This was posted 14 years 4 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

CoTD 500x Sennheiser MX50 Headphones for Free & Free Shipping [Soldout]


Time for more madness. We are giving away 500 Sennheiser MX50 Headphones for Free with Free Shipping.
All you need to do is show us you like it by pressing the like button on the product page here:
We'll activate the deal at 4pm once 500 people press "Like". So its simple, press like, come back at 4pm Eastern Time and BITE!

It's currently at 239 likes at 11:48am Sydney time
EDIT: 534 likes at 12.08pm Sydney time

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closed Comments

  • Why are people getting so upset? It's a pair of headphones, FGS!

    • +3

      Because supplier promotions should make customers feel HAPPY, not annoyed!

  • +1

    This is so bad marketing …
    Got one then tried checking out and server full error…
    Just Not Done..

  • of course 500 are going to be sold out in 3 minutes, did you see how many people liked the deal

  • +1

    Did anyone really think everyone was going to be happy, good grief, sometimes you win sometimes you dont. They couldhave had 50,000 of them for free and still some would have missed out. Stop your moaning and try again next time or dont and the server will be faster and I will get something free again :)

  • +1

    How can you give this a negative!? They advertised 500 units. Yesterday the pens sold out in 6mins…of course the headphones would go faster as the word is out now! Free is free…they don't have to give anything away! Just be thankful for the freebies you do manage to snaffle!

  • got one hallelujah!!!

  • Picked up two (one for me, and one for my mum who lives in a different state). Clicked refresh at 3:59:50, added it to my cart and checked out with no issues. Then at 4:01PM did my mum's order — much slower this time, but it still went through. :)

  • -7

    hahahah the office just got almost 70 easy, ya snooze ya lose

  • daily deals = COTD

    Just realised when I saw my invoice

  • I refreshed about 5 seconds before 4pm and managed to snag a pair :)

  • +2

    i will vote down all of these from this site from now on as there servers cannot handel there pro


  • Free earphones feel good.

  • +3

    I love it how if a website doesn't have capacity and crashes people complain, then if it has capacity and can handle giving away 500 things in a few minutes they also compain. Its a freebee, if you got it great, if you didn't get over it. All complaining will do is discourage companies from giving away stuff in the future.

    • +1

      Yeah but how else are they going to know people are pissed off, I mean it just comes down to the quality of your broadband connection, not how quick you were.

  • +1

    if you missed out, its no reason to negative. you all knew before hand that it would sell out quick and the page would have so much traffic.

  • yea!!! got one, login in b4 hand and waited.

    darn it would've like the hdmi cables in the other deal.
    i hope these earphone are good!

    so exciting, never been able to catch anything like this b4!

  • awesomee got one! suck on it

  • +1

    hang on, did some of you order more than 1???

  • what does "order status:pending" mean

  • I was watching. It became available at 4pmEST on the dot. Took a couple of minutes to sell out.
    Good thing I was logged in beforehand!

    Anyone who missed out could check
    for us$8 Sennheiser CX-300. - probably much better than the freebies.

    • +1

      prolly fake as well ;-)

    • yeh but do you really wanna buy something for US $8.06 knowing 500 people just an hour ago got free earphones (despite the quality) it's not really worth forking out for just because you missed a freebie, most are here just because it was free, not because they came here wanting to pay money for one, especially not $8 haha….my 2cents

      • shut it cripto! u got way too much time to be commenting on everything. :) id pay 8 bucks for cx-300s over free mx50s any day, as long as the cx300s are real. sadly, i dont believe they are.

        • well what you complaining for then? it's dx

          • @Cripto: read the reviews down the bottom.

  • my cousin missed out coz he didnt put a house number LOL. he had to go back to edit the details otherwise good luck trying to find it being delivered on a long highway.

  • individuals got one each from my office, you need to be fast in the buying process guys, only because it's in stock when you clicked it, doesn't mean it'll be there when you're checking out, you need to be fast like a sniper program. don't just take your time with high expectations.

