iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus

I just saw the announcement on GSMarena and got me hype for iPhone 7plus. Don't get me wrong , coming from Android fan boy , the dual camera on 7plus look cool and the jet black colour is good too.
Just wondering will anyone upgrade or buy the new iPhone? Personally , I would love to get one for my wifu. Will wait to see how much the plan gonna cost.




        • +1

          You don't need the adapter for the supplied headphones - they are "lightning" headphones. The adapter is just for use with 'normal' headphones. As nice as it would be to be get the wireless air pods, you can't expect that with the phone.

    • +6

      I have an idea… they should give you something to attach to the headphones so it's harder to lose. Maybe something like a cable.

  • +12

    No not buying. Still going strong with my android and never understand need of spending thousand bucks on phone.

    • +1

      Tbf a comparable phone would around the same price outright

      • +5

        I think the point is that most people don't need a comparable phone, but many still fork out for one.

    • That might be the price for the lowest spec'd one if it's anything like the eu pricing

      In Europe, the iPhone 7 will retail for €759 for the 32GB variant. You'll have to shell out €869 for the 128GB model and €979 for the 256GB one.

      I like the camera and 4x leds - will be good for a quick point and shoot i bet.
      Everything else is bleh for 2016.
      Funny how theyre going on about Retina still. I guess its a cataract'd retina if thats flagship spec.

      • +6

        I don't understand the hate on the screens. I'm running an iPhone 6 and the screen is still really really nice.
        More pixels = more processing = lower speed = lower battery life. I don't see the point in 1080 plus resolutions when the screen is only as big as your hand.

        • +2

          Thats like someone who says i dont see the need for a top spec camera when it pales to my dslr.

          I have actually put your opinion to practice by getting the z3 compact instead of the full version - 720p screen to save battery.
          Its fine, but certainly not flagship looking even on a <5 screen.

          Also some of my image editing apps now warn me the images won't be full detail as my screen isn't hd/qhd. I will also be unable to experience any of the VR tech properly. Before you reply with 'don't care about VR tech and image editing', see my first line.

          For the platinum flagship pricing, you'd expect it.

        • Screwing over iPhone 6/7 users to push them to a plus version for 1080p is appalling especially with the price of these phones.

          What they should really do is to provide the same features on the plus and non-plus versions and let people decide on the size they wont not the features they want to compromise on.

        • -1

          Only Apple can get away with this. iPhone 6/6S/7 not having 1080p screen, only 6+/6S+/7 have 1080p screen.
          I feel iPhone 7 and 7+ are both considered flagship of Apple iPhones. Samsung and other Android manufacturers don't do that.

          Also, Apple have used Steve Job's reason for not having large phones for a few years. Since they started to increase the phone size, they have never surpass competitors in terms of screen resolution. This is unusual because back in the early days, Apple was the one to be the frontier in terms of screen resolution and quality (retina display). Also, iPads, on the other hand, continue to have higher resolution than most, if not all competitors.

          Anyway, iPhone 7/7+ will sell like hot cakes as usual. A lot of my colleagues have already ordered (most of them are buying for their real bosses - wives).

        • +1


          I'll clarify. For me, the screen is already great. The benifits of going to a higher resolution are outweighed by the negatives (less performance and battery life). For my needs.

  • +9

    As much as I love IOS and other apple software, the price of their product is becoming more and more ridiculous. I probably wait till AUD get stronger before buying other Apple product.

    • +9

      I would like a Porsche, and I suppose I could buy one if I made that my biggest priority. But the value for money is very low.
      I would like a new iPhone, but I won't get one because the value is so poor.

      • Expensive, sure. But poor value? I reckon if you buy the latest iPhone when it comes out and sell it in 12 months time and were to do the same with latest Android flagships, you'd paid less on a monthly basis compared to Android. Contrary to cars, Apple products retain their value impressively well over the first 24m or so.

        • +1

          That's a bit of a false equivalency. I'm not saying a Samsung flagship is the value alternative, when you can buy better specced (than Apple) china phones for $200. Iphones do hold their value well, but the high initial price is still a killer, because even with 'only' 30% depreciation from new to secondhand, that is still $400+ of cost per year.
          I based these figures on a 6s plus 64gb RRP $1379 at release vs $850 to $900 recent sold prices for used on ebay, excluding any transaction costs.

          I quite understand people paying $400 a year for a preference. I've owned a couple of iphones. But they aren't the best value.

