This was posted 8 years 6 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Pepe's Frozen Whole Duck 1.8 Kg $9.49 (½ Price) @ Woolworths

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Was at the checkout today and noticed a woman with a trolley full of these and thought mmmm Roasted Duck for Father's Day lunch.

Edit: Seems some states have different weights so price is determined by using $5.27 per KG.

This is part of Father's Day deals for 2016.

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closed Comments

  • Is it easy to cook?
    I've never actually cook whole duck. Saw some roast duck recipe on YouTube, and it doesn't seems that hard.

    • I guess the hardest part is to make the skin crispy

      • +3

        Its is not that hard. You need to know that you cannot cook duck like chicken.

        to make the skin crispy, the skin needs to be DRY.

        Another good and easy way is to braise the duck in dark soy sauce.

        • +1

          That's exactly what I saw on YouTube.
          They just baste the duck on sauce few times, then put it in oven.

          I find it a bit strange as the duck is not marinated.

    • +1

      Regular basting is the key to keeping the duck moist.

    • its freaking hard. my roast duck always turns out really dry as especially the breast. its definaely not like chicken.

    • +1

      The official duck supplier to all the Chinese restaurants in Melbourne. The guy has a duckopoly in Vic

    • +1

      i dont' know what is weirder, the pic or the upvotes. Its just weird…

      • Unfortunately that's the world we live in.
        The weirder it gets, the more popular it will be.

        • look, look, it is, it's just getting more…omg

  • +1

    Quack Quack, bread and duck under the table…
    definitely a good sauce helps

  • +4…

    Chef’s Hint
    Duck reheats really well so cook it ahead of time or the day before, joint it when it is cool and then reheat the portions skin side up in a hot oven or under a hot grill. Always serve the sauce on the plate, not over the crispy skin of the duck.

    • -2

      Too bad luv a ducks taste crap.

  • +7

    Trolley full - that's why I never get any…

    • +6

      Best you duck into woolies early tonight before it runs out

      • +2

        Make it real early as they fly out.

  • +15

    The official duck of the alt-right

    • +9

      Sweet jesus this is a very tasty meme.

      • +1

        Kek <—this one

  • +12

    At this price, it's really worth confitting your own duck. My routine each May for the past 3 years has been to buy a couple of whole ducks and break them down into breast/leg/carcass. Freeze the breasts, render the carcass and then slow-cook the legs in the rendered fat, then store the legs in that fat for a cassoulet or even to shred through meals.

    It's very cost effective given that two breasts alone cost about $12-15 to buy, and a pot of duck fat is another $6. And then there's the cost of confit duck legs……

    • +5

      there's also the cost of "YOUR TIME" .. its kinda the reason allot of people go out to eat or buy the per-prepaired meats ..preparing and cooking your meals is always cheaper as long as you have lots of left overs to freeze and store for many more meals.. i made chicken soup last night with only free range chicken legs! (less work then preparing a whole chicken but cheaper then breast pieces) cut off some leg skin and boil those for over 1 1/2 hours along with butternut pumpkin, leek, onions, carrots and a small amount of whatever other veggies you like, pepper, salt, mixed spices and mixed herbs.. walla 8L of soup

    • Freeze the breasts, render the carcass and then slow-cook the legs in the rendered fat, then store the legs in that fat for a cassoulet or even to shred through meals.

      Great, this one duck will provide a few recipes: duck breast for duck a l'orange, duck legs for duck config. When you say carcass, do you mean everything else that are not the legs and breasts - to render for fat? If not, what else can you do with the wings etc. Thanks for any tips :-).

      • +3

        When you say carcass, do you mean everything else that are not the legs and breasts

        Pretty much - duck wings have far less meat than chicken wings. Also if you confit the legs, it's fairly labour-intensive so may be worth getting a second duck. Also, never throw out the fat after you use the confit legs - roast potatoes in duck fat!

