Hi guys, I have a neighbour a few doors down, and every morning he lets the dog out of his front yard to take a shit on the nature strip. Often I go to my car and there is a steaming pile of shit, right in front of my house. Sometimes the dog shits on the sidewalk also, and the neighbour literally does nothing about it. Sometimes he just leaves the gate open and let's the dog walk in when it wants, sometimes he watches it. Here in lies the problem. I've never actually seen the dog shit on the lawn. I've seen him and the dog on the front strip and come home to a pile of shit, or woken up to a pile of shit. One thing is certain, he never cleans the shit up. The guy is a complete misery guts and at best grunts hello in the morning, in response. I live in the stonnington area in Melbourne, what is my recourse?
Neighbour's dog shits on my front nature strip.

I would but he has kids and I don't want them picking it up or getting it on them.
His kids are his own concern, like his dog. Does he have a swimming pool?
i like where you are going with this.
Is he on tank water?
Does he have a swimming pool?
Everyone has a letterbox…
Throw it down the chimney! The whole house will smell bad.
It's his dog it's his shit, give it back. Maybe on his front door step would be more appropriate. Or just shoot the damn dog.
or flaming bag of poop him , Billy Madison style.
Don't put it out with your boots Ted!
Don't tell me my business devil woman! Call the fire department… This ones outta control!
First thing first, you need to know for 100% sure before you take any action. See it with your own eyes that it is in fact his dog. Assumption can be wrong more than you'd like to believe.
I think i saw a dash cam on Ozb recently… Those should work too!
That's right, you don't want to wrongfully accuse a poor innocent dog. It could be your neighbour himself.
DNA testing?
Kindly deliver it back in his mailbox :)
Watch the movie "Me, Myself and Irene"… you will know what to do!
Exactly what came to mind!
Mmmmm, soft serve ice-cream!
Take a shit on his front doorstep
in a paper bag then light it on fire.
and then ring the doorbell.
…then wait, when he answers the door hit him in the nuts? Skip away singing a song like a crazy person
Only if he has a towel on the line.
Crap on his nature strip?
- Put the shit in a brown paper bag
- Place it in front of their door
- Light up the bag
- Ring the door bell
- Run
I've never tried, I hope it works ;)
We used to do this then throw ping pong ball smoke grenades into the house when the door opened.
Once there was no one home and their welcome mat caught on fire.oh wow, what happened after?
Put itself out after it ran out of decent fuel
"Fire roasted shit en papillote" - you'd pay top dollar for that in a classy restaurant!
6 Profit
1.Put the shit in a brown paper bag
2.Place it in front of their door
3.Light up the bag
4.Take a short course in arduino and learn to reverse-engineer 433mhz signals of wireless doorbells….
5.Ring the door bell remotely from the comfort of your house or backyard…..
6.Crack open a beer and listen to the soothing screams of the neighbour….I've never tried this either, I hope it works ;)
Soon as I seen this thread, I came to provide my knowledge gained from watching Billy Madison, but you beat me to it
Another shit thread….
you're full of shit…
this place has really gone to the crap house hasn't it?
Guys cut this shit.. this shit ain't funny no more.
thats free fertiliser. what a waste if your toss that shit back
Maybe he should put a sign up saying "collect your free fertilizer here?"
honesty box?
or you rekon someone will just put shit in it instead?
I remember a similar situation when I was younger. There were mysterious shits on our lawn and we had a feeling it was our neighbour's dog. One day, I left my school uniform behind so I had to double back home from the pool before going to school - upon pulling into our driveway, my old man witnessed the neighbour's dog taking a shit on our lawn. Dad jumped out and swatted the dog with a rolled up newspaper. No more problems after that.
That's really crappy
Get evidence, submit to council.
If you complain about it enough you don't even have to worry about evidence they'll come around and watch him do it and issue a fine.
Same thing happened to us. We've actually confronted the dog owner first, but he couldn't care less. So we contacted the Council (Port Phillip). Few weeks later, the neighbour knocked on our door with the infringement notice, said it was a 'misunderstanding' and asked us to call the Council to have the compliant/infringement withdrawn. WTF?!
talk to him about it.
This ^^
talk to him about it.
With a gun.
Try fire cracker (good ole bunger), or garden hose etc… or anything really loud that will scare the dog in the act… I remember my dad had a neighbours dog raid our garbage very often, back in the days of small tin bins with lids. The dog would knock the lid off and actually get in the bin and eat rubbish. One day my dad got a good size bunger and waited in the bushes and once the dog was in the bin he tossed it right in after him…..BANG !!!! the dog flew out of the bin and took off down the road… never went near the bin again LOL
Return to sender, registered post.
Knowing Auspost, it'll probably get lost in the system; might not actually be a bad thing in this case though…
I have heard, dog crap is used in East Asian medicine. Need to dry it for couple of years, for the toxins to be removed.
This article reckons it cures cancer.
That dog thinks your lawn is their territory. That's the problem.
Quick fix as follows:
You need to store up about a litre of your own piss in a coke bottle.
Douse the lawn and preferably concrete with what you've stored. This essentially marks the area as yours to the dog.
If the dog smells your "markings "and continues to shit. You need to double the dosage till it stops shiting.Ie 1 litre is now 2.