        • @mskeggs: In my world, If you're talking value for money, you would have to compare it to other products that operate in the same space. You can't say a Porsche is poor value for money because a Yaris is cheaper. You can state that Porsches are very expensive (or even 'too expensive' depending on how you like to compare cars). I would say an iPhone that costs $300 to make will have far better components than a low end Android phone that is sold at that price.

        • Honestly, as an Apple users, talking about resale values is playing with maths.
          I paid $1000+ for my iPhone 5S, let's say I might be able to get $350 for it.
          The LG G2, I paid $420, perhaps I can get $150 for it.

          % wise, LG G2 actually come out ahead. I actually lost less from G2 because I didn't pay that much. Even if we assume the % is the same, the net amount lost on iPhone is more.

          I am trying to use an iPhone for 3 years if possible (because they are expensive - to me at least). I did switch to a 2 year cycle because I really wanted a bigger screen iPhone.

          Honestly, I am quite frustrated with Apple. The Apple products I bought reduced in value more so than other Apple products. iPad 3 (replaced by iPad 4 in less than 12 months, and the CPU is only on par with iPad 2). Also, iPhone 6S+. With Apple now making 32, 128, 256 standard, the fact I purchased the 128 model last year basically dropped in value quicker (basically it will now be priced like a 64GB used to be priced at - plus additional discount as iPhone 7 is about to be released). Don't get too excited about the resale value of Apple products. Essentially, a lot of the products will drop in values in a week or two's time further than we originally anticipated.

  • +5

    Gonna wait till my iPhone works before I get excited…

    • +1

      It's probably the headphone port's fault

      • how?

        • they removed it in the iPhone 7 because it was the source of all the problems.

        • @fruit: No, they removed because their EarPods were reasonably priced. Now they an make more money from the new and improved airpods.

        • @TheClipIt: They said it took "courage"!

        • @fruit: You actually watched the 1 hour+ advert?

        • @TheClipIt: Just skimmed news articles afterwards.

    • btw; that picture is completely real of my iPhone a week ago.

      • So only 25 years and 5 days to go then?

        • +2

          25 years 10 months 5 days to go if I didn't factory reset it.

      • How did that happen?

        • I don't know…

        • @TheClipIt: bagging a bloke out while he is trying to feed the poor in other countries…. lol

      • What is warehouse mobile provider lol

        • +1

          Warehouse Mobile, New Zealand mobile network run by The Warehouse.

    • +4

      Actually apple have been losing market share in china to the local manufacturers - down to 13% now apparently.

    • +1

      As opposed to other nationalities?

    • +2

      Nah, Chinese people love Samsung and Xiaomi. Thai people seem to love iPhones though.

      • +1

        They love Huawei and Oppo before loving Samsung and Xiaomi ;)

    • +1

      Aussies love their bali, no (profanity) idea why

      • +1

        Sun, Cheap booze and just close by.

        Thailand is similar but hookers and ladybugs also

  • +21

    The new iPhone is cool…but the Note 7 is hot..

    • +2

      Like literally red hot ?

    • +1

      Note 7 specs are explosive!

    • +5

      Note 7 will blow you away.

      • where's the thread about the note 7 recall?

    • Note 7 is the da bomb

      Edited for legal reasons

      • Apple: antennagate, bendgate
        Samsung: bombgate

        verdict: Samsung FTW!

    • Many major airlines are banning Note 7. Too hot to fly.

  • +2

    New camera spec looks awesome. Very tempting!

  • Will hold on to my 6S+ until next year.

  • +2

    Not upgrading from my iPhone 5 & Samsung S4 combo this time around.
    I see the iPhone 7 series as yet another evolutionary rather than revolutionary update and although it's feature updates are good compared to the older iPhones they are a bit underwhelming at least to me compared to the market as a whole.

    Also not a fan of the base prices, 7 being $1079AUD and the 7+ $1269AUD

    • Apple have never had a revolutionary update since the first iphone

      • +6

        And iPhone 4. That was seriously good

        • I still have an iPhone 4s 64GB as a backup phone because even with the tiny screen it's still a great phone so I will certainly agree on that one supnigs.

        • iPhone 4 revolutionised, but not so much after iPhone 4. Android phone market did the rest.

  • +1

    I respect them for trying to jump ahead with less cables, I'm all about bluetooth headphones and what not. However, I feel like battery life needs to catch up with these jumps as you stream spotify, with your bluetooth on, flicking through facebook it's just going to kill your battery so fast. Then you are basically hooked up with wires to to a powerbank charging your phone, and/or headphones whichever is dying first.

    • +3

      If that was their real aspiration, they could have alternatively shipped bluetooth headphones in the box, but still kept the headphone jack.