        • +1

          Thanks very much! Oh yes, love the fat.
          I will get a few, if they are available… doubtful now that this deal seems so popular :-)

  • +2

    They are advertised on the front page of the woolworths catalogue starting today pepe's ducks frozen 1.6kg $8.49 1/2 price.

  • Which Duck Species is it?

    • +12

      The tasty one.

      • +2

        Blue-winged Shoveler wasn't allowed to be hunted this year…

        • OOOPPPPSSSSSssss…

        • +1

          Do you really think that there is a guy called Pepe who goes out and hunts for ducks, then sells them to supermarkets?

          These are farmed, domesticated ducks.

        • @Kleetus:

          Do you really think that there is a guy called Pepe who goes out and hunts for ducks

        • @jv:

          Pepe is adorable.

        • +1

          And tasty 😊

    • +1

      Mallard, I assume. Unless you find lead pellets in it.

    • +2


    • +1

      Scrooge McDuck

    • The ozbargain one

  • +24

    At that price it'll be quite a rare Pepe…

    • +1

      get out.

      • +10


    • +1

      it's going to to crash the markets!

  • without any butchering experience, what's the best way to cut this up into separate portions?

    • +3

      1/2 down the middle first, with one wing and one leg on each side, then 1/2 again, ending with 4 quaters.

    • +5

      Just pull it apart like a christmas bon-bon.

  • +14

    I only clicked on this to look at the rare pepe references. Was worth it.

    • +1

      I don't get it. Any connection other than the name Pepe?
      ie why that Pepe and not Pepe le Pew, or Pepe the footballer jokes?

      Quelle est? Une king-sized femme cannard. Acres and acres of her, and she is mine, all mine!

  • +10

    Upvoted for rare pepe.

  • +3

    great value, use your leftovers to make hoisin duck spring rolls

  • +3

    Fiji Style Spicy Duck Curry on the menu tonight i suppose,

  • +2

    Saw this is in the catalogue also. My dad loves roast duck so this is great for fathers day.

  • +5


    • Toplel

  • +1

    Tried to order some online.. says unavailable.. grrrr

    • Someone probably bought them all to send overseas.

      • Actually it's cheaper overseas……

    • Depends if available at your Woolies. Try changing your online store. Available online for me.

  • +4

    Pepe? Sure it's a duck and not a sad frog?

    • Could be worse. They could be using Pepe's image on the front and end up getting sued for IP infringement, like this little example here. :0

    • pepe is smug these days, not sad.

  • +5

    please no eat. pepe is good frog.

  • +3

    $12.49 for 2.4KG (1/2 price) @ Lidcombe 2141

  • Been to 3 different Woolworths none of them are selling the ducks?

    • +2

      Are you sure they are not selling, or have they all been sold?

      • +1

        Grab a raincheck, don't want to miss out.

  • All taken by the Chinese restaurants. That price is Peking crazy!

  • +2

    Looks like they learnt from their deceptive conduct charge

    19 December 2012

    The Federal Court has ordered by consent that Pepe’s Ducks Ltd pay $375,000 in civil pecuniary penalties and $25,000 in costs arising from statements made that its ducks were ‘open range’ and ‘grown nature’s way’, in circumstances where the ducks grown by Pepe’s Ducks were raised in barns and were not allowed to spend any of their time outdoors.…

    No more grown nature's way!

  • I like my duck meat meduim-rare.
    Anywan triyed to kook this meduim-rare?

    • take it off the heat 5 mins earlier?

      • +2

        Make sure you let it rest before serving.

  • +1

    Went to 4 different Woolies and none had any in stock.

    • Yeap, they are hard to find. Best to take a raincheck on it.

  • +1

    Still on sale at stud park Woolworth. A whole fridge full of rare Pepe.

    • I've been to all the Woolies in my area and have not seen 1 duck.

    • +1

      Still available online at this price in my Brisbane store.
      Reported. Now updated as unexpired deal.

  • +1

    Blue Water Square (Redcliffe QLD) has about 40 in stock

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