    • Yeah I dont wait for the page to load either, i scroll my mouse around to find the next page button before it even loads and hit it so it doesnt waste time waiting for the page to load.

      • +2

        Yeah but it still all just comes down to your broadband connection. I was all ready to go with my 3 clicks the instant it went live, but those clicks took 5 minutes (I was clicking on the empty space for continue too)

        I wonder how many of the people who actually got one were from big offices with great broadband connections, because my 3G broadband clearly isn't good for this type of thing.

        • isn't 3g like the mobile connection? can't really expect to run for a huge compo like with with that kinda connection, maybe it's good for normal buying but not appropriate for a speedy freebie like this.

  • +1

    Their Servers get jammed up and they know it - it happens too often
    yet they advise in the Cart
    Please note: Stock is not reserved until you complete checkout.

    to the CotD IT managers & staff - you suck chunks!

    • +5

      As an IT admin its amusing to watch "users" complain and blame the IT staff. No site is going to buy enough bandwidth to handle once a month or once every 3 month events like this. Why pay $5000+ a month for a connection when for daily business $2500 does the job very well. Its all about profits, COTD wouldnt be in business if the majority of customers didnt have a good experience.

      • +1

        completely agree!

      • +1

        couldn't of said it better

  • +3

    Although i did get one, i do have a doubt: were there really 500 of them??

    • Why do people doubt there were 500? Plenty of people have reported getting one here, and judging from the amount of interest in this promotion on OzBargain and Facebook alone, 500 was ALWAYS going to sell out in 1-2 mins.

      Is it really fair to cast aspersions on CoTD's integrity when there's no evidence to suggest that this promotion was anything but above board?

  • +1

    to the people who missed out, I feel you guys…I missed out on the pen …but 500 is not that many when the whole internetz is trying to get this item! of course the server is going to be slow.

    • yeh lol 4257 clicks just from this page

      • +2

        but not all 4257 clicks within 3 mins + server problem!

        • if i had 2 i would send you one, i feel for you bud

      • lol how do u tell how many clicks?

        • shows a bit under the post, and a bit above before the comments

  • +2

    Another CRAP of the day!

    • +1

      relax man it's a freebie hahaha…

  • +2

    Didn't get one since I was at uni at the time but still a + from me to balance out all those unfair negs out there. How is that COTD's fault if you or your connection is too slow? Isn't it against the voting guidelines anyways to neg just because a product is sold out?

    • it is the fact they know their server crashes when they do these lightning promos - and continue to do them - that deserves a - Neg

  • missed it again,i did the checkout within 1min and 20sec,it is my 1st time and my connection speed is perfect but on halfway saw the shipping details i was like omfg.hand start shaking haha,knew i will miss it, damn it, cant wait for the next one i swear god i will get it.pls

    • hahaha sor to hear that, you need to be more prepared than that Lol!
      only a few tricks you have to follow; test-run the buy, already be logged in, have all details filled on every page, and all you need to do is click buttons, maybe pretend-buy it with a random product but don't actually complete the payment. you will make it next time! :)

      • did all that refreshed - clicked 'Bite Me' a fraction after 4:00pm - via ADSL2+ broadband - still got the Oops Server Busy error!

  • Aww and oops, forgot about this.

  • +1

    Wdh u guys talking about needing good broadband, i got it through my phone using planet 3 speed!

    • hahah planet 3, there you go.

    • yeah….right

  • +2

    I am on Telstra ADSL 2 so I dont believe I would have that slow of a connection….First time I clicked on the page sold out then it was up bite me then almost gone and then sold out. Obviously the way their site handles users it what is pissing people off once you click on bite me it shouldnt drop your connection.

    Again I am over the way the site handles traffic and especially some people who get near the end and get bumped it just pathetic….

