3% Term Deposit for 12 Months


Just wondering what the consensus is on 3% term deposit for 12 months

is it a good idea?

are rates likely to go up or go down or stay the same over the 12 month period?



  • I don't think there is much room for rates to decrease too much more. The current savings account rate with uBank is 2.87%. I would just stick my money there and not worry about locking it up for a year.

    • +1

      Interest rates for savings accounts in various other countries are 0% or very close to 0%. Just have a look at these rates for Wells Fargo accounts in USA… https://www.wellsfargo.com/savings-cds/rates/ - 0.01% with a bonus 0.06%!

      In the UK it's not much better.

      Another RBA rate cut has been tipped for this year (with some analysts saying it will go down to 1%) and I would bet that rates on savings accounts will go down again too.

      As for whether a term deposit is a good idea for the OP, it depends on various factors including whether you need your money in the next year or not.

      If it's some kind of managed fund promising 3% then there may be a risk you could lose 100%.

  • +1

    ANZ is selling ANZ Capital Notes 4 hybrid paying a dividend at 4.7 per cent to 4.9 per cent margin above the bank bill rate (currently about 2%).
    Yeld about 6.7-6.9%
    They are not as safe as a term deposit though.
    It would be interesting to hear what people think about them.
    They will be traded on asx so you can sell them anytime.

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