Went down to my local bunnings and they have the Aeg heated hoodie for $29 and the jacket for $99. The jacket comes with a battery and charger. There were a few sizes available and can confirm it's nationwide
AEG Heated Hoodie $29 | Heated Jacket $99 @ Bunnings

Last edited 26/08/2016 - 11:35 by 1 other user
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How much is the battery?
Probably $89.00 - battery and charger.
Battery and charger sold separately
does the hoodie comes with battery?
You should link the Bunnings site, not the AEG one
I don't believe that Bunnings has any hoodie/jacket clothing items listed on the site.
While that might be the case then the op should link to the Bunnings homepage or better yet upload a picture of the deal.
Do u have a receipt showing charger and batt with the jacket? Ie the product code
Edit: yeah jacket has battery and charger included.
Protip, check the box first if it has been opened. First one I tried was a 3XL in an XL box.
Hoodie, battery sold separately.
Jacket, battery included.Great in summer to help you lose weight.
so i can eat twice as much dominos & nuggets if im wearing this?? win!!
does it come with car adapter incase the supplied battery goes flat ?
not included, have to buy separately.
It isn't listed on bunnings.com.au but is on their NZ web site https://www.bunnings.co.nz/search/products?q=aeg%20heated&re…
Bunnings celebrates. A Bunnings exec was quoted as not saying:
"The Final Tits-Up Masters Clearance. We did it!"
Guys in my line of work wearing this under their uniform instead of a coat.. Just wear a coat.
Nationwide is a bit misleading. Due to trading laws in WA these will most likely only be available through Armadale and Bunbury Bunnings, if at all.
Can I request clarification? Specifically, which trading laws and why is Armadale exempt? Without making comments about Armadale the suburb ;)
Probably the Sunday trading laws.
If Bunnings is classified as a hardware store it can open from 6 am on Sunday, if it is general retail (as Masters is due to the sale of white goods) then it can only open at 11 am.
Clothing of this nature may be sufficient to move them into the general category.
Ahh, sweet. Damn, I'm 45 mins north of Armadale. Hmm, might have to look out for this, wife can't stand the cold. Stupid really, she's freaking Scottish. Cheers
These products are powered by power tool batteries. One would hope that there would be enough flexibility in the law to cover something like that.
Can Bunnings not sell its branded hats there?
Armadale warehouse has restricted trading hours while Bunbury City deregulated their trading hours so Bunbury warehouse is also allowed to stock everything (appliances, interior lighting, air conditioners etc).
Steel cap gum boots are able to be sold in all stores, while steel cap work boots are not. Sometimes the line between yes and no is ridiculous.
Update: Info from Armadale store, Bunnings decided to re-stock them, but didn't send any to WA. We haven't had them for about a year.
Sorry folks :(
I tried.
Bought 2 of the hoodies.
Not sure about the hoodie, it feels kind of uncomfortable with the wires and connectors. The jacket is good though you can't feel the wires, only the hot titties. Great value if you have the other 12V AEG tools like I do.
I'm thinking about just stripping out the heating crap from the hoodie, as its quite a nice hoodie for $29.
12v …… use the cars cigarette lighter or 12 v power pack and use at home instead of heating the whole house…..I need to get one just as a conversation piece when people come to visit …… run extension lead when outside smoking on cold night…..
off to Bunnings to get one :-)
Not sure how the sizes compare, but just for reference. I bought a Milwaukee heated hoodie and normally wear a size L but had to go down to a M for it to work. The hoodie needs to be a "snug" fit or you won't feel a thing :)
Had a look in Bunnings Eltham VIC, no sign of them and they are not in the fathers day catalogue.
im guessing if it gets wet u get a nice little shock to the brain?
not enough to kill but may get you erect!XXL only left at oakleigh. Marked at $99
Price in title :)