This was posted 8 years 5 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Hot Wheels Vehicles $1, Play-Doh 2pk $1, 3DS Bundle $199. XB1 S Bundle $399, Lindt Gift Boxes $5 + More @ Target


Target has a Toy sale next week, here are some of the best deals. Starts Thursday.
Also Lay-by Available till 22nd December.

3DS Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer Bundle + Cradle + Adaptor $199
Xbox One S 500GB + Fifa 17 + EA Access + Fallout 4 + Lego Movie Game $399
PS4 Slim 1TB + Fifa 17 + MX Vs ATV $479
Skylanders Superchargers Starter Packs $27
Terraria PS4/XB1/XB360 $29
Worms W.M.D All-Stars PS4/XB1 $39
Disney Infinity 3. Figures $8
LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack + Supergirl Mini Figure PS4 $98
LEGO Dimensions Story Pack - Ghostbusters $64 - Releases 28/9
Play-Doh 2pk $1
Fisher Price Little People Zoo Gift Set $79 (Save $70)
Fisher Price Skyway Playset $49 (Save $30)
Thomas & Friends Shipwreck Rails $49 (Save $30)
Lindt Excellence 150g Gift Box $5 (Save $7)
Hot Wheels Cars $1
Hot Wheels Star Wars $5 (Save $5)
Star Wars Voice Changer Masks $25 (Save $24)
Star Wars 9.5cm Figures $8 (Save $7)
LEGO City Fire Station $95 (Save $30)
LEGO City Star Wars Microfighers or Starter Sets $10 (Save $5)
Crayola Art Sets $15 (Save $14)

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Nice deal on the XB1S bundle

  • +1

    Thanks Trent. Think it's pretty funny how target said a few months ago they weren't having any more toy sales and weren't having extended lay by to Christmas. Looks like they finally realized what a stupid mistake that was.

    • Yeah, when was the last time we have good deal from Target, seem long time ago.

    • So, why did Target choose to not have a Toy Sale/ extended lay-by?

      • +2

        It was all Guy Russo's idea! No idea why he did it but he was wrong!

  • +5

    Hot Wheels Vehicles $1 = +1!

    Protip: Some varieties will sell like hotcakes so…

    1 - Acting all cool, go through the current hot wheels selection at your Target of choice and pick the cars you'd like.
    2 - Put them somewhere in the toy section where nobody looks (ie. behind crappy toy on shelf/under the aisle in readiness for Sep 4 sale)
    3 - Calmly arrive at your leisure collect and buy said stash!

  • Was in Target today they had all their Christmas trees out ,decorations , christmas hampers was thinking it was really early to start putting Christmas stuff out ,obviously it has to do with their toy sale next week.

  • no fifa 17 ?

    • +1


      • cheers,thought it would have been $64 like last year, hopefully big w will undercut this

  • +3

    Xbox One S 500GB + Fifa 17 + EA Access + Fallout 4 + Lego Movie Game $399

    Insane price. Wonder how I could justify this to myself…

    • And people (inc me) have been able to return Fallout 4 (as it is a disc version and separately listed on the receipt) and get $59 back. Sell FIFA and you have a sub $300 XBOX ONE S!

      • What reason do you give for the return and Target happily refund it if not opened?

        • Just said I didn't want it.

        • @boxall:

          Managed to grab the bundle, but trying to return Fallout - she inspected the receipt and said since it was part of a deal I couldn't return it seperately.

          So either they are more cautious with this now or I got unlucky.

          Will try at another Target tomorrow and advise :P

        • @rysith:

          They may have caught onto it. Yep try again.

        • @boxall:

          Tried again, same store, different person. She had to check with her manager but she approved it, so all good!

          Also got a free copy of Zoo tycoon and Kinect rivals because they had spare codes :)

          Thanks for the idea

    • Why is it such a good price its only 500gb?

      • An XBOX One S for < $300 is very good value. Adding more storage is trivial.

        • Can you add hardrive like others? I just got my 1tb last nov and only just started using it for first time about feb.
          When does scorpion or whatever its called come out and anyone know if you can use xbox one and 360 games on it?
          Have like 93 xbox one games and maybe 60 xbox 360 games.

          Maybe i best wait as its not much of a upgrade really.
          I sometimes wish when buying the new 65 inch tv about 6 months ago i had went for newer model.
          As not 4k etc

          As would probably be benifit have the slim xbox

        • @bwatt99: Scorpio is expected in Q4 2017 and will run Xbox One games natively and (I'm assuming) will have the same backwards compatible program as the One does, new games being added every week. But I remember reading that all games developed for the Scorpio in 4K will still work on the One too, something about programming architecture, that's all beyond me though.

          If you don't have a 4K TV yeah, there is no point upgrading from One to S right now, better to wait.

          "Only 500GB" That's marketing hype and really a non-issue, external HDD's are cheap as chips and you just plug them in via USB, plus you can easily take them to your friends place and play your games on their Xbox without having to re-download 50GB per game. To me that's a much better option than an internal 1TB that can't be changed ever.