  • wonder when COTD will give away some Core 2 Duo or i7 Laptop..hmm
    well thanks COTD for the freebie,..keep it up and do it everyday.

  • +3

    Gotta love all the negatives on a free item.

    Good luck having them come back to give away more . (Mod: foul language removed)

    • -3

      I would rather they dont come back with any more give away stuff than treat customers like this. Rather not have a freebie item than feel annoyed at the efforts i had to put in.

      • What "efforts", seriously? All I did was open my browser window at 3:59PM, then click, click, click, done. If you put any more effort in than that, then that's your problem and not COTD's.

        • -1

          Efforts was continuously trying to get through and not being able to load pages even though the item was in my shopping cart. Thats what efforts. Yes Seriously. Actually its not my problem, it is COTDs since they were the ones who provide the website.

          • -1

            @lonewolf: o noes…. Should i call the wambulance for you?

            • -1

              @Zawoooo: not necessary, but if you want to discuss further i am happy to meet in person otherwise stay on point.

              • @lonewolf: But what more can you expect from COTD? If you're not happy with them, well, don't participate in the next freebie… better chances for everyone else. I for one, hope they do carry on with this marketing strategy.

                • @Dan_: Thats exactly my point, we have to expect more from them otherwise they will never improve.

  • +2

    meh i was signed in and couldn't even order @ 4pm.. piece of shit server

  • +2

    Oi, who's revoking all the negs!!!!

    In my case I had 5 windows open, cycling through each one refreshing them. So I got it bang on 4pm and managed to "Bite" 3 of them. Then more continual refreshing when they timed out/went to their overload page, and managed to get through the next 2 clicks on only one of the windows, but to no avail. By that time (about 5 past) they were all sold out.

    I reckon that deserves a neg. How else are cotd going to know that their system failed me even though I did everything I could?

    • +5

      Should have tried just one window, the server crashed because of idiots like you bl you didn't get one.

      • +5

        Particularly when stumo says in an earlier comment that they were using a 3G connection:

        Continually refreshing 5 windows on a 3G connection, and then complaining/negging when they can't get through? LOL.

      • +1

        oh please, I know what I'm doing. I had the 5 windows so I got in exactly when the deal went live. Of course I was planning to only click through on one of the windows, geeez. It was only when that window timed out after the bite that I kicked off the order on the other windows too.

        I want my neg back.

        • +3

          Obviously you know what your doing if you got one right…

  • thank you for posting this and thank you to COTD as well :) hopefully this is not BS

  • +4

    lol what i can say to u'all, some guys just fish better than others ;)

  • i'm going to get a program made for this to automate the process with max speed ;)

  • +4

    Will people stop saying you need a faster connection, the fault is not ON MY END!! I know how fast my work connection is, its God damn fast. Its linked up to many other universities and have a combined connection speed that would put to shame most companies. I get awesome transfer speeds with it. It has nothing to do with your connection as it does luck.

    • +1

      dude chill out…its a freebie and you missed out, big deal. Hopefully you'll have better luck next time.

    • +1

      Yea dude, I agree with Moe. You missed out, so what. If you got this item I think you'll be in the same side as the others. Good luck next time, and probably you could open up two browsers on two computers and try on both to see which one can get through. ;) (Trust me, this works)

      • +6

        Actually no i wouldnt be on the same side as others, as i dont believe there are sides in something like this. There is a definite lack of customer service and support from COTD that is not prevalent in the other 1 day sites that i visit. That is whats disappointing. But Heres the point i get annoyed when other people come on and try to tell me the problem is on my end with my connection, they dont know anything about my connection so that is where i lose my patience. Also i get frustrated when people complain about others who vote negative. Isnt it meant to be a personal choice?

