This was posted 8 years 4 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

1 Free Burger @ Grill'd Every Day from 4th-12th October - Sign up to 'Polished Man'


Join the OzBargain team (thanks rockytauhid & zuccs). Donate and OzBargain will matched the total donations up to $900.

The time has come to sign up for Polished Man 2016!

One in five children fall victim to physical and/or sexual violence, before they turn 18. That’s one too many. We need you to help us nail it to end violence against children.

So what are we asking you to do?

  • Sign up to Polished Man

  • Paint one fingernail for the month of October

  • Start a conversation about violence on behalf of those one in five children

  • Fundraise, so together we can provide trauma relief and trauma prevention services to our world’s most vulnerable citizens

Direct from email:

If that isn’t enough to get you signed up, this year Grill’d are offering everyone who signs up and ticks the box that states “receive communication from Grill’d” a free burger EVERY DAY between the 4th – 12th of October! Simply show your voucher at the counter.

Grill’d will be sending vouchers by email a couple of days before the offer begins so make sure you keep an eye on your inbox.

The check box is on the 2nd page of signup, when filling out your profile details.

Terms are supposed to be here

Screenshot of email

Grill'd Email (3-Oct):…
Grill'd News:

Note: Burger barcodes will be sent at 10 am (EST) each day during the Promotion Period. To receive a burger barcode on any given day during the Promotion Period, you must have successfully registered for the Promotion by 11.59 pm (AWST) the previous day.

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Polished Man
Polished Man

closed Comments

      • This is good to see. Shame it's no where near the level of support they once gave.

    • +6

      Mate I reckon you're interpreting it wrong, they're not demonising men. You seem overly sensitive to me. I don't feel like they're pointing the finger at me as a man at all.

      Seem to me that it's about asking men to take back our protectiveness of old. To have an attitude of intervention when a kid is at risk. To stop the slide towards not-my-problem attitudes that you see so often these days.

      • I don't feel like they're pointing the finger at me as a man at all.

        I quote, "YGAP’s polished man challenges men to end violence against children." They are the one point the finger at men.

        To have an attitude of intervention when a kid is at risk.

        Why is this a male problem/responsibility? Surely this is a problem for parents, police, law makers and the community as a whole (men AND women).

        To stop the slide towards not-my-problem attitudes that you see so often these days.

        Instead, sliding to "not my female gender's problem" that we see far to often.

        • +1

          Trying to grab the attention of a specific half of the population is not an unreasonable tactic to get started on solving a social problem.

          I quote, "YGAP’s polished man challenges men to end violence against children." They are the one point the finger at men.

          Again, my interpretation differs from yours.
          I hear, "Men, stand up to not-my-problem attitudes."
          You hear, "Men, STOP DOING THAT!"

        • +4

          Seriously? Because you are being asked to do something and a women is not being asked to do something, its somehow demonising men?

          Men, go for a run, dont be a Norm

          PainToad: thats sexist, women arent being told to go for a run

        • @dtc: Not the same. The same would be "XYZ challenges women to stop buying so many useless expensive shoes."

        • @dtc:

          Men, go for a run, dont be a Norm

          rolls eyes

        • +2


          because unable to come up with an actual response

        • @dtc:

          No, because you argument of comparing something as trivial as telling people to go for a run, to telling males to take responsibility for the abuse of children, is ridiculous and not worthy of a response.

          But…if you want to go down this path, how about the recent government campaign encouraging young WOMEN to get active and become fit. Why were they targeting women specifically? Is men's health not worthy of government funding? Despite the fact males are more likely to be overweight.

          Further pandering to modern so called feminists.

        • +1

          @PainToad: If it had been encouraging MEN to get fit I suspect you'd complain about them calling us fat n stuff.

        • @3 Hyenas:

          If it had been encouraging MEN to get fit I suspect you'd complain about them calling us fat n stuff.

          No, I'd take any men's health funding we could get, seeing as women receive 4 times the amount. That "privilege".


        • +1


          Down near the bottom of that article it has this:

          The NHMRC says the main primary reason for the difference in funding between women's and men's health relates to the types of applications it receives.

          There were twice as many applications to the NHMRC for breast cancer as for prostate cancer and five times more for ovarian cancer than testicular cancer in the decade 2003-2013, an NHMRC spokesman said.

          It seems hardly a problem of "privilege" to me at all.

        • @3 Hyenas:

          It seems hardly a problem of "privilege" to me at all.

          It certainly is privilege. More charities/groups/organisations/media lobby for women's health than men's.

        • +1

          Well that depends where you place the onus I guess.

