe I buy a few pallets of Nobbys and sell to China with weetbix
I went to Woolies in Rundle Mall SA, they specifically said there was no nob left, someone likes their nuts too much!
either you're a squirrel or nuts.