Keep marking your area till you win this turf war
Dogs can smell you progeny!
Get the whole family involved when you run out…you really want to show this dog you own that bit of turf"Kids, I'm going out for a marking run soon, I want all your bottles on the table in five minutes."
What about the neighbours on the other side of him?
Get enough to set a 10 litre pressure sprayer with motion sensor on the front fence…@robertbruce: He's not aiming for people or the dog. He should merely set up a regular garden irrigation system, with a twist.
If you piss on the dog do you own the dog?
And does this work for other things too…
Can confirm, pee'd on the mrs in the shower, she didnt leave
use iSpy to record detected motion for evidence. Then complain to council with proof.
iSpy is easy to use and works with just about any sort of camera available to the computer (USB webcam, IPcam, even built in laptop webcam)I told my parents about this thread at dinner, and they said something about using pepper. You apparently sprinkle pepper liberally everywhere and that repels dogs and other small animals. Supposedly.
so do air rifles
Chilli flakes works as well.
Nothing like a burning sphincter to teach a leason!
Catch the dog. Hand over to council as lost dog. He will have to pay fees to get the dog released, take time off work etc.
Take the dog on a Griswalds holiday ;)
That's what I did with 3 of 26 cats that were using my property at one stage. I built a trap, and took two on a 30 km trip. And the other one failed to learn to swim. Harsh but I wanted my yard and roof back, and it worked long term.
Understand, but this went on for over ten years with urine smrells, sleeping in my car, on blankets I left on patio table, fighting loudly, running through roof, and more fun. All the while aware my neighbours were required by lay to restrain their animals on their property. Enough is enough.
I'll go to hell for laughing at that as a dog lover but well played! :D
Easy answer. Take a photo of the dog shitting anywhere outside his owners house. A video just as good. Make note of date and time. Send a formal complaint to council with photo attached and with details of owners address. They will receive a $360 FINE and warning about future infringements. Suggest you do this each and every time. The owner will get sick of paying $360 fines, Could be better to complain to council first and confirm this action is acceptable. Works for my council!
NOTE: He could also receive another fine for not having the dog on a leash.! Could end up with a $720 fine. Thats why a number of photos or a video submitted to council would work a treat.IMPORTANT: The rest of the solutions offered here are in-actionable RUBBISH that could lead to YOU receiving a fine instead
Get a security camera. View the footage to confirm it actually is his dog. If it is, then ask him nicely that it would be appreciated if he could clean up after the dog. If he doesn't, that's when you need to contact the council.
I agree, this seems to be the most logical suggestion.
Make damn sure its his dog with photo/video evidence, ask nicely if he could please clean it up because it has been happening regularly. Cheap cameras for this cost like $25 these days. Given this is OzB I'm sure someone can find a good deal on a camera for this.
If it continues, lodge a formal complaint to Council. If you go straight to Council, they will ask if you have proof and if you have asked them to address it - so you can't do anything until you have done that.
Should that fail, don't immediately listen to the bad advice here about returning the shit via swimming pool / water tank / flying at house / windows / flaming bags etc, at least put it in a plastic bag with a note that says "please clean up after your dog". Don't forget, he knows where you live too!
Dogs will stick to the same area to do their crap once they pick it and they will smell it as the place to do it each time. Dogs love routine things.
7 turds a week = 31 turds a month to clean up on average, it'll fill more than one plastic bag. If possible, watch it happen just once, somehow, and go straight over and have a civilised talk to him about it. No one wants to cause an issue with someone they live near but it might bring you both closer if he apologises and makes an effort to think about how he impacts others by doing a seemingly little thing. The worst he'll do is tell you to F off and tell you to mind your own business, then you'll just have to go to the council and lodge a complaint. They may or may not do something.
If that fails, well you can't really do anything naughty/funny coz he'll know it's you. You'll have to pester the council until they do something.
You obviously don't have dogs
I've got three dogs but I'm not lazy and inconsiderate like this neighbour obviously is.
I've got 3 dogs too and they eat once a day and shit at least twice, that i've noticed. They also don't care for routine and shit nowhere in particular and anywhere.
"I've never actually seen the dog shit on the lawn"
Are you sure it was the dog?
I was wondering the same, would make for an excellent episode of 'Judge Judy'
"So, did you actually see the dog shit on the lawn"
Glock make a really effective dog deterrent.
I have the 9mm version, but the 45 would be more effective for larger dogs.I doubt it would matter if it was 9mm or a .45 to be honest….
PSA: Don't do this at home kids….this ain't Murica….
Hi, Thorton 82, unfortunately I have the same situation as yours. It has been going on for almost a year. Because of this neighbor' dog shits on the foot path and council ground ( in front of my house) this leads to other dogs doing the same. I hate but have to do the cleaning job for them . I wonder why there are so many irresponsible and ugly dog owners here.
Pick the shit up and squeeze it into his mail box…
Ewwww! …but genius. +vote for you.
Get a dog whistle.
Youtube search "flaming dog poop prank"
Learnt from "Orange is the new Black"You know where he lives. What is stopping you from putting the shit back where it belongs?
It's hard to keep the dog still for long enough.
Toss it into his yard