Original 20% off Selected Stores on eBay deal
Looks like these cards are dropping price pretty rapidly. Great price for the FE.
Original 20% off Selected Stores on eBay deal
Looks like these cards are dropping price pretty rapidly. Great price for the FE.
Will buy once it's around 400. Until then my R280 will do
doubt its gonna be around $400 for a while considering that the 970 barely reached that price when the 10 series came out
Love these comments lol you will be waiting.
No to overpricing
Cheers for the post! Just Purchased.. been looking for the Founder edition to drop below $600. So perfect, thanks Bud. :)
I'm just not sure why you'd buy Founders Edition now that 3rd party designs are out. FE are slower and more expensive. (Possibly noisier though to be clear i didn't check this specifically.)
This is a good price though.
Oh god this is getting tempting…………
I think this is cheapest 1070 atm at ~$539 (depending on exchange rate/fees) - one of the mid-range as far as factory overclocking. You get Amazon's customer service including 30 days no questions asked return (but no ACL protection if that matters to you).
bought MSI one , delivered 2 days later , much better cooling/ less noise than my reference r9 290X .
Tempting but not tempted
I would rather juggle scorpions than have to deal with PC Byte… If you are lucky they have stock. If you are like everyone else, you'll be waiting weeks and if you demand a refund you will be waiting weeks while they try and blame a computer glitch or Paypal issue.
Or just ignore you :|
Most people will never be famous and only need one fan.
As they should, pretty overpriced on release.