        • @AngryAlfred:

          Big factor is being able to play all xbox one games on it,i have went nuts with games on xbox one compared to 360.
          But im finding lots of my 360 games not even able to play on xbox one yet.

        • @bwatt99: It won't be that it's able to do it, it IS an XB1 just the next step, kind of like the PS4 Pro. Everything under Windows is becoming unified (i.e. UWP / Play Anywhere) and it's freaking awesome to see what they are doing.

          But im finding lots of my 360 games not even able to play on xbox one yet.

          To be fair, this was never a planned feature at launch so the fact that we have it is amazing and they continue to add more and more games, lots of your games may yet come but you shouldn't expect them to. You can always head over to the uservoice page and vote on titles you want to come to BC though. :)

  • Was the Supergirl Mini Figure separate?
    I thought she was only meant to come in the PS4/PS3 versions of Lego Dimensions.

    • Only in the PS4 version

    • Yep only PS4 But If you want XB1 Version Starter it's only $68 @ Microsoft store…

      • I already have a starter pack, I'm after the mini figure.

        • I think they are making people buy a whole nother starter pack to get her

    • The pic of the box on Amazon shows its a different box with the mini fig on it. So it looks like its inside the box this time, not a polybag.

      If you really want it, just buy the starter pack (again), and resell without the minifig.

  • +1

    Just on this, there are few other things on special that didnt make it into catalogue eg:

    PS4/XB1 Doom - $44 each
    PS4/XB1 COD Black Ops 3 - $57 each
    PS4 Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection - $44
    PS4/XB1 Far Cry Primal - $39 each
    PS4/XB1 Star Wars Battlefront - $29 each

    Lots going on..oh and the PS4 1TB bundle isnt available until the following Thursday (29th). Thats the official release date.

    • Anything on Dragon Quest VII?

      • Nope

      • +2

        If you don't mind an imported copy, has it for under $44 inc shipping.

        It says £27.99 in the listing but during the checkout it removes VAT making it £23.33 + £1.49 shipping.

    • +1

      Any word on Target's price for Forza Horizon 3?

  • How long is the EA Access Subscription in this deal? 1 month?

    • +1

      Yeah M8 1 Month :)

  • +1

    Hoping for a Xbox One S/Forza Horizon 3 bundle soon :)

  • What about bioshock will this be reduced? Way to high at present compared to others.

    • $79 bro

  • Is it worth upgrading to the new Xbox just got my last year about November and only just started using it after new Jan 2017 only just getting time to use it.
    Was thinking I could take current one with me when away at work with the case I have with built in screen and get current one for house.
    Or I think it maybe best to wait for the other model next year.

    • What case do you have?

      Xbox One S would be lighter for travelling. :)

      • Gaems case from few years back got myself a new kit so fits the current xbox one.
        Probably would not have needed the kit if i knew about slim.
        But would be nice one on case for travel and other at home.
        But may just wait for next edition of xbox next year.

  • Was at Target Charlestown 2292 today and saw Animal Crossing New Leaf (seriously about 20 copies) for $25 and Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer 3ds also $25. Also saw the New 3ds (non XL) AC-HHD bundle without power cord for $179.

  • +1

    Any info on the XB1S bundle? Is it digital codes for the games or is it discs? Will these deals be available online as well?

    • Fallout on disc. Others digital.

  • gotta get that XB1 S bundle.

  • Thanks Trent. Happy 30th Birthday for sometime this year! (I assume)

  • Just wondering if the Nerf Blasters and darts-refills will be on sale?

    • +1

      I Can't see any on special, only Nerf Elite firestrike $7

  • Got a link to the new catalogue?
    I can't see any of these sale items.

    • +1

      Nah no link, it should be up Tue night on Target website

  • is the xbox one s deal only in store or can I order that in/order online?
    are the games with it digital codes or physical?
    any price yet forza horizon 3?


    • Also wondering if the games are physical or discs. Thanks!

      • My Fallout was disc and then I returned it for a refund.

    • +2

      The games are digital, forza is $79 I think Target has moved away from specials on new games

  • If anyone is going to sell fifa 17 from the bundle pm me am interested in a code.

    • I have a code

  • Is cosole still available and is it available online?

    • These deals aren't live yet man, they start Thursday

      • Thanks

      • Will it be available online?

        • Yeah all Target prices apply online & in store, if the product is online it will cost the same as in store :)

        • @TRENT86: Seems as if the Xbox bundle isn't available online :( Hope there will be one left by the time I get off work tomorrow then

        • @Musten: JB deal is not bad either. Doesn't have fallout 4 or Lego but is $20 cheaper.

  • im after a pro tip, what time do the online sales open for target, for these catalog sales

    • +1

      Prices change at midnight AEST, can take a few minutes to update though.

      • so click and collect would be the way to go for small run items such as the XBoneS

  • I'm selling my Fifa 17 and Lego Movie for Xbox One codes if anyone is interested pst me

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