        Lastly I have been buying from COTD long before it became popular and i would go as far as to say i have probably spent more money on them than most other people have (its a big claim but i feel i can back it up). My problem is since they have gotten popular their interest in customer support has dropped dramatically. They do not always inform you when selling inferior imported items that are made to look like the normal aussie products you would usually find in stores down here. They are very lax when it comes to honouring warranties these days (they used to be a lot better), and they seem to keep doing sales and not be able to back it up with proper service.. That is my problem with them and since i have spent so much money with them i feel i do have a right to have a viewpoint and get angry if they arent using at least a small portion of my money to better their service.

        Finally there are other 1-day sites that COTD can learn from even if COTD is the most popular site / biggest selling site. Actually i think BECAUSE they are the most popular site that they SHOULD make an even greater effort to learn from their mistakes and pickup what other sites do better. But time and time again they just dont seem to care anymore… For instance what some sites do is once you start the order process (have the item in the shopping cart) you have 5mins or 10mins to complete the checkout process, in that time that item is in your cart and is already removed from the stock (temporarily), so that means the first person to click and get the item into the shopping cart gets first dibs and even if the site is being hammered / slow, he has a certain allocated amount of time to complete the process. That is so easy to do and is a very smart way of doing these things. Because it should be about first in best dressed, not random luck and ping counts and which websites load at which random times. THAT IS WHAT GETS MY ILK and THATS WHY I AM MAD.

        COTD have been around long enough to fix these issues and they still dont do anything about it. As a customer and someone who has spent a lot on them, IT IS MY RIGHT to complain. This is partially why Australia seems to be struggling with cost of living, because a lot of companies take us for a ride and no-one is allowed to complain. I have noticed that trend on some of the forums lately, any complaint made gets a tonne of abuse from other fanbois. Come on, as a customer we have that right to complaint, if we dont then no-one will make any effort to improve their service especially when they really need to do so aka COTD.

        Can i lastly say that what also gets my ilk is that on these forums, some people seem to get this false sense of confidence and feel they can insult or abuse other people on a personal level or make attacks on them. This is prevalent because those same people feel they are online and hence safe.. These kinds of remarks for the most part would not be said face to face with another and is only said by cowards who prefer to stay online and get some kind of power feeling that they most likely lack in their own lives. I dont see why people cant argue or have a difference of opinion and have a discussion about that without name calling or putting down other people.

        • +1

          In the time you took to write that essay you probably could have earned more than enough money to buy the headphones yourself. I'm tempted to send you my freebie headphones out of pity for making what is probably the longest comment in OzBargain history. :)

          Edit: OK, I actually scanned through that… LOL at you beginning the second paragraph with "lastly", the third paragraph with "finally"… and then finally (for realz) the fifth paragraph with "can I lastly say".

        • "This is partially why Australia seems to be struggling with cost of living, because a lot of companies take us for a ride and no-one is allowed to complain."

          You are comparing Australia's struggle with cost of living to not getting a FREE pair of headphones from a website trying to do a good deed for their customers? haha fail

          Maybe people would stop 'personally attacking' you if you didn't act like such a tool and cry about not getting a freebie.

          And seriously… whats with the essay? Didn't you get bored of this 5 negative comments ago? rofl

          • @oztaastic: Hence the term partially. Check out woolworths pricing hikes as just one example. That statement was in relevance to customers having the choice to complain generally, not just to a free pair of headphones.

            Actually there hasnt been many people attacking me personally…well not besides you anyway. I was saying that in general terms to what i have seen on these forums. Obviously not bored yet since you dont seem to have been bored by it either and not sure what you mean by 5 negative comments ago? I only negged it once.

            But like i said before, if you want to insult me or call me names, lets meet up in person further to discuss otherwise please refrain yourself or stay off my comments.

            • @lonewolf: so you want to meet up and have a physical confrontation with a fellow ozbargainer because they disagreed with your statements regarding a free set of earphones. I have not seen anyone call you names, if they have well then take it up with the mods as that is not allowed, otherwise if you are that mad then just do not purchase from COTD anymore as they do not meet your requirements for the perfect supplier.

