• expired

Element 14 Duratool Wall Organiser Cabinet $15.03 + Shipping

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I noticed these were on discount. They're fantastic for storing all the tiny things you never knew you needed but ordered anyway after seeing on OzBargain and now don't have a place for. Works out to be $15.03 including GST. They're claiming it's 55% off in the catalog
40 clear compartment pull out trays
1 large transparent tray
Robust impact resistant plastic
Suitable for wall or desk mounting
Dimensions: (WxDxH) 310 x 138 x 444mm

Free shipping kicks in at $45 GST exclusive. So you could get three of these and a few CR2032 cells to pad out the order for free shipping.


Edit: Wasn't expecting this much interest.

Here's the shipping rates as linked by newdad:

I've also had decent experience putting 'Authority to leave at xyz' as part of the address so that Toll courier don't waste time with the card, but you'll weigh that against the risks at your specific delivery location.

Others have also mentioned that you can get to free shipping pretty quickly with a single-board computer like the Raspberry Pi or a BeagleBone.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Eneloop storage! Seriously though, these represent excellent value as they're twice the size yet half the price of most others. Even the similar product at Jaycar is one column of drawers short and is $29.95: http://www.jaycar.com.au/33-drawer-parts-cabinet/p/HB6330 Cheers OP!

  • -1

    Free shipping kicks in at $45 GST exclusive. So you could get three of these and a few CR2032 cells to pad out the order for free shipping.

    How many CR2032 have to put in together with this Wall Organiser Cabinet to get to $50?

    ($45 -$13.66)/0.24 = 131

    Need to add 131 batteries - "three of these"??

    • +2

      So you could get three of these…

      = 40.98

      45 - 40.98
      = 4.02

      4.02 / 0.24 = 16.75

      Requires 17 CR2032 batteries to get free shipping…

      • that means fews = 17?

        • +2

          at least you then have a use for the organiser

        • +1

          @franco cozzo:

          I need one, but need to buy three then it is a bit excessive.

        • @LoveBargain15: not to mention the 17 batteries :D

        • @franco cozzo:
          Not to mention i need few (i really means few 1-3) units per year but 17 is too much.

    • If only Eneloop made CR2032

  • +1

    please add "Plus SHipping" to the title.

    • agreed. also how much?

  • …how much is shipping for x1?

  • +1

    Anyone interested for combined shipping to Melbourne CBD?

    • +1

      I might be.

    • I'm keen on two. Shoot me a msg and we can work it out.

    • I am keen with 1 unit. PM me too. Cheers

    • PMs sent

    • I am keen to get 1 unit. PM me please. Cheers

    • I am interested to get one as well if not too late. PM me please.

      • I'm keen as well. I work in the Rialto. I can organise the order if people pay me up front. Let me register on the site and check that I can order and I'll be back with details.

        • I work right near there, so happy to take one off your hands =)

    • +10

      To get in on the Melbourne CBD order:
      Fill in this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfaFYFkSJrQdhAMYaHx…
      I'll respond with an email with my Paypal.me address. (It's free to send money this way if you are paying from your Paypal balance or bank account. Otherwise there's a Paypal fee of 2.4% + $0.30 https://www.paypal.me/pages/faqs)
      Each unit is $15.03 (inc. GST) (the price listed on the site is exc. GST).
      You agree to pick up the item at 12:10pm Monday 12 Sept 2016.
      Cut off for money to be received by me is 5pm today 8 Sept 2016.
      I'll make the order tomorrow morning.
      I'll order a max of 10 units as I don't have unlimited storage.
      There must be 4 units ordered to get free delivery. If I don't get enough for 4 units. I won't order and I'll refund the poor souls who paid me.
      Pick up location is the rear of the Rialto. Corner of Geddes Lane and Flinders Lane Melbourne.

      Phew. I kind of regret putting my hand up to organise this now. Lets hope this all goes smoothly.

      • +3

        That's OzBargain spirit at work right there!

      • Pickup location sounds kinda shady. Quick…somebody ring crimestoppers ;)

        • +1

          The front of the building is a little busy at the moment. (Major renovations).
          I haven't had any takers yet. So I might have just dodged a bullet.

      • FYI. I had 2 respond but it was past the deadline I set. So the order wasn't made.

  • +1

    how much is postage?

    • +1

      even the shopping basket page wont tell you….how much is the freaking shipping???

  • +5

    Free shipping kicks in at $45 GST exclusive.

    Just throw a RPi in there.

  • +12

    Good price.
    These are traditional for electronic components, resistors, capacitors etc, and I have some.

    But for general random junk storage, you are much better off with a tackle-box-style system.
    i.e. a few big shallow drawers with lots of compartments.
    Otherwise you end up pulling open ten drawers looking for the part you need.

    • +7

      labels?? :P

      • +6

        That works when the label says "4.7 ohm, 6.2, 7.5" .
        Even for switches, connectors. But I end up with hundreds of random bits - batteries, lenses, screws, mini-tools, adaptors, …

        "which drawer has the 3.5mm stereo adapter, the SD card reader, …"
        Is that under "S"? With the USB gadgets, or the SD cards?
        Quicker to visually browse than scan labels and keep it all organised.

        • +1

          sounds like you need to get….organised! ;)

        • @franco cozzo: why is 'organised' in italics

        • @mrwillc: emphasis

        • +1

          @franco cozzo: i was looking for a pun or something

        • +1

          @franco cozzo:

          my foot is grey

        • +1

          @franco cozzo:

          first you need to assess whether the time to organise outweighs the time to search. But before then assess whether the time taken to make the assessment in the first place outweighs the time taken to search.

          Unless you have a child, in which case they can do it for you

        • "Organizized" Travis Bickle style.