        • @3 Hyenas: Another invalid comparison. That is encouraging men to do something positive for themselves (plus other men) to combat their own not illegal and not immoral 'deficiency.'

        • +1

          @McFly: But your women-buying-shoes comparison was not illegal and not immoral too, so why draw the line there?

        • @3 Hyenas: Yes, mine is not as 'bad' as ygap's. Your point being?
          Maybe I should have said "stealing shoes"…

        • +1


          Your point being?

          Yeah I think you missed my point there. It doesn't matter though, our opinions differ and I don't think much more can be achieved. Have a good one.

        • +1

          That's not pointing the finger, that's pointing out the power.

          I'm empowered by this. I am awesome man, I have the power to achieve and to change the world! I am god tier and let the world feel my glory.

          You think this is pointing the finger at you? Then mate you have a dark secret inside you because the only thing this is pointing a finger at is child abusers.

        • @jacross:

          that's pointing out the power.

          So women don't have the "power" to stop child abuse? Rubbish.

          I have the power to achieve and to change the world!

          So do women.

          You think this is pointing the finger at you?

          No, it's pointing the finger at my gender.

        • +2


          Women can participate bro.

          Also, women don't have as much power as me. FACT!

          It's pointing the finger at your gender to be awesome. Embrace the awesomeness bro. Change the world bro. Be a god damn leader of men like me bro. Or feel like a singled out child molester if that's what you are. Up to you bro.

          It's not demonising men. In face men leading this conversation and leading this societal change is what will mean men AREN'T demonised. The facts are 90% of child abuse cases are caused by men. That's a very small proportion of men and a very large proportion of the cases. So if women lead this conversation then men ARE more likely to be demonised. If men lead it, awesome hardcore alpha men like myself, then men aren't demonised. Only sad loser child abusers are demonised.

          So again…why you feeling demonised bro?

        • +1

          They are the one point the finger at men.

          "Top Question #5: Why men?

          90% of all sexual violence against children is perpetrated by men, but the Polished Man movement is not about pointing the nger. It’s about empowerment. It’s about asking men to unite and lead by example, channeling the collective strength of masculinity to protect society’s most vulnerable citizens and our future leaders."

          Instead, sliding to "not my female gender's problem" that we see far to often.

          "Top Question #8: But women perpetrate violence too.

          Polished Man does not suggest men are the only perpetrators of violence against children but we do know that 90% of all sexual violence against children is perpetrated by men and encourage men to stand up as leaders in society and say no to violence against children.

          Polished Man encourages women around the world to rally behind the Polished Men in their life and celebrate positive masculinity by telling the world they prefer a Polished Man. Take a photo with your Polished Man to upload on social media and say “I prefer a #polishedman” or paint a feature nail for the month of October and fundraise as well."

          Source: Polished Man Starter Kit – h/t

    • +6

      I'm glad I'm not the only one who interpreted this as demonising men.

      See the attitude this breeds?…

      • It really is time us men stand up for ourselves. It has gone too far.

      • +5

        What is your argument? That they are trying to get child molesters to paint their nails and start a conversation? Seems unlikely.

        Seems more likely they believe two things:

        1, Men are more likely able to vanguard societal reform on this topic and that men leading the discussion on how to prevent and identify child abuse is less likely to demonise men than women leading the discussion; and
        2, Men wearing one polished nail seems weirder than women wearing one polished nail and thus more likely to spark the conversation (though women can participate also).

    • Agreed, this male bashing has gone too far. It's a long way from the utopian equality society I keep hearing about.

  • Hmm… Is there a limit on sign ups. Did they not learn there lesson from Movember a few years back?

    • The movember one was 'easier', painting a single nail requires marginally more effort than growing facial hair.

  • +3

    I hope people are actually supporting the cause. It is upsetting that people are going to just take advantage of it.

    • +2

      it is creating awareness about a cause which people might not have heard about before so that is a positive.

  • signed up, thanks

  • +7

    no. the burgers are funded by Grilld - i.e. if you want free burgers Grilld loses money.

    if you want to support the cause - donate. Claiming free burgers without donating doesn't hurt the charity.

    • I dont reckon they are exclusive events, there is a reason why Polished Man chose to team up with Grill'd.

    • +1

      Grill'd gains money if the cost 'price' of the burger (inc staff wages) is lower than the tax offset for supporting charity.

    • +1

      What if Grill'd and Polished Man are able to somehow audit this and determine a significant chunk of people signed up and just claimed free burgers? Grill'd may decide it isn't in their interests to sponsor this or other charities in the future.

