How do I make something go viral? (Specifically a GoFundMe page for my niece's surgery)

Is there a way I can get popular instagramers/twitter users to share my link to GoFundMe?

Trying to raise significant funds to allow my Niece to walk.
Sharing amongst friends on Facebook only goes so far.

Just need mass people to give $1 each and we'll be golden

And advice would be much appreciated.



  • +2

    Have you asked these popular instagramers/twitter users to share your link?

    You, by yourself, can't really "make" something go viral.

    • -1

      I am keen to, I was just hoping someone here might introduce me, making for a better connection than me cold calling them.

      Looking for tactics if anyone can assist.

      • +2

        Buy 1million fake Facebook account likes. There's marketing companies that do thus as with what happened with flippy bird.

  • Get a video of her doing something cute, make a GIF, post on Reddit, link GoFundMe page. Good luck!

  • I hope that you can find the money but you are competing with lots of other disadvantaged people.

    I had never heard of the condition but searched it on GoFundMe and the first result returned another young person in Sydney who is also looking for the surgery and they are asking for $100'000 which is a lot less than this request of 180'000

    "The cost of this surgery and required rehabilitative therapies following, & additional costs involved in order to undergo this surgery will cost in excess of $100,000."

    The charities create videos to music to help pull on the heart strings and loosen the purse.

  • +1

    Contact your local paper, A Current Affair, Sunday Night, 60 Minutes, or The project.
    They maybe able to do a story and link your go fund me page.
    Hopefully they do some fact checking and all going well share your story. Good luck.

  • +3

    How's about we take the money the halfwits are going to waste on utterly useless plebiscites & spend it on these kids with disabilities!!! :/

    I wish your niece all the best OP, I hope it goes well for you.

    • -1

      No. Homos and lezzos are people too

      • +3

        I think he meant don't do a pleb and just make it law.

        Even if the overwhelming majority of Australian vote for gay marriage, the libs will vote against it. Thus it's a waste of money

        • -1

          I don't care if it's law or not, but given that a pleb means absolutely nothing from a constitutional perspective, it's a pointless, wasteful exercise in appeasing the vocal PC minority.

          You'd be surprised the number of people I speak to who don't give a stuff one way or the other about gay marriage, but who will be saying no anyway simply out of spite (myself included) if forced back to the polls for a useless vote. Hate on that all you like, but a lot of people are getting sick of being blackmailed with the gay card by the left-wing nutjobs.

          However, put that money into sick kids instead & I'll help write the bloody legislation and conduct the gay marriages for you myself!!!

        • @StewBalls: that's a selfish bit of crap right there. Gay people have been the most vocal about NO plebiscite.

          If the Government forces the point then everyone needs to vote yes to get everyone to stfu about it and move on.

  • +2

    Hey Justin,

    Obviously a tough time for you and others, hope all works out.

    Being an avid 'hater' of anything Kim or Kanye, come up with something having a dig at them. i.e get a picture of Kim with clothes on and ask people to guess what is wrong with it? Like a raffle! $1 entry, naturally answer is she is wearing clothes…….
    OK, my bash on those fools for the day.

    Real ideas:
    Print some business sized notes at home and pop into peoples/local business letterboxes giving Go Fund Me link.
    Ask local Bunnings for a Sausage Sizzle. or do your own
    Local pub trivia night with proceeds going to surgery.
    Any sporting clubs you affiliated with
    Email as many big business as you can? Maybe if your niece has a thought out career path prioritize companies in that field.
    Do you know any celebrities? If not get on web and lookup celebrities agents and shoot them some emails.

    Sorry, not much of an idea man but hopefully some of these can give you better ideas.

    All the best to your niece.


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