      As it turns out, they did neither

    • +5

      Bluetooth 4.0 is pretty battery efficient.

      I don't buy the "less cables" thing - no wireless charging, earphones in box have a cable idk.

      • Yeah true, if they shipped with just the wireless headphones it would have gotten more of the general population using the technology and more ready to update in future auxless(?) releases. They've jumped the gun and it's gonna hurt them.

    • I don't buy it. Less cables but more adapters???

  • +2

    $1300 for 32GB, no microsd + 2GB. No thanks :-)

    • +2

      Yeah it's a shame that we need to take out a loan for this…I've already applied with 2 banks, you? :)

      • +6

        Me I'm refinancing my mortgage to get a S7 edge lol…

        • +1

          lol :) Not sure to buy a car or a phone…

        • @stuhtb: lol… tough choice mate

        • +4

          @stuhtb: Get the car, and settle for a $29 Telstra Tempo.

        • @sparkles: Or I could do this…, if I had one…

      • Come one.. that's nuthin, I'm ebay-ing my spare kidney for this!

    • Where is the + 2GB?

      • 2GB RAM

    • $1269 is the starting price of the 7 Plus, that has 3GB RAM.

  • +3

    Looks like the CDMA iPhone sold in america now has all the 4G bands used in Australian, which means cheap(er) second hand iPhones off eBay. See link for details.


    • Doubt it cheap . IPhone hold thier price pretty long

      • cheap(ER). I've got a thousand wall chargers and lightning cables. Happy to buy a random iPhone without box etc off ebay in a couple of months.

  • +1

    I like iphone releases as they push android prices down ;)

  • +13

    Prices are actually down from the iPhone 6S launch.

    iPhone 6S 128GB - $1379
    iPhone 7 128GB - $ 1229 ($150 cheaper)

    iPhone 6S Plus 128GB - $1529
    iPhone 7 Plus 128GB - $1419 ($110 cheaper)

    • Its actually more expensive if you consider the storage tiers :(

      iPhone 6S+ 128GB (3rd tier) - $1529
      iPhone 7+ 256GB (3rd tier) - $1569 ($40 more expensive)

      Honestly Apple could have kept the prices the same and just doubled the storage at no cost. Considering storage tech is improving, capacity should be going up and price should be going down. Its true that you are getting the same storage for less though compared to last year. Sucks but not stopping me though haha, gonna upgrade my 6s 64GB to the 7+ 128gb and preorder tomorrow. That Jet Black is just too tempting!

      • +8

        What do storage tiers have to do with anything? Compare like for like!

        • +6

          Storage prices keep going down…

      • -1

        Wrong info, 6s Plus 128GB will be $1,229 not $1,529 you say.


        • +1

          The price only drops now because the 7 has been released…..yesterday the 6s+ was $1529

        • +1

          At launch and until Wednesday it was $1529. Only dropped as @epicttiimm said because of the iPhone 7 announcement.

    • You know same components that they used keep getting cheaper, so you couldn't say that its cheaper. The storage, screen, battery, and other components that they still used from Iphone 6s getting much cheaper.

  • Merged from iPhone 7 New Camera Systems

    Here are the features of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.

    • New black and jet black finishes
    • Splash and water resistant
    • New Home button
    • 12MP Wide-angle and telephoto cameras

    Let's say something about it here.

    • OK. Every single feature already exists in other models.

      • Then, you'll not upgrade your phone, yeah?

  • +3

    Should be a solid upgrade from a 5S, I'm glad that they dropped the 16GB model and upped the highest config to 256GB

  • +2

    So you can't charge while listening on earphones?

    • I'm betting someone will make a lightning / 3.5mm charging cable within the first fortnight of release.

        • And strictly speaking if you wanted to charge while using 3.5mm out the existing Apple dock works for that. Though it is silly expensive so these third party options are a better option, especially for travel.

    • Was about to say the same thing.

      I don't mind changes to new models but wished Apple considered and thought about this first before releasing. Some people, specially in offices like to charge while listening to music.

  • +2

    New home button

  • +1

    I'm due for an upgrade at the end of the month so will probably get the 7 on contract. Can't decide whether to use that or sell it on Gumtree, my Nexus 6P is still a fantastic phone.

    • +3


      shakes head

      • +1

        I've done the maths. I use enough credit/data that even BYO plans run about $50/mo. Getting a phone is $20-30/mo on top, which over 24 months works out to be $480-720 for a $1100+ iPhone, so it doesn't make sense to reject the phone. Even if I decide against opening it, you can safely re-sell iPhones for very close to RRP in the first month, which practically subsidises my service.

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