      That said, it isn't clear to me whether Polished Man is expecting sign ups to do all three of

      Paint one fingernail for the month of October
      Start a conversation about violence on behalf of those one in five children
      Fundraise, so together we can provide trauma relief and trauma prevention services to our world’s most vulnerable citizens

      or if they are happy just to get the sign ups and anything else beyond that is extra support.

      Would it be morally ok for me to sign up, claim 7 burgers and donate $50? I would be at peace with it if I can get an idea from others (who aren't strictly looking for a free lunch and/or to stick it to Grill'd for some reason) as to whether they think it is ok? Yes I can think for myself but I'm looking for some advice here please

      • Yes. You could also sign up and not donate $50. Grill'd will likely check if you have a fingernail painted (before giving you a free burger), so the charity is expecting the conversation to start organically with those you interact with.

        It was interesting that the previous Movember (+Grill'd) offer(s) forced a minimum donation.

        Unless you're a real douche and paint your fingernail only while in the grill'd queue and carry acetone.

        • +2

          bear in mind this is ozb

        • +2

          @havok44: Yeah, someone needs to post a deal on polish and acetone and then this promo will really take off!

        • +1


          You do realise most pharmacies have free tester nail polish bottles…

      • yeah so dont join the ozbargain team

  • -4

    About time, grilld is such a rip off, $30 for a meal and the patties are cold

  • Cheers op, free burgers is always a win

  • wheres the free burger voucher in my profile?

    • +1

      Only if you read we will give it to you

  • +2

    Do you have to be Polish?

    • Yes

    • +1

      Makes me think… would Roman Polanski qualify for a free burger?

  • -1

    i wonder if 'dot' gmail trick works

    • Yes

  • +20

    I wouldn't feel too bad about not giving to this charity, the parent of Polished Man Y-GAP
    spent 1,902,457 out of there 3,321,107 on administration and employee salaries last financial year.
    that's 57%.
    From what I'm seeing only 206,964 was spent on projects.…

    • Yes, that's good to know.

      • Not sure how many employees they have but 1.5million for employee expenditures seems high to me.
        If someone with better knowledge of financial statements wants to read it over and double check I'm not misinterpreting it that would be great.

        • +3

          I think it's probably best to look at their expenses as a percentage of revenue. This kind of shows on average where a dollar of your donation goes. So from $1
          11c goes to administration
          1c goes to depreciation of assets
          26c goes to the cost of sales (not totally on top of what that would be, not knowing their operations)
          46c goes to Employee expenses
          2c to fundraising costs
          6c to funding projects
          7c goes to profit (which should be reinvested).

          So over half of their revenue going to salaries and admin costs…

        • +1

          @NigelTufnel: just read through the report, it seems the social kitchen thing is a big revenue maker (and probably where most of the expense is) without being able to partition out the expenses into charity vs kitchen its hard to see what is actually going on.

          What i dont see is the money they are raising being used for anything… I dont want to speculate, but i am uncomfortable with this 'not for profit' company, running fundraisers for charity, then holding the funds

        • +1


          Cost of sales is fancy way of saying they threw a fundraising event where they had tonnes of marketing, food, booze, gifts for raffles maybe, and other party event costs.

          Think of Shane warne foundation, throw a massive party costing loads, and charging people to pay for seats. Obviously the staff gets to enjoy the party as part of their job.

          If done with fundraising in mind, it can be an effect way to raise money. If not done well, it ends up being a party for employees paid for by people who paid for seats.

          Given the high %, I'd say they are having a blast on the generosity of donations.

    • -1

      So its a scam, good to know.

    • +3

      Is it naive of me to ask if the fundraising of Polished Man goes back to Y-GAP before it is spent on Polished Man's claimed target support recipients? Perhaps Y-GAP have their own source of funding that they use to cover the organisational costs of Polished Man?

      I have had a brief comb through the 2015 financial report but it is kind of wordy for me at the moment. Someone more familiar with these things might have a more accurate read and interpretation of it than me.

    • +6

      I remember watching this TED talk on why we shouldn't punish charities for high admin costs.…

      I don't agree with every point made but it makes some good arguments.

    • mm

    • If that is so, I want my money back

    • The employee costs could include medical staff and counselors. I'm pretty sure Grill'd would do due diligence before teaming up with the charity.

    • If you were choosing a stock to invest in, would you look for its outcomes (i.e. profit/growth etc.) or its inputs? How many people know of the proportion of BHP or Telstra's revenue they spend on their employees?

      We should be focusing on the outcomes that this charity achieves, not worry about their internal cost structure to get there.

