There have been no changes to Scoot or AirAsia fee structures for fares departing Australia. Is this illegal?
POLi is now free on Tiger, and MasterCard Debit is not free unless paying by mobile. Turns out Tiger pays more than Jetstar for debit card merchant fees.
PayPal was not covered by RBA regulations so of course the shifty Tiger/Virgin decided to make it a fixed fee (so goodbye PayPal for Tiger - unless buying exorbitant flights over Christmas last minute).
Of course the OzBargain community that used fee free methods will probably pay more eventually to compensate the profit loss of ridiculous surcharges but this RBA law will make everyone's lives simpler as we move to an increasingly cashless society and may allow us to pressure banks rather than shoddy merchants.
To read about why the RBA allowed surcharges in the first place, read this:… (pretty much it's to allow non-credit-card payers to avoid subsidising credit cards and their rewards programs).
BTW, POLi actually costs merchants 1% (unless they have special deals?) but their fees are capped at $3 ( But there's no chargeback option.
When you buy from AirAsia or Scoot you are not buying from an Australian company. However, I believe the ACL is supposed to apply to all companies selling into Australia. Nevertheless it is impossible for the ACCC to impose its regulations on an international company.