I'm a recent permanent resident, soon to be citizen, and think now is the time to finally commit to a long term future in Aus. One major part of this is figuring out what to do with my current and future savings.
Current scenario:
* Salary: $120k
* Savings: $115k (currently in a Savings account @3%)
* Shares: ~$30k (acquired through ESOP - not currently liquid)
* Super: $70k
* No outstanding debt, and paying $1.6k per month rent. I am not a penny counter, but am not silly with day-to-day expenses either
* I live with my girlfriend, but I don't think we are at a stage to buy or invest together just yet
Ideally I would like an investment property, but that would wipe out most of my savings. Also, with all of my family overseas I need to keep a buffer $10-20k for unforeseen emergencies.
- Is investing through SMSF difficult/possible/a good idea?
- Should I buy an investment property instead of savings?
- Should I buy shares instead of savings?
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Somnus the first question you have to ask yourself is "where do I feel comfortable putting my money". It's not up to anyone else to decide this for you but you alone as it your money you've worked hard for.
However I don't mind sharing personal experience and you can pick and choose from my story what to take and what to throw away (and please note none is by any means to be taken as advice and you should seek professional advice when appropriate):
I found property to be my comfort for my investment portfolio. I feel it's quite conservative and despite what people claim about the ups and downs I figure this:
1 - People always need a place to live
2 - You can't create land
3 - Go to a bank with a title and they'll be your best friend, go with a portfolio of shares and they won't want to know you. So if the banks see value I must be on a winner…!
That being said I also have a little bit of shares but went into the share game prepared to lose money (which I have by the way).