        • @gringo: see a doctor? :P

    • +5

      Agreed. In the words of Adam Savage (who has a brilliantly organised shop) - "Drawers are were tools go to die".

      • +3

        I was about to comment this exact thing lol. I'm in the process of getting all my tools in racks, I want to do away with boxes/drawers as much as I can, so far my workflow has improved noticeably

      • I thought it was actually Jamie's shop?!?

        • +1

          Jamie said it on an episode of Tested I think, a channel on youtube, worth checking out. But this was in his own shop, he normally does all the segments in his shop, unless he's visiting someone else's, which he'll say

      • +1
      • I agree, but components and consumables are different

    • +1

      Got a link to bargain one of these? :)

  • +11

    If a site requires me to sign up just to get a shipping quote, I buy from somewhere else.

  • +2

    lol I thought it's a huge shelf like in bunnings/ikea. Turns out it's for Barbie.

    It says Wall organiser… I expect something that need to be mounted on the wall.

    • +1

      There is a size requirement for wall mounting now? Never knew!

    • +10

      What is this? A organiser for ants!?

  • +4

    Basic shipping is $12.95, well to Brisbane anyway.

    • +1

      thanks for posting that….sounds like a deal killer unless you need 3x organisers and 17x batteries or something…. :D
      i hate paying as much for shipping as the item itself

  • +4

    Haven't these always been this price ?
    I ordered 3 of these about a year ago and they are really handy for components but little else .
    The draws are very loose fitting but do the job .

    • Element14 has periodic specials. You probably caught it last time around.
      On special is part 144738402 for $13.66
      Normal price it is part 1447384 for $21.54

      There is also a similar product, different brand, better quality from the Element 14:
      (http://au.element14.com/raaco/126762/cabinet-organiser-44com…)[RAACO 126762 44 Compartment Steel Frame Cabinet Organiser] currently at $51.90, also periodically on special. Never as low as $13.66.

  • +13

    Good price, Kmart has a smaller 25 drawer one for $10 too if you need one now http://www.kmart.com.au/product/25-drawer-compartment-organi…

    • It is cheaper to buy two of these than buying 45 drawer plus shipping. Shipping kills this deal.

      • +1

        Its all relative. I am pretty amazed to see them pack and ship these for so little money, paying Australian wages.

  • Perfect for storing all those cable ties in……

  • +6

    Shipping is an additional $13 in Sydney. You're welcome

  • somewhere to keep all my marbles

    • +1

      Nothing worse than losing your marbles

  • +2

    Ok for those interested. The price listed is exclusive of GST.
    Additionally delivery to Melbourne CBD for 1 is $14.25 (inc GST).

    • +1

      IIRC by law they aren't allowed to quote prices without gst. Should report them..

      • Before you report them, you might like to reread guidance about particular circumstances where quoting prices excluding GST is permissible and determine whether this is one of them.

        • +1

          Thats why I didnt report them. CBF checking.

  • +1

    Perfect! Now I know how to store all my condoms from this deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/128415
    Each compartment for a month's quote :-))


  • I bought 3, so if anyone from Melbourne SE Suburbs wants one, send me a PM

    • I got two people lined up now.

  • no PayPal kills it for me

  • I purchased what looks like this identical thing from ebay for around $30 delivered to Canberra a few months ago. I've got it mounted to a wall in my garage to store small things. I haven't gotten around to organising it yet, but it's hung up there.

    Seems sturdy and decent enough. The action to slide the little drawers in and out isn't the best it could possibly be, but if you grab it by the tiny handle, it works fine. You just can't lift up and pull out of it gets stuck. You have to grab the handle and pull directly outwards.

  • +4

    Bought for my Lego LOL

    • +1

      exact same reason I did as well :P
      Missus will go nuts - "But you dont understand - I had to get 4! I'm SAVING money that way"

      • If you wanna part one of them out, happy to take it off your hands. Also to store my Lego parts for MOCs!

        • +2

          One is not enough,trust me.

        • @leexm101: I know! but 4 is too many for me. I would probably go 2 if anyone has spares.

  • Does anyone actually have this specific model already? I bought two similar ones from jaycar and they were terrible to pull out, got a refund. It looks like they both have the same design where the drawers are held by friction and nothing else.

    On the jaycar units I bought, some came out find but others were stuck, I don't want to fight with it every time I need something. Given the price and similar design, I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case with the element 14 one as well.

    • Yeah these aren't great to get the drawers out of. But it's fine if you grab the little drawer and pull directly outwards.

  • yeh, thanks , bought 3

  • Hoarding tool…

  • It seems my order has been partially posted…

    4 0 $13.66 $54.64 1 Each Back Ordered

    I purchased another STM32L152C-DISCO and it's on the way (Toll Express)…

  • can these fit shoes?

    • +3

      no, they have a hard time using the shoe horn as they don't have arms.

  • +1

    Mine just arrived! I can't believe how quick… that's just insanely quick. I only ordered it 10am yesterday.

    • NBD shipping is standard from e14.

      • Pretty good for free shipping. Tonnes of Foam peanuts. Well I would consider element14 in the future.

    • Same here. I ordered 4 and they just turned up from Toll :)

  • If looking to bulk up the order to reach free shipping threhold, inspection mirror is on special for $1.60

  • Our 16 compartment tackle box is full, so this might be good for seed packets.
    Unless there's a better idea I haven't seen?

  • +1

    I bought 10 of these for my Lego on Thursday and arrived today. I'm in W.A also so very quick. And well packed too. Good value at $15 each.

  • Extremely impressed by the delivery speeds. Ordered yesterday at about 3pm in the afternoon, and received it the next day. Definitely good to know if I need things quick.

  • Not sure why everyone else is getting these so fast. Ordered one on the 8th September, expected delivery week commencing 19th September. What?

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