              • -2

                @x Moe: I never said physical confrontation, i guess if you just want to think negative of me then so be it. There has been at least one person who has insulted me and used names. I also didnt say any of that to everyone who has disagreed with me, only to people who had nothing better than put downs or insults. No-ones the perfect supplier but like i explained above there are soo many better ways to handle things than what they have done. But clearly you are not interested in talking about any of it and are just taking the worst possible view at every turn.

                • +1

                  @lonewolf: You have a valid argument IF you were paying for item. I'd be angry too if this happened for a limited sale item for which I was paying for (this does happen with COTD a lot as their servers are quite bad) but in this case I do not agree as COTD didn't promise you a freebie. They have 500 to give away and they did just that, not exactly smoothly but they did. It's my personal opinion that because it's a freebie that COTD didn't have to promise me anything, you obviously disagree and that is completely up to you. So your view of service is that is should be up to scratch no matter how much the item is. I disagree (in the instance of an online freebie) and I'm guessing that the person that did you wrong by calling you names had a same similar opinion. I have no doubt that there is some that do agree with you. Fair enough, it is completely up to the individual.

                  • -2

                    @x Moe: But here is the catch, I did have to do something, a task if you will to get the freebie as such. I went onto facebook and did what they asked me to do in order to ensure the freebie became available. Its like this, there are many many other products / samples what have you that are posted as freebies on this site where all you have to do is go and apply to receive it. Now tell me this in some rare cases those sites dont send out any samples or provide any type of service as you would feel they should have, does that mean because it was free they are entitled to do whatever they want. From my experience on OZbargain any site that does not send out the sample or freebie item gets attacked for not doing so.

                    The other catch is that COTD have done this many many times before and never seem to learn from their mistakes, at least when it comes to alot of the other bargain sites listed on ozbargain they seem to learn from their mistakes and fix things up or try to improve the customer experience. COTD has never seemed to improve it, their servers still have major issues, they still provide lots of limited sale items or special sale days or special priced items that cause all sorts of chaos and mayhem and in the end nowhere near enough is kept in stock. Freebie or not the onus is on the seller to fix up certain issues. Dont forget they are meant to abide to certain rules and legislations put forth by the ACCC, the bait and switch for instance is talked about a lot with this site in the past.

                    • +1

                      @lonewolf: like I said completely up to the individual's expectation of service. You are however comparing two separate parts in the exchange of capital for an item (the psychological delivery compared to the physical delivery). Anyway man, I think we have obtained the record of the longest bargain discussion so I'm done plus I should really for studying for exams. Cheers for the discussion though, its always healthy.

        • "because it should be about first in best dressed, not random luck"
          i disagree, it should be about luck because if it was first in best dressed, all the freebies will go to rich people who can afford to have fast internet connections

  • No reason to get upset or to give negatives.i didn't get one cause of an error within the first minute but that's life ;)
    I'm just wondering if anyone buys anything from them(does the promotion work?) or we are just all waiting for the freebies?

    • yeah they have alot of normal buyers trust me, but a whole load more when it comes to freebies i'm guessing lol

  • so yeah i got these at home, they aren't good (sound quality and the 3.5mm jack build) but for free you can't go wrong.

  • I got a pair in the first minute :)

  • +1

    I forgot about this so I am negging. ;)

  • gosh i cant believe the negatives, it is something for nothing. It is an amazing community of people here who share such bargains cos otherwise a lot of us would have no idea that these deals even exist. nobody is losing anything. like others said it is more like a competition. I am sure people missed out on the lcd protector, the free bike tool (only 300 available of these) (where are the negative votes here) … i am not sure how it all works but the seemingly random times of the other freebies mean that if you are lucky enough to be online at the time you might score yourself a freebie, if you are not online you won't. Giving a set time means more people have an even chance to score themselves a freebie. after that it is just pot luck.

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