      • +1

        People invest in stocks to get return on their money, people donate to charity to help others. If a charity spends a lot of money on things that are not its goal then that is taking away money from where it is needed.

        If you were paying to help build a hospital would you care how much went into building the hospital vs how much the workers used to buy beer as long as it got built at the end of the day?

  • -4
    • I'm not clicking on that at work with no context.

      • +5

        Fair point. From what I can see of the account, signed up 19/01/2016. Two human-like deal posts, one of which was apparently well recieved by the OzB community. Based on that I'm giving the link a go aaaaaaaaand

        It's a link to a facebook page for a group called Abolish Prostitution Now. Not sure quite why it has been posted but it seems related and innocent enough.

  • A polish meant something totally different in my day….

  • +2

    Was going to sign up but cancelled, don't want to rip off charity just for burgerz regardless if thier admin cost to projects ratio is high.

    • +4

      You're not ripping off the charity.. You are helping them regardless of how you interact with the promotion.

      • Shh don't tell them, more burgers for everyone else.

    • +1

      harkoliar, I am with you..

  • With free burgers every day, Grill'd helping Polished Man, but working against Obesity Australia?
    IMO, they should have restricted the free burgers to one per week/month.

    • you can always get the burger without the bun (aka. as a salad)

      • They have low carb buns.

        • +1

          Carbs don't equal weight gain

        • @Mysterious:

          They especially do in this circumstance.

          You aren't going to gain weight by eating a beef patty with vegetables.

          You'll find low carb is one of the most effective ways of losing weight as well.

        • +1


          Beef and white bread buns have similar calories.

          A very large majority of my diet is carbohydrates and I am thin.

          Carbs do not make people fat. Calories do.

          Promoting low carb diets is irresponsible because it deprives people from the best source for energy.

        • -2


          You miss the point, you can say the same thing about Hungry Jacks and not gaining weight, I can actually eat Hungry Jacks burgers and lose weight, but thats not the point.

          My point is that if you were worried about gaining weight from eating Grilld burgers, which can be a valid concern, a low carb bun will make it unlikely.

          If you weren't worried about gaining weight, then eat whatever you choose…

  • +1

    why do i get the feeling the ozbargain team will win an award for "Highest member:contribution ratio"

  • Whingers - remember that Santa is watching you!

  • Just signed up, joined the Ozbargain team, and donated for a t-shirt. Great cause!

  • ha, ozbargain is ranked the 2nd highest donating team! i'm joined, and donated anon too :)

    • That's awesome :)

  • -3

    Cheers, finally a chance to voice my objection to another male bashing dv campaign. I'll take the burgers and won't raise a cent, either the charity will lose or grilld will for supporting this rubbish.

    How dare they make child abuse a gender issue?

    What we really need is a campaign to stop women throwing their babies in dumpsters. Women are responsible for the vast vast majority of newborn murders, so much so they even have their own special defence to murder of their children, it's called infanticide and carries a vastly reduced penalty to murder.

    Downvote away

    • +4

      Ah… you joined OzBargain minutes ago just to post that.

    • +4

      If you fundamentally disagree, wouldn't the most ethical thing be to not participate at all?

      You're happy to be involved enough in order to scoff down the free burgers - are you actually that strongly opposed to the message, or is it just mental gymnastics to convince yourself that it's okay to exploit freebies designated for a fundraiser?

    • +4

      How dare they make child abuse a gender issue?

      and then

      What we really need is a campaign to stop women…

      You're doing the same thing, making it a gender issue. If what they did is a problem, what you did is no better.

      • +2

        You were expecting a well considered logical argument ;-) 😯

        Unfortunately Whybotherth won't likely understand other views at the moment.

        Whybotherth just joined OzBargain, voiced a strongly held opinion - contributing 1 comment to the community, now has probably left as has not logged in since.

        That's all Whybotherth seemed to want - to be heard / read (& expect to be negged).

        Sounds like a lot of pain there - just after ruOK day, so no criticism from me.

        Whybotherth - ruOK? Hope so.

  • +2

    Folks don't forget any donation over $2 is tax deductible.

    • +1

      I am hoping this is the case, but can you show me where it says so on their website? I can't find it anywhere..

    • +2

      Ok, so after doing my own investigating, not finding anything on their website, and having had a few people ask me if it was tax deductible when I asked if they would donate, I decided to ask the question directly. I got a response this morning:

      While YGAP is an Australian Registered Charity, donations to YGAP and the Polished Man campaign are not tax deductible at this time.
      There's a little more about YGAP on the ACNC Government Website if this helps:…

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