I've had a cheap unit rented out for 15 years at 5% through a real estate agent. I put the tenants in 15 years ago before I handed to estate agent.
So I've been paying them about $50 a month for the last 15 years to do nothing, property and tenants are maintenance free. The original property manager moved on about 5 years ago and they have been screwing things up since then.
My objective isn't so much to save the money (though I should and could use it) but to remove the hassle from the equation which is the property manager.
State is NSW if it makes a difference.
Advice is also appreciated for QLD though as my friend has a unit there where they are sick of the agent. (Getting repairs done without permission or a intelligible explanation of what was broken. Also constantly trying to hit them up for subscriptions to maintenance companies for fire alarms etc and telling they legally have to join. Which is rubbish and just them being risk adverse and trying to outsource their job at the landlords expense).
Not trying to rort the tenant, more get rid of the middleman to provide a better service to the tenant and have a little more cash to do so.
What does the contract that you have with the agent say about terminating the contract?